

1.1The rules for placement and residence in the hostel (hereinafter referred to as the rules) of the joint stock company "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy" (hereinafter JSC "SKMA") were developed in accordance with subparagraph 46-13 of Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 "On Education" in in accordance with the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 22, 2016 No. 66.
1.2. The rules are a systemic regulatory act of JSC "SKMA", the implementation of which is mandatory for the dean's office and all residents of the dormitory of JSC "SKMA".
1.3. The places of residence of JSC "SKMA" are intended for temporary residence of students.
1.4 The procedure for allocating places in the dormitory of JSC "SKMA" is determined by these Regulations, taking into account the grounds and priority of allocating places in the dormitory to students.


2.1 Places in the dormitory are allocated by a specially created commission.
2.2 The rector of JSC “SKMA” determines the quantitative and personal composition of the commission for the distribution of places in the hostel (hereinafter referred to as the commission), as well as its term of office.
2.3 The Commission includes:
- representative of the management staff of JSC "SKMA" - vice-rector of JSC "SKMA", responsible for coordinating the placement of students in the dormitory;
- representative of the student government organization;
- dean or deputy dean of the faculty, responsible for accommodation in the dormitory;
- Representative of the Department of Social Issues and Youth Policy.
2.4 The vice-rector of JSC “SKMA”, who is responsible for coordinating the placement of students in the dormitory, is appointed as the chairman of the commission.
2.5 Main tasks of the Commission:
- objective consideration of applications and making decisions that do not infringe on the rights and interests of students;
- making a decision based on the results of the commission meeting.


