Department of «Therapeutic and Pediatric Dentistry»


Department history



The Department of Therapeutic and Pediatric Dentistry was created after the reorganization of the Department of Dental Disciplines in 2021 with its division by order No. 550 dated 06/30/2021 into two departments: Department of Surgical and Orthopedic Dentistry, Department of Therapeutic and Pediatric Dentistry



Head of the Department of Therapeutic and Pediatric Dentistry
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Kenbaeva Laura Omarkhanovna


In 1973-1979 he studied at the Alma-Ata State Medical Institute at the Faculty of Dentistry, specializing in Dentistry.
From 2007 to 2022, the Chief Physician in the State Enterprise of the REM “Regional Dental Clinic”, Shymkent.
In 2021, by order of the Rector of the SKMA, he was appointed head of the Department of Therapeutic and Pediatric Dentistry.


Purpose of the department
Training of competitive specialists in therapeutic and pediatric dentistry who are able to independently diagnose, treat and prevent dental diseases, and who own the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment used in dentistry; meeting the needs of students in raising the level of professional knowledge and skills.


Department duties
Development of educational and methodological support of the educational process, with a systematic update of the educational and methodological complex of disciplines.
Carrying out all types of educational work assigned to the department.
Carrying out socially educational work among students.
Study and application of the latest achievements of science and practice.
Constant monitoring, analysis and improvement of the quality of the main activities of the department.
Continuous improvement of clinical and pedagogical qualifications of the staff of the department.
Meeting the needs of medical institutions in qualified
Dissemination of scientific and cultural knowledge among the population.

Core courses:

-Introduction to the profession
-Educational practice "Safe Care"
- Fundamentals of therapeutic dentistry
-Educational practice "Clinical practice 1"
-Cariesology and non-carious lesions of hard dental tissues
-Clinical endodontics
-Prevention of dental diseases
-Industrial practice "Clinical practice-2"
-Diseases of the oral mucosa
-Propaedeutics of pediatric dentistry
-Production practice "Clinical practice - 3
-Children's Therapeutic Surgical Dentistry-1
-Children's Therapeutic Surgical Dentistry-2
-Therapeutic dentistry


Disciplines are taught in Kazakh and Russian
The content of the disciplines read is updated as it becomes obsolete


Scientific priorities of the department

In accordance with the profile of implemented educational programs and disciplines, the scientific directions of the department are:
Development and improvement of methods for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of major dental diseases of the inhabitants of a large industrial region occurring against the background of somatic diseases.
Fundamental sciences in dentistry, dental materials science, cariesology and diseases of hard tissues of the tooth, endodontics, periodontology, geronto stomatology and diseases of the oral mucosa, laser dentistry, aesthetic dentistry.


Department staff:

  • Kenbaeva Laura Omarkhanovna - Ph.D. Head of the Department
  • Akhmedova Atyrgul Nurmakhanovna - Assistant
  • Beisenova Gulzhaina Esengeldikyzy - Assistant
  • Mukhamedzhanova Nodira Alisherovna - Assistant
  • Abenova Kamila Tolegenovna - Assistant
  • Karybaeva Saule Kenzhetayevna - Assistant
  • Ishanov Iskander Akramovich - Assistant
  • Bekbulatova Takhmina Akramovna - Assistant
  • Khodjaev Bakhytzhan Akramovich - Assistant
  • Dikhanbaeva Khalida Tokhtaevna - Assistant
  • Zhandarbekova Gulzhanat Zhakinovna - Assistant
  • Oskenbai Zhanar Aliaskarkyzy - Assistant (Sovm).
  • Muratkhan Gulnara Aitbalayevna - Assistant (sovm).
  • Ermetova Zulaikho Anarmetovna - Assistant (sovm).
  • Ospanova Saule Tolebaevna - Assistant(sovm).
  • Zharkinbekova Raushan Asanovna - Assistant(sovm).
  • Taibekova Gulzina Kadyrovna - Assistant (sovm).
  • Serikbayeva Bayan Akhzhanovna - Senior laboratory assistant
  • Imanbek Asel Mugagalikyzy - Laboratory assistant


Address and contact details:
South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Al-Farabi square, building No. 2, I- floor. 
Email address: ter.stom2022@list. ru






03.11.2022, 12:15