Department of Microbiology, Allergology and Immunology
History of the department
The Department of «Microbiology» was founded on the basis of the pharmaceutical faculty of the Shymkent branch of the ASMI in September 1980 and was part of the department of morphological disciplines. Heads of the department were Ph.D., associate professor Morenko GS Yaroslavskaya EI, Mamin K.Sh., Murina N.M. In September 1994, the Department of Microbiology gained independence with the establishment of the "General Medicine" faculty. From this time until 1997, the department was headed by Associate Professor Arykpaeva U.T.
Over the years, the Department of Microbiology was headed by: MD, Associate Professor Bikchentaeva R.A. (1997); Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sadykov Sh.B. (1997–1999); Ph.D., Associate Professor Maysarov D.A. (1999–2001); MD, Associate Professor Zhumashov S.N. (2001–2009); Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor KO Sharipov (2009–2011); Ph.D. Esirkepov M.M. (2011–2012); and Ph.D. Burabaev A.A. (2012–2018). Sakhno O.N., Zhakipbekova B.T., Alimzhanova G.T., Omarova G.S., Alibekov A.A., Nurieva G.S., and Dzhanabaev R.T. took part in the formation and development of the department of microbiology; Ospanova E.N., Esenova Zh.Kh., Seythanova B.T., Kurmanbekova S.Zh., Mukhtarkyzy F., Zhanysbekova M.K., Abdramanova A.A., and many others. Since July 1, 2018, the Department of Microbiology has been headed by the Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Seitkhanova B.T. At this time, the department is located on the 1st floor of the 2nd Academic Building of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. The department has a modernly equipped educational and practical laboratory, which allows students and teachers to engage in educational and scientific activities. The faculty of the department developed and produced a number of printed works, including teaching aids, work programs, and syllabuses in all specialties, as well as scientific articles and abstracts in the state and English languages. Employees of the department hold thematic conferences devoted to the fight against HIV infection and the problems of bioterrorism and tuberculosis. The results of the research were reported at conferences; they were prepared for posters, models, and stands that are used for demonstration in the educational process. The department constantly conducts among students a variety of work on ideological, professional, and patriotic education (celebrations dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the New Year, Nauryz, health workers, meetings with scientists and artists, visiting museums and theaters, holding debates, round tables, etc.). According to the decision of the Academic Council on June 29.06. 2020 (protocol №14), the name of the department was changed from “Microbiology” to “Microbiology, Virology, and Immunology." 28.28.2024 Academic Council. By decision of Protocol 1, the name of the department was changed to the Department of Microbiology, Allergology and Immunology.
Seitkhanova Bibigul Tolegenkyzy - Head of the Department of Microbiology, Allergology, and Immunology, MD, Professor
The main goals and objectives of the department
The department is one of the structural divisions of SKMA, where highly qualified specialists work, the main activity of which is the training of educated and qualified specialists. The teaching staff of the department is engaged in educational, methodological and research work, educational work among students, as well as training scientific and pedagogical personnel and improving their qualifications. The department operates according to an annual plan, which includes educational, methodological, research, educational and other public works. In order to discuss all issues of the department’s work and make appropriate decisions, at least once a month a department meeting and a methodological seminar related to educational and methodological work are held with the participation of the teaching staff. Educational processes at the department, etc. documents are drawn up showing the content, organization and method of implementation. The list of documents is determined by the approved “Nomenclature of Cases”.
Educational and methodological work of the department
One of the significant achievements of the Department of Microbiology, Allergology and Immunology is the creation and implementation of modern educational programs in accordance with international standards and requirements. These programs provide an opportunity to train highly qualified specialists who have not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills necessary to work in modern medicine. The department also actively uses innovative teaching methods, such as simulation training, interactive lectures and practical training in leading clinics and laboratories. This contributes to a more effective assimilation of the material and an increase in the level of training of students and residents.
