The Department of Organization and Management of Pharmaceutical Business congratulates on the holiday "Ulystyn uly kuni - Nauryz!"

On March 18, 2022, the Department of Organization and Management of Pharmaceutical Business hosted the holiday " Ulystyn uly kuni - Nauryz!" organized by the acting Dean of the specialty "Pharmacy", associate Professor, PhD Doctor Umurzakhova G. Zh., 4th year students and the teaching staff of the Department of OFD.

The head of the department, Professor K. D. Shertaeva congratulated all colleagues on a great holiday, expressed her sincere will for human happiness, creative success, well-being in business, well-being in our country!

The teaching staff and students met the holiday with a good mood and treats at a specially prepared table.
We sincerely congratulate everyone on the holiday "Ulystyn uly kuni - Nauryz"!

29.03.2022, 12:21