The Department of Therapy and Cardiology


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History of department

- In 1996, the Department of Hospital Therapy was organised at UKGMA for the first time. Head of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Kuybakov M.B. His PhD thesis focussed on the rehabilitation of myocardial infarction.
- From September 1997 to September 2001, the department was headed by MD, Professor Baydurin S. A., whose doctoral thesis is devoted to clinical haematology.
- From 2001 to 2009, the head of the department was Professor A. Karkabayeva. House Her PhD and doctoral works are devoted to solving urgent problems of clinical rheumatology and immunology.
- In 2009, the Department of Therapy-2 was divided into two departments: "Intern Therapy No. 1" and "Intern Therapy . 2".
- From 2009 to 2013, the Department of "Intern Therapy No. 1" was headed by MD. Sarkulova S.M., her doctoral work is devoted to a comprehensive assessment of the impact of production factors on the development of cardiovascular diseases in lead production.
- From 2009 to 2013, the Department of "Intern Therapy No. 2" was headed by A.E. Turtaeva.
- From 2013 to June 2018, the Department of Intern Therapy No. 2 was renamed the Department of Therapeutic Disciplines, headed by A.E. Turtaeva, her PhD thesis on the topic: "Clinical and immunogenetic characteristics of early arthritis and its therapeutic correction".
- Since June 2018, the Department of Therapeutic Disciplines has been headed by PhD. Asanova G.K.
- In December 2021, the Department of Therapeutic Disciplines was renamed the Department of Therapy and Cardiology.


About the Department of Therapy and Cardiology
The Department of Therapy and Cardiology is one of the main clinical and medical departments of the university, with a rich history. 4th year students of the General Medicine Faculty and Pediatrics Faculty, as well as 3rd year students of the Faculty of Dentistry study here.
Classes for 4th year students of the Faculty of General Medicine and Pediatrics are held in the discipline " Basics of Internal Diseases-1.2", for 3rd year students of the Faculty of Dentistry are held in the discipline "Basics of Internal Diseases".
Disciplines are taught in Kazakh, Russian and English. The educational and methodological material is updated annually.


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Head of the Department of Therapy and Cardiology 

Assanova Galiya Kutymbetovna - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor


• Since June 2018, the Department of Therapeutic Disciplines has been headed by PhD. Asanova G.K.
• Scientific interests: "State of the cardiovascular system in cotton-recylable workers", "Interventional treatment of myocardial infarction", "Echocardiographic method of assessing heart condition in patients who have undergone ACS with accompanying CBP".
• Author of more than 60 scientific articles, 2 teaching aids.
• Under the leadership of G.K. Asanova, 2 master's theses in the specialty "Medicine" were defended, 1 master's work is performed.


PTS of the department:
- Aigul Yelubayevna Turtaeva is a candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, author of the article "Method of rehabilitation of cancer patients, method of obtaining Artrogus ointment for the treatment of articular syndrome". Qualification category higher in the specialties: "adult rheumatology", "therapy", "adult cardiology".
- Saule Raimbekovna Abseitova is a member of the Praesidium of the Association of Cardiology of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Winner of the highest award of the Republican Public Association "National Medical Association" - the badge "Altyn Dáriger". Author of more than 200 printed works, including four textbooks, three methodological manuals, seven methodological recommendations, three copyright patents, one monograph.
- Asiya Yergeshovna Kushekbayeva is an associate professor, candidate of medical sciences. Author of more than 120 scientific works, methodological manuals, articles.
- Bekzhigitov Spandiyar Baizhigitovich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, health care organiser, cardiologist of the highest category. Winner of the highest award of the Republican Public Association "National Medical Association" - the badge "Altyn Dаriger". Author of more than 150 scientific papers, including patents for invention, manuals for practising doctors and methodological recommendations.
- Aliyeva Shyryn Baitemirovna - gastroenterologist of the highest category, hepatologist.


Also at the department there are:

Ashirov Bolat Anvarovich, Serikbayeva Mira Turdalievna, Kaldybekov Adilbek Aidarbekovich, Duysen Ainur Duisenkyzy, Baymirzaeva Kamila Sabitovna, Arsykulova Assel Taalaibekovna, Bolatbekov Berik Almazbekovich, YesenovaGaziza Buharbaikyzy, Talasbayeva Meruyert Bekbolatkyzy, Sherkhanov Erkegali Zhumadilovich, Arginova Leyla Khusainovna, Abdugapparov Abdulla Abduganievich,Ayazbayeva Gaini Bakytkyzy and etc.
Scientific priorities of the department
They are aimed at creating conditions for the provision of high-quality services in the training of bachelors, specialists internship, residency, master's degree of interns-therapists who are able to provide qualified medical care to the patient in case of common therapeutic diseases, in accordance with the principles of evidence-based medicine; formation and consolidation of in-depth knowledge, skills and abilities in the specialty "General Medicine", "Pediatrics", "Dentistry", preparation for industrial research, pedagogical practice and implementation of research, experimental research work.


Tasks of the department
- Training of competitive personnel in the field of medicine;
- Training of bachelors, specialists in internship, residency, magistracy;
- To improve the knowledge of bachelors, interns, residents, undergraduates;
- To give stable ideas, knowledge, skills and abilities in disciplines that determine the direction of training in order to provide the health sector with qualified personnel who know the general issues of organisation of therapeutic care in the country, the work of hospital and polyclinic institutions capable of providing qualified medical care to adults and children, using modern methods of diagnosis, prevention, treatment and subsequent rehabilitation of the patient.


Clinical base

Regional Clinical Hospital, Regional Endocrinological Dispensary, Regional Consultative and Diagnostic Centre, Regional Cardiology Centre, City TB Dispensary, Daumed Clinic, Mediker-YUK Clinic, City Hospital No. 2, Eskulap-VITA Medical Centre, Er Ana Clinic, CardioMed Clinic.
The department employs specialists of the highest and first category who advise rheumatological, cardiological, gastroenterological, nephrological, pulmonological, endocrinological, tuberculosis patients. Employees of the department together with practical health care organise: practical, pathoanatomical, morning conferences.



Address and contact details
Phone: +77011300650
Address: «Eskulap-VITA» Medical Centre Sairamskaya 198B

30.09.2020, 10:33