3.1 The commission distributes places in the dormitory in accordance with the distribution order.
3.2 Places in the dormitory are provided primarily to students of the following categories of JSC "SKMA":
- persons with disabilities from among the disabled;
- disabled since childhood;
- disabled people of groups I and II; disabled children; orphans and children left without parental care;
- persons with disabilities in both parents or one of the parents;
- persons left without parental care when they reached the age of majority;
- other OVPO students;
- children of parents equal to participants in the Great Patriotic War and disabled people in terms of benefits and guarantees;
- persons from among rural youth who entered specialties that determine the socio-economic development of the village, as well as “oralmans” who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- students enrolled in the first year who are holders of the “Altyn Belgi” sign, students who have received a certificate of winner of a presidential, international and republican Olympiad and/or competition, as well as applicants who have graduated from an educational institution with honors and have a supporting document of education (certificates, certificate, diploma);
- first-year students enrolled in training under a state educational grant, who scored high scores based on the results of the Unified National Testing or comprehensive testing, entrance exams conducted by the organization, or disciplines in the form of testing;
The competition committee allocates places in the dormitory taking into account the following factors:
- when students receive an equal score based on the results of disciplines conducted by the organization of unified national testing or complex testing, entrance exams in a discipline or in the form of testing, approved by Resolution of the State Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 25, 2008 No. 64, priority is given to persons entitled to receiving state targeted social assistance from families, as well as persons who do not receive state targeted social assistance, students and pupils from families with an average per capita income below the subsistence level and orphans, in accordance with the rules for the formation, direction of expenditure and accounting of funds allocated for providing financial and material assistance to children without parental care living in families, children from families requiring emergency assistance as a result of emergencies, and other categories of students and pupils. If a certificate is provided confirming that the applicant (family) is a recipient of state social assistance provided by local executive bodies, the financial situation of the student will be taken into account.
- senior students who have achieved high results in educational, scientific and social work.
- students from other regions of Kazakhstan and remote areas of the region;
- children of mothers awarded with pendants “Altyn alka”, “Kumis alka”;
- students from low-income and large families;
- students who entered the university under a rural quota (availability of a certificate of residential address in the village);
3.3 Foreign citizens from among the students are provided with places in dormitories in accordance with international and intergovernmental treaties.
3.4 If there are places in the dormitory, it is planned to provide places in the dormitory to all students who have submitted an application.
3.5 Based on the results of consideration of applications, the commission makes a decision on providing a place in the hostel.
3.6 The commission makes a decision on providing a place in a dormitory if a student’s need for housing arises for reasons of unforeseen family, financial and other circumstances, as well as on eviction from the dormitory on a reasonable proposal for non-compliance with the rules of living in the dormitory or the charter of the organization.
3.7 The Commission gradually distributes places in dormitories:
in accordance with changes in the number of students living in dormitories, as well as during the academic year for the reasonable placement of transferred or newly admitted students, as necessary.
3.8 Based on the list compiled for living in a dormitory signed by the chairman of the commission, the student is given a direction to provide a place in the dormitory.
3.9 Accommodation in a dormitory is carried out on the basis of a rental agreement for a place of residence with the head of the dormitory (commandant), an identity card and a health certificate, an address certificate and a certificate certifying membership in the above categories (all certificates must be notarized).
3.10 When moving into a dormitory, students must familiarize themselves with these Rules, the internal labor regulations of SKMA JSC, familiarize themselves with the safety instructions for operating electrical installations and household radios, familiarize themselves with the established procedure for operating individual electrical installations and the procedure for freeing up space in the dormitory.
3.11 The amount of payment for accommodation in the dormitory of JSC "SKMA" is established by the economic planning department and approved by the rector.
3.12 Payment for accommodation in a dormitory is charged for the entire duration of residence there (academic year), including vacation time; when students return home during the vacation period, payment for bedding and additional services is not charged.
3.13 In the event of termination of the rental agreement, the resident must vacate the place within three days and hand over the place of residence to the head of the hostel (commandant) in a clean and working condition.
3.14. Parents of students living in the dormitory and students arriving for advanced training, applicants and their parents can stay in the dormitory with a daily fee. These citizens are required to provide the head of the hostel (commandant) with permission from the head of the department, the secretary of the admissions committee and a receipt for payment.
3.15. Applicants and applicants for preparatory courses from near and far abroad are provided with a hostel before being enrolled as students. According to them, an order for admission to the hostel is issued. If an applicant does not enroll, by order of the rector, he is expelled from the dormitory.
5.16. Acceptance of an application and provision of the result of a public service:
1) JSC "OKMA" (by submitting a written application or submitting an online application through the platonus program);
2) the "electronic government" web portal;
3) is carried out through a subscriber mobile device registered on the "electronic government" web portal.
5.17. To be accommodated in a dormitory, an applicant shall submit the following documents: Details of identity documents, death certificate of parents (for orphans), certificate of recipient of pension/age allowance (for children from large families), disability certificate in the form approved by the order of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population dated June 29, 2023 No. 260 "On approval of the principles of conducting medical and social examination" (registered in the State Register of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 32922), Kazakhstan State social assistance to the applicant (family) in accordance with the rules for the appointment and payment of state social assistance approved by order of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic - Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population No. 227 dated June 21, 2023 (registered in the State Register of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 32885) The service provider receives information confirming the identity of the recipients from the relevant state information systems via the "electronic government" gateway.
If the recipient of the service fails to submit a complete set of documents and (or) submits expired documents, OKMA JSC refuses to accept the application and issues a receipt of refusal to accept documents in accordance with these Rules.
5.18. For students arriving at the OKMA JSC dormitory outside working hours, the "Akhualdik Center" is open 24 hours a day from August of each academic year. Students arriving from other regions and cities of the republic are accommodated in specially designated rooms from 18:00 to 09:00. 



4.1 The procedure for entering and leaving the hostel is as follows:
- contacts the watchmen on duty around the clock regarding the order and safety of living in the hostel;
- the requirement of the hostel administration to comply with the established order in the hostel is applied to all residents equally;
- to enter the dormitory, residents are issued a pass according to the established pattern. The pass is the main document for entering the hostel. A guest arriving at the hostel enters by presenting an identification card;
- the duty officer should not allow students who arrived after 22.00 into the dormitory;
- persons not living in the dormitory can enter the dormitory from 14.00 to 18.00 only at the invitation of residents. Residents are required to meet the guest at the duty officer. In this case, the identity card of the guest on duty and the pass of this resident remain with the commandant;
- in case of a guest’s return, the resident must accompany him to the duty officer; a person who does not live in the dormitory may stay there with the consent of other residents of this premises;
- guests, including family members of students of JSC "SKMA", have the right to temporary accommodation in guest rooms of the dormitory (if available), subject to availability;
- responsibility for guests’ compliance with these Rules and internal labor regulations rests with the inviting resident of the hostel;
- in case of violation of the rules of the hostel during a temporary guest stay in the hostel with explanations from the persons who committed the violation, the head of the hostel (commandant) sends a corresponding official letter to the head of the department for taking disciplinary measures;
- the duty officer has the right to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the dormitory if there are concerns that there may be violations in the dormitory. An appeal against such a decision can be resolved through the head of the hostel (commandant
- any rude treatment of hostel employees, refusal to present a pass and identification card are a gross violation of these rules and internal labor regulations.