List of basic courses:
On average, in one academic year, 700 students study in the microbiology, Virology, and immunology departments. Students studying at the Department of Microbiology specialize in general medicine, pharmacy, and public health. The department conducts laboratory studies in general and private microbiology, clinical microbiology, and immunology. At the department, students receive theoretical preparatory knowledge about modern diagnostics in microbiological research and various areas of microbiology.
International relations
The Department of Microbiology, Virology, and Immunology has connections in various branches of research institutes, industrial enterprises, the field of education, and scientific and practical projects. The Department of Microbiology has a connection with the CIS countries (Russia, Uzbekistan) as well as with foreign countries (Denmark, Poland, India, Romania, etc.) in the field of education and training of specialists.
Research work
The research work of the staff of the department is an integral part of the work of the department. The teaching staff of the department pays great attention to the organization of the practical work of students.
A research plan is approved annually, and the results are summarized at the end of the year. In accordance with the plan, the teaching staff of the department performs the functions of organizing, participating in international and national conferences and Olympiads, and supervising the research work of students. In addition, the directions of the department include the publication of articles, training sessions for advanced training, the publication of teaching aids, and advanced training of teaching staff at the national and international levels.
Members of the department's circle annually speak at national and foreign conferences. Also, the staff of the department publishes scientific articles with management groups.
The staff of the department regularly participates in scientific and practical conferences at the national and international levels.
1. International Scientific and Practical Conference "Covid-19: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow"
2. 1st International Scientific Conference of young scientists and students, "Features of coronavirus in adults and children. Vaccination"
3. 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Time ahead. The time of the best"
4. II International Scientific Conference "Medicine and Innovations" on April 12, 2023. SKMA
5. III International Conference of Students and Young Scientists, "From Experience to Project," April 14–15, 2023 KazNMU is named after S. D. Asfendiyarov, Almaty.
6. The III International Conference of Young Scientists and Students
"World AIDS Day" on December 1, 2023. SKMA
7. "International Olympiad in Immunology" on December 8, 2023. SKMA.
During the academic year, the teaching staff of the department carries out work aimed at improving their skills.
The scientific approaches of the department
The department has educational laboratories. Students have the opportunity to use the Internet information system for free. Employees of the department always carry out great research work; in particular, the activity is associated with the problems of "intestinal infection" and "clinical microbiology." 2 doctoral dissertations, 1 master's thesis, 1 monograph, 7 electronic textbooks, 6 textbooks Throughout the entire year of study, the student’s scientific society works at the department, at the meetings of which students discuss the latest achievements in microbiology and carry out research work.
List of teaching aids for the Department of Microbiology, Allergology, and Immunology
№ |
Name of the work |
Authors |
Number of pages |
Year of release |
1 |
Б.Т. Сейтханова, Ж.Е. Джакупова, Ш.Ж. Курманбекова, Ш.Т. Полатбекова, С.Т. Әштаева |
Page 409 |
Shymkent, 2019 |
2 |
БАЛАЛАР ЖӘНЕ ЕРЕСЕКТЕР ЖІТІ РЕСПИРАТОРЛЫҚ ВИРУСТЫҚ ИНФЕКЦИЯ ҚОЗДЫРҒЫШТАРЫ (І бөлім, ІІ бөлім), (иллюстрацияланған оқу-әдістемелік құрал) |
Б.Т.Сейтханова, Ш.Ж. Курманбекова, Ш.Т. Полатбекова, А.Н. Төлеген
Page 134
Shymkent, 2021 |
3 |
B. T. Seytkhanova, Sh. Zh. Kurmanbekova, Sh.T. Polatbekova, A.N. Tolegen |
Page 125 |
Shymkent, 2021 |
4 |
B.T. Seytkhanova, A.A. Abdramanova, A.N. Tolegen, P. Vinoth Kumar |
Page 269
Shymkent, 2022 |
5 |
Сейтханова Б.Т., Полатбекова Ш.Т., Садыбек Ұ.Ә., Одзял Д.Э. |
Page 88
Shymkent, 2021 |
6 |
Б.Т. Сейтханова, А.А. Абдраманова, М.П. Аргимбек, А.Т. Оралбек |
Page 313
Shymkent, 2023 |
List of main dishes:
Currently, the Department of Microbiology, Allergology and Immunology provides training at all levels of education: college, undergraduate and residency. At the college level, the department provides foundation courses aimed at developing basic knowledge of microbiology, fundamentals of immunology, and basic clinical skills needed to work in health care settings. At the undergraduate level, the department provides in-depth study of subjects related to microbiology and immunology. Particular attention is paid to the development of critical thinking, mastering modern methods of diagnostics and analysis, and preparation for scientific work. During residency, the department allows resident doctors to acquire in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the field of clinical immunology, allergology, including work with severe clinical conditions, the latest diagnostic methods, and participation in scientific research. Thus, the department creates conditions for multi-level training of specialists who can successfully work in the conditions of modern medicine.
