Department of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology



History of the department


The Department “Technologies of Pharmaceutical Production” began its activity in 2015 according to the order of the Rector of the UCGFA No. 78 on the reorganization of the Department of Technology of Medicines of Engineering Disciplines. The head of the department was appointed Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, docent Torlanova Botagoz Ongarovna.
Currently, the staff of the department includes 1 Doctor of Technological Sciences, 2 candidates of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6 candidates of Technical sciences, 1 Candidate of Economic Sciences and 1 PhD. The Department Technologies of Pharmaceutical Production is a graduate department in the specialty 6B07201 – "Pharmaceutical production Technology".
Since 01.09.2019, the department is headed by с.t.s., acting professor. Arystanbayev K.E.



The head of the department Arystanbaev Kuttybek Esengeldievich



Goals and objectives of the department
- Introduction of nonlinear trajectories for personnel training in accordance with the requirements of the labor market;
- Expansion of academic mobility;
- Integration of education and science, involvement of students in scientific work;
- Opening of a master's degree and Ph-doctorate in the specialty "TPP" in the SKMA;
- Training of competitive specialists who meet the requirements of international standards of education and science;


Educational programs
1. Design of pharmaceutical production (design engineer-designer)
2. Technology pharmaceutical production (equipment maintenance engineer)
3. Joint educational programs with Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Practice bases
In order to train highly qualified specialists, the department is constantly working in close relationship with production bases. The process of passing educational, industrial and diploma practices is an important part of the educational process for students. “Zerde Phyto” LLP, “Ecopharm International” LLP, “SANTO” JSC, “Phyto Apifarm” LLP, etc. act as production bases of the southern region in the specialty " Technology Pharmaceutical Production ". At JSC "SANTO" students take practical classes in the discipline "Automation" in specialized classrooms.





Scientific work of the department


Scientific direction of the department:

Topic/direction of research work



Expected results


Theoretical and applied aspects of technology of extraction preparations from medicinal plant raw materials

Development of technology of extraction preparations from domestic medicinal plant raw materials

Research of the technology of production of domestic extraction preparations from medicinal plant raw materials

Obtaining experimental data on extraction preparations from domestic medicinal plant raw materials using applied technologies


The composition of the department:


1. Arystanbayev Kuttybek Esengeldievich- head of the department, acting prof.
2. Torlanova Botagoz Ongarovna - acting prof.
3. Musabekova Leila Mukhamedzhanovna - acting prof. 
4. Kudaibergenova Zamira Utepbergenovna - acting docent
5. Berdalieva Aydin Abdullaevna - acting docent
6. Ospanova Gulnara Sadykovna- acting docent
7. Kasimbekova Mereke Dauletbekovna - acting docent
8. Omirbaeva Azhar Erzhepovna - acting docent
9. Akhmadieva Kamilya Yerlikovna - acting docent
10. Syzdykova Saulet Akmurzayevna - acting docent
11. Yeginbay Aigerim Muratovna - senior lecturer
12. Umirzakova Uldana Nurali Kizi - senior lecturer
13. Zhuldyzbayev Nugman Esbolganovich - senior lecturer
14. Otey Nurgalym Saulenbekuly - lecturer
15. Turdaly Kuralai Muratovna - lecturer
16. Bakaram Arailym Saikbaevna -  lecturer
17. Egentaeva Aliya Ospanovna - senior lecturer
18. Gabdelkhakova Elena Anatolyevna - senior laboratory assistant
19. Tolegen Nurkyzay Kanybekovna - laboratory assistant
20. Akhmedova Shakhlo Eldarovna - laboratory assistant



The department is located at the address:
Shymkent, Al-Farabi Square 1, main building, 3rd floor, 328-office
Tel: (87252) 39-31-41 (internal 202)





01.10.2020, 10:19