Computer test and publishing center (CTPC)

The Computer Test and Publishing Center (CTPC) was established in 1997 as “Computer, Information and Testing Center”, order №378-к, from 31.10.97, then renamed to “Computer Test and Publishing Center” according to the Rector’s order RSBSE (Republican state budget-supported enterprise) "SKSMA" №286-k from 20.09.2000.


Uksikbaev Maksat Turarovich

Head of CTPC


The main activities of the Computer Test and Publishing Center:

• Intensive introduction of modern information technologies in the educational process;

• Compliance of the material and technical base with the goals and objectives of the JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy";

• Repair, adjustment and maintenance of computer and office equipment, video surveillance, access control systems, turnstiles, technical training tools (computers, printers, scanners, projectors, etc.);

• technical consultation of the Academy staff on training with the use of computer equipment and other technical training aids (TA);

• Installation, setting and configuration of the local network, Internet and telephony connection, technical support of the website and academy e-mail;

• organization and conduct of students’ computer testing in the current, differential and final (block, session, state exam) control of knowledge in disciplines and specialties;

• The introduction, accumulation and use of a bank of test tasks for monitoring students’ knowledge, which is updated annually according to study program;

• During the academic year, computer testing is carried out for the purpose of control (training in the disciplines of the previous course), as well as teaching staff testing on the specialty and Kazakh language for competitions;

• Publication and replication of textbooks, methodological reference, scientific works and other educational forms and documentation at the request of the Academy units;

• The release of the scientific journal " Messenger of the SKMA";

• Participation in the preparation of the acquisition of new and upgrade existing equipment in order to improve the material and technical base of the Academy.


The CTPC staff list includes:

* Head of CTPC

* Lead Engineer LAN

* Lead Telecommunications Engineer

* Lead printing engineer

* Leading expert on the website

* Systems engineer

* Systems engineer

* Electronic engineer

* Electronic engineer

* Electronic engineer

* Engineer AIS programmer

* AIS programmer

* Website Editor

* Operator

* Operator


Regulations on the Computer-test Publishing Center P-044-14-2022



Main building, 2st floor

Теl: 8(7252) 39-57-57 internal 1000


Working hours:

Monday - Friday, 9:00 - 18:00

Saturday: 9:00 - 14:00

Lunch hour: 13:00 - 14:00






29.09.2020, 12:52