Faculty of Medicine



The specialty “General Medicine” at the Shymkent State Medical Institute was opened in 1992. The first dean of the Faculty of Medicine was Professor Kudabaev Kanapia Zhumagazievich. In 1996-1997 the dean of the faculty was associate professor Galymzhan Ilyasovich Beketov. Since 1997, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Karabekov Agabek Karabekovich was appointed dean. Since 1999, the dean’s office of the Faculty of Medicine has been headed by Professor Sisabekov Kasymkhan Ermekbaevich. In 2003, Associate Professor, Ph.D., was appointed to the position of Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. Anartayeva Maria Ulasbekovna.
In 2012, by order of the rector No. 222 dated October 8, 2012, the Faculty of Medicine was created. The first leadership of the work of the medical faculty was carried out by doctor of medical sciences, professor, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan Agabek Karabekovich Karabekov. Since 2015, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Acting Professor Doltaeva Bibigul Zaidullaevna has been appointed dean of the faculty. In 2022-2024 – the dean of the faculty was Sagtaganov Zhaksybek Ilesbekovich. Since January 2024, the dean of the Faculty of Medicine is Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Aizat Ashimkhanovna Seidakhmetova.
The faculty is a subdivision of SKMA, which trains students in several specialties that determine the profile of training, and also carries out educational, methodological, research, and educational activities. Currently, the faculty provides training in the following undergraduate educational programs: “General Medicine”, “Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Dentistry”, “Public Health”, “Public Health”, “Nursing”, “Medical and Preventive Care” .
Currently, over 2,000 students from different cities of Kazakhstan and other CIS countries are studying at the Faculty of Medicine. Every year, students of the educational programs “General Medicine” and “Pediatrics” receive personalized scholarships from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The faculty has 279 full-time teachers. Of these, 20 are doctors of science, 66 candidates of science, 9 PhD doctors, 57 masters, 94 doctors of the highest category, 6 doctors of the first category.
The faculty unites departments related to educational programs included in the faculty, general scientific and general education departments, which, in terms of the content of their work, are closest to the profile of the faculty.


The Faculty of Medicine has 22 departments:


1. Department of “History of Kazakhstan and social and humanities” (head of the department PhD Nurzhanbayeva Zhanat Oralbaykyzy)
2. Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Head of the Department, PhD, Acting Professor Daurenbekov Kanat Narbekovich)
3. Department of “Morphophysiology” (head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, acting professor Tanabaev Baymakhan Dilbarkhanovich)
4. Department of “Introduction to the Clinic” (acting head of the department, Master, Ermolaeva Olga Aleksandrovna)
5. Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology (head of the department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Acting Professor Seytkhanova Bibigul Tulegenovna)
6. Department of “Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases” (head of the department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Bekmurzaeva Elmira Kuanyshevna)
7. Department of Pathology and Forensic Medicine (head of the department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Acting Professor Aliya Shamilevna Sadykova)
8. Department of “Social health insurance and public health” (head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Gulzat Zhanabaevna Sarsenbaeva)
9. Department of “Hygiene and Epidemiology” (head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, acting associate professor Utepov Parkhat Dusembaevich)
10. Department of “Emergency Medicine and Nursing” (head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Seydakhmetova Aizat Ashimkhanovna)
11. Department of Phthisiopulmonology and Radiology (head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Kasaeva Lazzat Tattibekovna)
12. Department of Therapy and Cardiology (head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Asanova Galiya Kutumbetovna)
13. Department “General Practitioner-1” (head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Dathaeva Gulmira Makhanbetovna)
14. Department of “Pediatrics-1” (head of the department PhD Kemelbekov Kanatzhan Sauhanbekovich)
15. Department of “Pediatrics-2” (head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, professor Bektenova Gulmira Erseitovna)
16. Department of “Surgery-1” (head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Zhumagulov Kopzhan Nurbabaevich)
17. Department of “Surgery, Oncology and Traumatology” (head of the department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Acting Professor Abdurakhmanov Babur Anvarovich)
18. Department of Surgery-2 (Head of the department, PhD Kaldykozova Galiya Yerkimbekovna)
19. Department of “Surgical and Orthopedic Dentistry” (head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, acting associate professor Shukparov Asylbek Bayadilovich)
20. Department of “Pediatric and therapeutic dentistry” (head of the department: candidate of medical sciences, acting associate professor Laura Omarkhanovna Kenbaeva)
21. “Center for Physical Education” (master Ashirbaev Orynbasar Atyrkhanovich)
22. Topographic anatomy and histology (head of the department, Acting Professor Murzanova D.A.)



Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Seidakhmetova Aizat Ashimkhanovna



Deputy Dean for the educational program "General Medicine"
Duisenbaeva Meruyert Meirambekovna



Vice-Dean of the specialty "«Public Health», «Nursing», «Pediatrics»"
Taigasheva Nurgul Manarbekovna



Deputy Dean for the educational program "Stomatology"
Bolysbekov Bekezhan Batyrkhanovich



The methodological work of the dean's office is carried out by the following specialists: Makhatova Peruza Zhantasovna, Salybek Symbat Anarbekkyzy, Asil Asem Aybekovna, Omirzakova Aidana Esmakhanovna.



Senior methodologist in the 2nd, 3rd courses of the educational program "Medicine"
Makhatova Peruza Zhantasovnа



Methodist on 1, 4, 5 courses educational program
"General Medicine"
Asil Assem Aybekovna



Methodologist for the educational program "Dentistry"
Salybek Symbat Anarbekkyzy



Methodologist for educational programs "Pediatrics",
"Public health", "Preventive medicine", "Nursing"
Umirzakova Aidana Esmakhanovna



The teaching staff of the faculty pays great attention to educational work among students. The Dean's Office of the Faculty of Medicine reports to the Vice-Rector for educational, methodological and educational work. The Dean of the Faculty heads the Faculty Council. The Faculty of Medicine carries out its activities in accordance with the annual plan approved by the rector of the university.





Contact information
Main building, 1st floor, 129 room.
Phone: 8 (7252) 39-57-57 (1023), 8 (7252) 39-57-57 (1016)
Email: medfac@skma.kz





30.09.2020, 06:52