Academic council



The Academic Council of the SKMA is an elected representative body which performs the general management and resolves the most important issues of educational, scientific-research and medical activity of the Academy.

• The chairman of the Academic Council is the Rector of the Academy Seitzhanova Zh.S

• The scientific secretary of the Academic Council is the сandidates degree in pharmaceutical sciences Serikbayeva A.D

According to the Standard rules of the Academic Council activity of the higher educational institution approved by the order of the acting minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 574, 22.11.2007 competences of the Academic Council of the SKMA are:

1. Approval of the higher educational institution’s structure;

2. Amendments and modifications to the Charter of the higher educational institution;

3. Creation, reorganization and elimination educational and scientific divisions of the higher educational institution (laboratories, departments, faculties (institutes) and others);

4. Display of the concept of the higher educational institution’s development;

5. Decision-making on all fundamental points of the organization of teaching and educational, research and economic activity of the higher educational institution;

6. Debriefing of the annual reports of the rector, pro-rectors, heads of structural divisions about forms and methods of conducting educational, scientific- research, financial and economic, information and international activity;

7. Approval of topics and scientific supervisors-consultants of undergraduates, doctoral students;

8. Organization of the higher educational institution’s financial and economic activity control;

9. Display of an order of extra-budgetary funds use and also the reinvestment of income gained by higher educational institution by rendering paid educational services and selling of the made products;

10. Approval and award of academic and honorary titles, scholarships and awards;

11. Consideration of higher educational institution’s staff and creative teams to governmental awards and honorary titles;

12. Consideration of other issues of the current activity of the higher educational institution requiring joint decision.

The meeting of the Academic Council is carried out in the Small Hall of the SKMA on last Wednesday per month.




- Provision on Academic Council (pdf file, 1,3 МБ, rus)


- Workplan of the scientific council for the 2021-2022 academic year  (pdf file, 0.6 mb, rus)






29.09.2020, 08:58