Department of Social Health Insurance and public health
History of the department
The Department of “Social medicine and healthcare management with the course on the organization of emergency assistance in emergencies and medical history” was organized by order No. 35 dated 31.01.1995 at The Shymkent State Medical Institute (SSMI). The first Head was the Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Zh.T. Turlybekov. The Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor A. N. Kulmahanov, The Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor K. Pernebaev, The Candidate of medical science, senior lecturer M.A. Buleshov and assistants: R.S. Zhienbayev, A.R. Akhmetov, R.S. Bekturganov participated in the opening of the department. The main direction of research activity of the Department was “Protection of the environment and the health of the population of the southern region of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
The Department of “Social medicine and healthcare management with the course on the organization of emergency assistance in emergencies and medical history” united with the Department of General hygiene and ecology in 1998-1999 academic year. The Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor B.E. Altynbekov headed the united Department.
The Doctor of Medical Science, Professor O.D. Dairbekov headed the Department of “Social Medicine, Health Economics” in the 1999-2000 academic year.
Since 2001, The Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M.A. Buleshov headed the Department.
The department has been training undergraduates in the scientific and pedagogical direction since 2007.
Under the leadership of the head of the department, 2 research projects were implemented: “Identification of problems with the introduction of compulsory social health insurance in medical institutions (on the example of Shymkent)”, “Academy of Health”.
Since 2009, the training of undergraduates in scientific, pedagogical and specialized areas has begun.
Since the 2021-2022 academic year, the preparation of doctoral candidates Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) has begun.
At the department, the Faculty of Continuous Professional Development (FCPD) also trains attendees.
Since June 2018, Head of the Department is the Candidate of Medical Sciences, acting Associate Professor G.Zh. Sarsenbayeva.
Sarsenbayeva Gulzat Zhanabayevna
Head of the Department “Social health insurance and public health”
Tasks of the Department of “Social health insurance and public health”:
Formation of students' ability to apply the basic principles of prevention, personnel management in the activities of medical organizations and their departments.
Basic training courses:
I, II, III, IV courses of specialty 5B110200 – «Public health»
II, IV courses of specialty 5B110100 - «Nursing»
II, III courses of specialty 5B130100 - «General medicine»
To the specialty 5В110200 – “Public health”
1. “Introduction to the specialty” is taught in Kazakh language.
2. “Basics of evidence-based medicine” is taught in Kazakh and Russian languages.
3. “Basics of public health” is taught in Kazakh and Russian languages.
4. “Healthcare statistics” is taught in Kazakh and Russian languages.
5. “Basics of management and marketing” is taught in Kazakh and Russian languages.
6. “Basics of financing and Economics in health care” is taught in Kazakh and Russian languages.
7. “Social medicine” is taught in Kazakh and Russian languages.
8. “Public health” is taught in Kazakh and Russian languages.
9. “Health information systems” is taught in Kazakh and Russian languages.
10. “HR-management in healthcare” is taught in Kazakh language.
11. “Social medical insurance” is taught in Kazakh language.
12. “Health system quality control” is taught in Kazakh language.
13. “Medico-social protection of the population” is taught in Kazakh language.
14. “Medical legislation” is taught in Kazakh and Russian languages.
To the specialty 5В110100 – “Nursing”
1. “Compulsory social medical insurance” is taught in Kazakh language.
2. “Electronic Health System” is taught in Kazakh and Russian languages.
3. “Health insurance” is taught in Kazakh and Russian languages.
To the specialty 5В130100 – “General medicine”
1. “Public health and public health ethics” is taught in Kazakh, Russian and English languages.
2. “Basics of evidence-based medicine” is taught in Kazakh, Russian and English languages.
3. “CSHI and medical law” is taught in Kazakh, Russian and English languages.
To the specialty 5В130300 – “Pediatrics”
1. “Public health and public health ethics” is taught in Kazakh and Russian languages.
2. “Basics of evidence medicine” is taught in Kazakh and Russian languages.
Updatability of the disciplines read – The department upgraded disciplines annually.
Scientific priorities of the department: public health, evidence-based medicine in healthcare, legislation in healthcare, ethics and deontology, social aspects of health, policy and management in healthcare, digitalization in healthcare.
The department currently employs:
1. Sarsenbayeva Gulzat Zhanabayevna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the department
2. Anartaeva Mariam Ulasbekovna – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
3. Sadibekova Zhanat Umirbekovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor
4. Sultanbekov Kasymkhan Adilkhanovich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor
5. Tokkuliyeva Bakhyt Bolatovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor
6. Beisembayeva Zaurekul Igorovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor
7. Toltaev Bakytzhan Sanakulovich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor
8. Abdrakhmanova Zinat Batyrkhanovna – PhD, Acting Associate Professor
9. Almenov Sergazy Tuimebaevich – PhD
10. Zhaksylyk Alikhan Altynkhanovich – PhD, doctoral student
11. Kurbanova Karlygash Tastanbekovna – Master, senior lecturer
12. Zhanar Yesenbekovna Mugalbekova – Senior lecturer
13. Pavlova Elena Viktorovna – Senior lecturer
14. Musirepova Zabira Jailaubayevna – Senior lecturer
15. Kudyarova Saltanat Abatovna – Master, senior lecturer
16. Magay Lyubov Nikolayevna – Master, senior lecturer
17. Nesipbaeva Zamzagul Zholdasbekovna – Master, senior lecturer.
18. Serikbai Saltanat Smilkyzy – Master, senior lecturer
19. Mizamov Dauren Mukhtaruly – Master, teacher
20. Bekzhanova Nazym Aidarovna – Master, senior lecturer
21. Myrzabayeva Gulbara Aribzhanovna – Senior laboratory assistant
22. Begembetova Aisapar Kemelbekovna – Senior laboratory assistant
23. Ainabekova Madina Erkinbekovna – Laboratory assistant
Address and contact details:
Address: JSC "SKMA" building № 2, 5 th floor
Tel: 8(7252) 39-57-57 (ext: 1064)