Residents of the dormitory have the right:
- live in the residential premises assigned to them for the entire period of study, subject to these Rules, internal labor regulations and the rental agreement for the place of residence;
- use premises for independent work, places for cultural and social events, installations and equipment of the hostel;
- has the right to contact the head of the hostel (commandant) with an application for timely repairs and replacement of failed installations and equipment through no fault of the resident;
- form a student council of the hostel and be elected to its membership;
- the hostel, through the student council, has the right to resolve issues related to improving living conditions, proper organization of educational work and leisure.


6.1 Residents of the dormitory are obliged to:
- fulfill the terms of the agreement concluded with JSC “SKMA” on the rental of a place of residence;
- submit documents for registration at the location and military registration in the prescribed manner and time;
- from the moment you are in the hostel, register temporarily at the hostel (remains the place of registration of residence) and leave registration when the hostel is released;
- receive guests at the time specified in paragraph 6 of these Rules;
- promptly pay for accommodation in the hostel, the use of bedding and all paid services provided in the established amount;
- maintain peace and quiet when using places for independent work and places for cultural and social events and not interfere with the use of these places by other residents;
- strictly comply with these Rules, safety rules, fire safety rules;
- strictly follow the operating instructions for household electrical equipment;
- carefully use special places and equipment, installations in the hostel;
- consume electricity and water economically;
- maintain cleanliness and order in the use of the place of residence and common areas, clean your rooms daily, and in the dining room according to the duty schedule;
- in case of causing material damage, compensate it in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the rental agreement for the place of residence;
- at the request of the hostel workers, present an identity card and a pass to the hostel;
- in order to monitor the implementation of these Rules, check the integrity of property, carry out preventive and other types of work, provide the administration of JSC “SKMA” and (or) the hostel with the opportunity to inspect residential rooms;
6.2 Residents of the hostel are prohibited from:
- independently move from one room to another;
- independently transport equipment from one room to another;
- independently carry out reconstruction of electrical wiring and repair of the electrical system;
- in the period from 22:00 to 07.00 watch TV, use radios, tape recorders and other devices that produce loud sounds, perform actions that disturb the peace of residents living in other rooms;
- stick up announcements, class schedules, etc. on the walls of living rooms, walls of common areas, except for specially designated areas;
- smoking in the dormitory;
- allow unauthorized persons into the hostel and (or) overnight stay in the hostel in violation of the established procedure; provide places of residence to other persons, including residents of other rooms;
- visit the hostel while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, consume and store alcoholic beverages;
The following are prohibited in the dormitory:
- sale of alcohol and drugs;
- installation of additional locks or alteration of locks or their replacement without the permission of the head (commandant) of the hostel;
- use of open fire sources at the place of residence;
- keeping pets in the hostel;
- storing bulky items that disturb roommates.


The hostel administration has the right:
- make proposals to improve living conditions in the hostel;
-together with the student council of the hostel, submit proposals on imposing disciplinary sanctions on residents who violate internal order for consideration by the head of the department.


The administration of JSC "SKMA" is obliged to:
- provide students with places in the dormitory in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the standards of living in the dormitory, the Regulations on the dormitory of JSC "SKMA";
- inform about systemic regulations governing the issues of living in a dormitory when students move into a dormitory and during their further residence in it;
- maintain the dormitory premises in the required condition in accordance with established sanitary rules and standards;
- conclude and execute a rental agreement for residential premises with students;
- equip the hostel with furniture, appliances, bedding and other equipment;
- staff the hostel to ensure high-quality maintenance of the established order;
- provide residents of the hostel with the necessary utilities and other services, places for independent work and provide places for holding cultural, recreational and sports events;
- in case of contracting a dangerous disease, temporarily transfer residents of the dormitory to special rooms based on medical recommendations;
- provide support to the student council of the hostel in the development of educational student self-government on issues of self-service, improvement of working conditions, improvement of life and recreation of the population;
- implement measures to improve everyday, cultural and living conditions in the hostel, take timely measures to implement the proposals of residents, inform them about the measures taken;
- provide a heating system and lighting to all areas of the dormitory in accordance with sanitary requirements and labor protection rules;
- provide the necessary equipment, equipment, tools and materials when carrying out cleaning, maintenance, arrangement of the hostel and assigned territory;
- ensure compliance with security and established procedures on the territory of the hostel.


