Psychological service

Psychological Communication Service of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy!


“There is a character that preserves knowledge and intelligence. Don’t destroy this character “

Abai Kunanbayev!


Psychological service in a higher educational institution within the framework of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education” dated July 27, 2007, orders of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 20, 2022 “On approval of state compulsory standards of higher and postgraduate education” Psychological service is a system of providing psychological support to the educational process, the purpose of which is to create favorable conditions for study and personal growth. development of students, preservation of psychological health.


When should you seek help?
• Self-doubt;
• Emotional instability;
• Dissatisfaction with your life;
• Conflicts with parents and family, problems in relationships with friends and loved ones;
• Anxiety, stress, fear, depression;
• Suicidal thoughts/unwillingness to live;
• Difficulties in the learning process.


Providing psychological support to students:
• Consultations (free, confidential, recorded);
• Group therapy for students;
• Psychological diagnostics;
• Training and seminars on various topics.


A psychologist's office is a place where you can be alone with yourself without worrying about external problems, feeling free and comfortable.


The meeting will last 50 minutes. Consultations are carried out at the request of students.

Dear friend!


Psychological service specialist: Tazhibay Uldana Ganibekovna


If you would like to contact us, you can schedule a consultation by calling +7 771 462 8902
The reception is held in the main building of the academy: from 09:00 a.m to 18:00 p.m anytime that fits you!

What's App: +7 771 462 8902 Instagram: dan_atg

Sincerely, your psychologist!

Psychological counseling is carried out only upon request from a person (or university) in need of psychological help (consultation, support, etc.).





22.02.2023, 08:28