Department “General practitioner – 3”


History of the department


On the basis of Report No. 12 of the Academic Council of АО "UKMA" dated June 27, 2023, on the basis of Order No. 70p, from September 01, 2023, the Department "General Practitioner-3" began its work. The head of the department was appointed. Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor Ospanov Kadyr Eskermesovich.
Currently, the staff of the department includes 1 Doctor of Medical Sciences, 3 candidates of medical sciences and 5 senior teachers. The Department of General Practitioner-3 is a department studying in the specialty 6B10101 – "general practitioner".



Head of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, м.а.. Associate Professor Kadyr Eskermesovich Ospanov



The purpose of the department:
- Training specialists of general practitioners in the primary health care system;

Responsibilities of the department:
- Implementation within the competence of the department around the goals and policies of the UKMA;
- Meeting the requirements of the quality management system;
- Expansion of academic mobility;
- Integration of education and science, involvement of students in scientific work;
- Training of competitive specialists who meet the requirements of international standards of education and science;

Educational program:
1. General Medicine

The main academic disciplines:
1. ambulatory- polyclinic pediatrics
2. ambulatory- polyclinic therapy
3. ambulatory- polyclinic cardiology
4. preventive pediatrics


The disciplines are held in Kazakh and Russian.
The Updating of the studied disciplines is reviewed annually and the educational, methodological complex, materials of practical classes, control and measuring devices are updated.

Practice base
In order to train highly qualified specialists, the department constantly works in close contact with clinical bases. The staff of the department is equipped with specialists of various fields: general practitioner, pediatrician, cardiologist, radiologist. Clinical bases of the department: located in the main building of the “ Ai-Nury ”.
The staff of the department actively implements effective technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of internal pathologies, conducts training seminars and master classes for interns and doctors in the educational process and in practical health-saving work. According to the law, it provides permanent, special advisory assistance to urban patients.


Scientific work of the department
The teaching staff of the department conducts research in various areas and introduces new clinical and pedagogical technologies into the educational process.
The systematic teaching staff of the department participates in national and international scientific conferences with reports and publications. Interns take an active part in student interuniversity, regional, republican and international scientific and practical conferences.
Research interests: therapy, pediatrics, cardiology, radiology.

The composition of the department:
1. Ospanov Kadyr Eskermesovich – head of the department, м.ғ.к. associate professor. м.а.
2. Zhanadilov Shaizinda- м.ғ.к. associate professor. м.а.
3. Dzhakipbekova Zulpiya Kamitbekovna - м.ғ.к. associate professor. м.а.
4. Batesh Aitbayevich - associate professor м.а.
5. Baymakova Gulnur Shulenova-assistant
6. Onlasbekova Gulzhanat Makhsatbekovna – assistant
7. Shuasheva Elizaveta Abilgazaevna-assistant
8. Oralbek Aizhan Oralbekovna – assistant
9. Tileubergenova Ulbala Yergalievna-assistant
10. Konusova Aknur Lesbekovna -senior laboratory assistant
11. Mahatai Dinara Zhabaibekovna-laboratory assistant



The address of the location of the department:
Shymkent, Balapan ata 22/1, the main building of the go "Ai-Nury", 3rd floor, 1,2-study room, teaching room.

31.10.2023, 05:56