ensure the availability of documents for registration of residents at points of arrival;
- control and ensure temporary registration of residents of the hostel (passport officer);
- maintain dormitories in accordance with established sanitary standards and rules;
- provide the hostel with furniture, amenities, sleeping places and other equipment;
- ensure regular maintenance of the dormitory, equipment, structures, maintain the territory adjacent to the dormitory, and landscaping at the proper level;
- carry out urgent repairs of faults in the pipeline system, electrical network, and water supply network of the hostel;
- provide dormitory residents with the necessary places for work, places of rest and living rooms;
- conduct a daily inspection of all places of the hostel in order to identify deficiencies in the operating conditions and sanitary condition of the hostel premises;
- change bed linen at least once every 10 days;
- use household appliances and equipment of dormitory residents, provided they comply with instructions on the safety of equipment and the use of household electrical appliances when using household appliances and appliances;
- improve the living conditions of the student council of the hostel, strengthen the work of the hostel on issues of life and recreation for residents;
- take measures to implement residents’ proposals, inform them about the measures being taken;
- provide the necessary premises, equipment, tools and materials during voluntary cleaning, maintenance, improvement of the hostel and the approved territory;
- provide residents and staff living in the dormitory with fire safety and public safety.


10.1 The representative of student self-government in the dormitory is the student council of the dormitory (hereinafter referred to as the student council); it can be an authorized representative representing the interests of residents. The student council of the hostel regulates the activities of leaders, organizes the work of the hostel for self-service, encourages voluntary performance of socially useful work in the hostel and in the surrounding area, helps the hostel administration to carefully use the material objects entrusted to the population, and organizes cultural events.
The student council of the hostel carries out its work on the basis of these Regulations.
10.2 A person in charge is elected in each dorm room. The person in charge of the room ensures that the property in the room is handled with care and that the room is kept clean and tidy.
The person responsible for the room in his work is guided by the decisions of the student council for staying in the dormitory and the dormitory administration.


11.1 For violation of these Rules, at the proposal of the hostel administration, measures that have a public and disciplinary relationship are applied in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the charter of JSC "SKMA" and internal labor regulations.
Disciplinary action in the form of eviction from the hostel is carried out by order of the rector upon the recommendation of the Commission.
11.2 The following disciplinary sanctions are imposed on a resident who has violated the obligations provided for by the charter of JSC "SKMA" and the internal labor regulations:
- warning;
- reprimand;
- eviction from the hostel;
- eviction in case of violation of the rental agreement for residential premises in the hostel.
11.3 The imposition of a disciplinary sanction is formalized by order of the rector upon the proposal of the head of the department


12.1 Residents may be evicted from the hostel in the following cases:
- violation of hygienic and sanitary requirements for the place of residence;
- if the place of residence is damaged by residents or persons under their responsibility;
- in case of refusal to register at the place of stay;
- systematic violation of the rights of other residents of the hostel, disruption of their peace;
- non-payment of accommodation for two months;
- in case of absence for more than two months without written notification to the hostel administration;
- staying in the hostel while intoxicated or using drugs;
- storage, distribution, use of narcotic drugs;
- storage of explosives, chemically hazardous substances, and firearms in the dormitory;
- deduction from JSC “SKMA”;
- in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
12.2 Based on the decision of the commission of SKMA JSC, residents of the dormitory are excluded in the following cases:
- in case of violation of the grounds provided for in the rental agreement for the place of residence:
- expulsion from JSC “SKMA” for violation of these Rules and internal labor regulations before the end of training;
- at the personal requests of residents;
- graduation of students in connection with the completion of their studies at JSC "SKMA".

06.10.2020, 04:54