Department of General Practitioner – 2


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The Department of "Primary Health Care -2 with the Obstetrics and Gynecology Course" of the South Kazakhstan Pharmaceutical Academy was organized on August 31, 2017 according to the decision of the SKPhA Academic Council. By order № 58p from 13.04.2018, the department was renamed the Department of General Practitioner-2.



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The head of the department is the doctor of medical sciences,

acting professor Dysibaeva Gulzhan Nurbekovna.


The purpose of the department: The main goal of the department is training in the internship specialist - general practitioner in the primary health care system.


• Implementation of the Policy and Objectives of UKMA in the field of quality within the competence of the department

• compliance with the requirements of the quality management system (QMS)

• implementation of the educational process in the assigned disciplines in accordance with the legislative and regulatory acts of higher professional education approved curriculum programs of disciplines

• creation of conditions for meeting the needs of students in educational and scientific activities

• improvement of organizational, scientific and educational-methodological support of basic educational programs

• development of new learning technologies.


The main training courses - training of general practitioners of 6 and 7 courses

Teaching subjects at the department for internships:

Disciplines taught in 3 languages (Kazakh, Russian, English) - "Internal Diseases", "Pediatrics" in Russian and Kazakh languages.

The department provides for general practitioners the teaching of the disciplines "Internal Diseases", "Pediatrics", stipulated by the State educational standards and curriculeme for the training of graduates.

The content of the department's activities includes the conduct of educational, educational, methodological, research work, as well as educational work with interns studying and professional development of teachers of the department.

The work of the department is organized in accordance with the work plan of the department, which includes educational, methodical, clinical and research work and educational activities.


Educational-methodical work:

The work of the department is organized in accordance with the work plan of the department, which includes educational, methodical, clinical and scientific research, educational activities. At the cathedral, questions of student progress and attendance, individual work plans for teachers, scientific and educational activities are discussed in accordance with the plan of the WCC and current issues. Documents on educational, methodical, educational and scientific parts at the department are introduced in accordance with the requirements of ISO-9000-2001.

The department developed a modular curriculum in accordance with GESS and TUP on specialty 5B130100 "General Medicine" of Appendix 4 to the order №. 647 of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 31, 2015 and the interim GESS-17, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 152 dated 20.04. 2011. and the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 17, 2017 No. 530 and in accordance with clause 3 of Article 175 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 18, 2009 "On the health of the people and the health care system".

In each academic year for the examinations all test questions, methodological instructions for the OSPE, OSCE are updated and undergo an expert commission.

The educational process uses innovative active technologies (CBL, TBL, RBL); training is aimed at acquiring the skills of clinical thinking and clinical analysis of patients.


Clinical work of the department:

The staff of the department is represented by specialists of different profiles - general practitioners, therapists, pediatricians. Clinical bases of the department are: city polyclinics № 1, MC "Sunkar", MC "Ainura", regional cardiological center (OCT), Shymkent city hospital of emergency medical aid (SHGSMB), regional children's hospital (ODB), city children's hospital ).

Employees of the department actively introduce effective technologies of diagnostics and treatment of internal pathology into the educational process and in the work of practical public health, trainings and workshops for interns and doctors are held. The head and staff of the department provide constant specialized advisory assistance to the patients of the city and the region.


Scientific work of the department:

Assistants of the Department of General Practitioner-2 continue to conduct scientific research in various areas and introduce new clinical and pedagogical technologies into the educational process.

Systematically, the faculty of the department participates in reports and publications in republican and international scientific conferences. Interns actively participate in the work of student interuniversity, regional, national and international scientific and practical conferences.

Scientific priorities of the department -

Scientific theme of the department "Prevention of arterial hypertension in conditions of the modern form of organization of primary health care in Southern Kazakhstan".

Scientific interests: therapy, pediatrics, gastroenterology, occupational pathology, rheumatology, psychosomatic diseases, communication skills.


Nowadays, department is working:


Dosibaeva Gulzhan Nurbekovna

 Head of Department chair Doctor of medical scinces. prof.

 Therapist, occupational pathologist, gastroenterologist,

doctor of the highest category, independent expert, GP (retraining)


Latieva Маriam Shamilevna

Assistant, head of teaching

Тherapy,TGP(training),independent expert, doctor of highest category


Bibolova Aliya Seisenbaevna

Can.medical sciences.,docent

Pediatrics, phyhotheraupetic


Sartayeva Каlamkas Алmeshovna

Can.medical sciences.,ass.docent

doctor of highest category


Bоtabekova Aliya Kadirzhanovna


Master degree of GМ, doctor of  the highest category


Smetova Raushan Amanbayevna


Master degree of GМ, doctor of the highest category


Тuleeva Тоgzhan Иkramovna


Residency ,pediatrics


Baimuratova Bagitzhamal Nazarbekovna


doctor of the highest category,independent expert of RК  on accreditation


Sugirova Danagul Аnuarbekovna


Pediatrics of the highest category


Аkhmetova Леilа Valikhanovna


Pediatrics of the highest category




Еrbozova Маdina Кuanishovna




Uilishieva Кlara Иrismetova (сов)


Pediatrics of 1 category


Каnlibekova Маrzhan Оrinbasarovna


TGP of the highest category,pediatrics


Баimukhanov Shokhan  Тleukulovich


Rheumatology of the highest category




Zhursinbek Gulzhazira Dildabekkizi




Balkashbek Zhanna Balkashbekkizi





The Department of GP-2 is located at the clinical base at the address:

Shymkent, B. Momyshli -  21 MC "Ainura", el. mail: vop2-18 @





01.10.2020, 10:38