Student scientific club "Microbiologist
"Head of the scientific circle "Microbiologist," teacher of the department of “Microbiology, Allergology and Immunology,” Nakyp Nurgali Sakenuly.
The main goal of the scientific circle is to provide students with the opportunity to expand and deepen their knowledge in the field of microbiology outside the curriculum. To teach students to independently and critically comprehend theoretical knowledge, systematize their own observations, and expand and update their horizons. Independent work by students in a circle is a means of increasing the student’s cognitive activity, with the help of which he can carry out his own education, development, and professional training in accordance with the tasks set for himself.
In 2023, the International Olympiad “Medicine and Innovation” for students of higher medical institutions was held at the Tashkent State Dental Institute in Tashkent. Rustamzhanov Sardorbek Takhirzhanuly, a 2nd year student of the specialty “Pediatrics” of our department “Microbiology, Allergology and Immunology”, took part in it, and won 2 prizes.
2024 The international Olympiad for students of higher medical institutions “Urgenish-2030” took place. Spatai Madiyar Polatuli, a 2nd year student of the specialty “Medicine” of our department “Microbiology, Allergology and Immunology”, took part in it, and won 2 prizes.
Educational work at the department is carried out in the following areas:
Providing financial assistance to low-income students and orphans left without parental care among undergraduate and college students studying at SKMA. In addition, within the framework of the «Clean Session» project, in order to identify and prevent corruption in the academy, an anonymous survey of students is conducted and online clarification and promotion of ethical standards, rules of academic integrity, and standard anti-corruption requirements of the SKMA for students of administrative and managerial staff and teaching staff. Events for memorable dates and national holidays are organized among teachers and students in the department.
The teaching staff of the department:
1. Seitkhanova Bibigul Tolegenkyzy, head of the department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor.
2. Saugabaeva Sarsenkul Kalmakhanovna, Assistant Ph.D., Acting Associate Professor
3. Patsaeva Leyla Anapievna, Assortment professor
4. Ratbek Sailaubekovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
5. Nuralieva Gulmira Nurpapakyzy, the senior teacher
6. Polatbekova Shapagat Tolegenkyzy, the senior teacher
7. Zhakupova Zhanat Yerikovna, the senior teacher
8. Sadybek Uldana Abilkyzy, the senior teacher
9. Niyazmetova Lobar Hikmatovna, teacher
10. Ibraim Aidana Ergeshkyzy, a teacher
11. Oralbek Arailym Tөәrbergenқyzy, teacher
12. Tlesh Isel Ulmakhankyzy, teacher
Laboratory assistants:
1. Duisebekova Gulzat Tulembaevna, Sr. Laboratory Assistant
2. Pralieva Kulsun Eshmakhanbetovna, Sr. Laboratory Assistant
3. Sukarova Gaukhar Amangeldievna- Laboratory assistant
Department address:
Shymkent, Sq. Al-Farabi, 3, building №2
phone: 8 (7252) 39-57-57 (ext. 1051)