Dean's office of Internship and Employment of graduates



History of creation

Dean's office of Internship and Employment of graduates organized by order of the rector YUKGMA number 73P from 06.10.2008 year.



- improving practical training of graduates;

- increase in professional level;



- introduction of educational programs to train interns in a specific field;

- planning, organization and coordination of work on training in an internship;

- Introduction of new forms and technologies of training;

- monitoring and control of the educational process conducted by the departments;

- analysis of the state of training in the internship on the basis of the results of intermediate and final state certification of interns, generalization of learning outcomes;

- Activates training sessions through interactive teaching methods using innovative technologies;

- conducting consulting work with interns and graduates on issues of distribution, monitoring and analysis of employment;

- distribution of interns in specialties, distribution and employment;

- organization and implementation of questionnaires of interns about satisfaction with the quality of the organization of the educational process and its analysis;

- organization and conduct of the PPP questionnaire on satisfaction with the quality of graduates' knowledge.



- develop a position on the dean's office for internships and employment;

- form the reception, transfer of interns in accordance with labor laws, regulations, instructions and orders of the rector;

- form and maintain a data bank on the quantitative and qualitative composition of interns and information about internships;

- organize the conduct of semiannual and final attestation of interns, conduct analysis of the results of attestation;

- to establish direct links with medical institutions;

- to receive, fill in, store and issue certificates of certificates of interns at the place of demand;

- prepare materials for presenting staff to the promotions of their unit;

- to schedule the departmental leave;

- form and keep records of business trips;

- to consider complaints and statements on the issues of admission and employment of internships;

- to develop and submit to the leadership proposals for improving and improving the work of the department;

- to acquaint employees of the department with directive, normative-legal and administrative documents;



1. Department of GPs №1

2. Department of GPs №2

3. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

4. The department of infectious diseases and dermatology

5. Department of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychology



1638 1

Kemelbekov Kanatzhan Saukhanbekovich

PhD, Dean



Saburov Alisher Radjapbaevich
Deputy dean



Toychibayeva Lazzat Balkybekovna

Senior methodologist



Dospolova Elmira Makulbekovna
Senior methodologist



Berdibek Aygerim Talgatkyzy



Abdurakhmanova Dinara Farkhadovna




Main building, 1st floor, office 125

Tel. (87252) 39-57-57 (1024)










30.09.2020, 07:08