Educational and methodological center

Educational and Methodological Center (EMC) was established by the Order of SKМA № 73p dated from 06.10.08 as a result of reorganization of EMDandM.

EMC is a structural part of the Academy, it works with planning, organization and control of the learning process and teaching work at the Academy to train highly qualified professionals.


The structure of EMC includes:

- Methodological Department;

- Education-Organizing Department; 


The functions of Methodological Department:

- implementing new teaching methods and innovative educational technologies into the educational process;

- organization of activities of educational and methodical nature: scientific and methodological conferences, seminars, competitions;

- formation of annual plan for teaching and methodical activities of the Academy;

- formation of annual plan of intrainstitutional educational manuals publication, its monitoring;

- action plan aimed at ensuring learning process of educational and methodical documentation for teaching skills improving;

- providing departments of standard educational programs;

- maintaining a catalogue of existing standard educational programs;

- providing governing and regulatory documents of higher organizations on educational and methodical work;

- taking part in intra-academic activities for advanced training;

- developing of recommendations on the principles and rules of methodological work in higher education establishments;

- monitoring and analysis of level and condition of methodological work in certain disciplines, departments, faculties; 

- arrangement, storage and usage  of the Academy written and published manuals and those that are received from other educational institutions.


The functions of Education-Organizing Department:

- development and examination of the working curricula of the basic educational programs in accordance with the standard curricula of the State Educational Establishment and presentation to the SKMA Scientific Council for approval;

- Planning and coordination of the educational process, the formation of an academic calendar based on curricula, the schedule of training sessions, examination sessions, tests, examinations and monitoring of their implementation;

- maintenance of a database for calculating the planned load of departments;

- maintenance of a database on the planned and actually executed teaching load by faculty members (faculty);

- control of the distribution of the training load to compile the optimal staffing schedule of the teaching staff;

- analysis of the performance of the teaching load by faculty members;

- providing the departments with documentation, forms, journals, etc. for the educational process;

- preparation of documents for state licensing and institutional accreditation;

- ensuring the readiness of the auditor fund for the new academic year;

- the organization of rational use and distribution of the audit fund when drawing up a schedule for conducting classes, tests, consultations, examinations, independent work of students and one-time events for applications;

- control of employment of the auditor fund;

- control over the conduct of training sessions, tests, examinations, in accordance with the approved timetable;

- control of educational and labor discipline of students and teachers.

- guidance on the organization and conduct of professional practice;

- expansion and strengthening of links with basic organizations in the training of specialists aimed at mastering students with professional competencies;

- contracting with basic institutions and organizations for all types of practices in accordance with curricula

- timely review, coordination, approval by the profiling departments of professional practice programs;

- Preparation together with the deans and departments of orders for sending students to professional practice, as well as appointment as experienced leaders of experienced teachers;

- planning, organization and recording of the results of all types of professional practices;

- summing up the results of the practice, presenting the annual report for discussion at the Rectorate of SKMA.


List of employees:
Doltayeva B. Z. - Head of the Educational and Methodical center
Bergalieva R.N. - Deputy Head of the Training and Methodological Center
Rasheva B.M. - Head of Methodological Department
Prymkulova A.E. - Head of the educational and methodological Center
Sopybekova.F.B.- Leading Specialist


List of employees:
Doltayeva B. Z. - Head of the Educational and Methodical center
Bergalieva R.N. - Deputy Head of the Training and Methodological Center
Rasheva B.M. - Head of Methodological Department
Prymkulova A.E. - Head of the educational and methodological Center
Sopybekova.F.B.- Leading Specialist


Senior methodologists:
Naimanbayeva A.R.
Myrzakhanova K.M.
Aldabergenova G.S.


Amirseitov U.T.
Bazarbay A.A.
Yerzhanova Zh.N.
Shymyr D.B.



Address: Shymkent, Al-Farabi square, 1/1, main building, 2nd floor, office 207,202,212
Tel: 1045, 1027, 1039





29.09.2020, 12:06