Department of General Practitioner – 1


History of the department



The department was opened in 2007 at the UCSMU as the department "Polyclinic-2". On September 1, 2009, due to the reorganization of the academy, it was renamed the department "Polyclinic". In the 2012-2013 academic year due to the inclusion of courses in the department: emergency medical care, obstetrics and gynecology and the basics of life safety, the department was renamed the Department of Primary Health Care and the course of Obstetrics and Gynecology. In 2017, it was renamed the PHC-1 department. During the training of specialists "General practitioner", with the study at the Department of basic macro, microcycles of the internship level of the OP "General Medicine" and the discipline "Fundamentals of general medical practice" of the 5th year, the department has been renamed the department "General Practitioner-1" since April 2018.



Head of the department – Datkaeva Gulmira Makhanbetovna



Objectives of the department:
Training of the general practitioner capable to work in the system of the rendering primary health care and capable to bear responsibility for ensuring continuous medical care to each patient who has addressed for him/her taking into account features of his/her family, society in which he/she lives of his/her culture, irrespective of his/her age and gender and also the nature of his/her disease.

Disciplines were taught at the department:
• Emergency medical care,
• Obstetrics and gynecology,
• fundamentals of life safety;

Disciplines taught at the department:
Bachelor's level, 5th year - "Fundamentals of general medical practice" in Kazakh, Russian, English;

Internship level, 6th year:
• "Outpatient polyclinic pediatrics"
• "Outpatient therapy"
Component of choice:
• "Outpatient polyclinic cardiology"
• "Preventive pediatrics" ;

Internship level, 7th year:
• "Children's diseases in OVP"
• "Internal diseases in OVP"
Component of choice:
• "Geriatrics in OVP"
• "Extragenital pathology at the PHC level"
Disciplines are taught in Kazakh and Russian.

The educational and methodological complex of disciplines, materials of practical classes and control and measuring materials are reviewed and supplemented at the beginning of each new academic year.

The mission of the “General Medicine” educational program (hereinafter referred to as EP) is to train competitive personnel providing medical care at the PHC level and ready for continuous professional development.
The mission of the EP is presented by the Committee for the General Medicine (CEP) educational program, discussed with employers at a round table in January 2018. The mission was introduced to department staff, students, interns, clinical base management and practical healthcare representatives.
The mission of the EP “General Medicine” is posted on the SKMA website, in the organizational structure section (in the subsection Department of «General practioner-1»), at the stand of the dean’s office and at the chair of «General practionerr-1» of SKMA.
The medical organization of education should determine the mission of the educational program on the basis of considering the needs of public health, the needs of the medical care system and, accordingly, other aspects of social responsibility
EP “General Medicine” provides for bachelor and internship studies. The mission of the EP is developed taking into account the competencies of the graduate of the internship and the level of qualification in accordance with the industry qualifications framework.
During the developing the mission, the need for healthcare in medical personnel and the possibility of admitting an internship graduate to independent activities were taken into account. To date, graduates of the internship in the EP “General Medicine” can independently perform the functional duties of a general practitioner at the level of primary health care and provide emergency medical care

Scientific priorities of the department:
- Early diagnosis of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents.

Currently, the following specialists work at the department: MD, Professor - 1, PhD, associate professor - 4, Masters of OS and Medicine - 6, as well as therapists, pediatricians with the highest category certified in GP.

Teaching staff of the department:

1. Datkaeva Gulmira Makhanbetovna - head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor GP,Therapist, Dermatovenerologist
2. Musaev Yuldash Musaevich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Acting professors GP , Pediatrician
3. Idrisov Kaldybai Saduakhasovich - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor GP , Therapist, Cardiologist
4. Bektibaeva Nazipa Shakmanovna - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor GP , Therapist
5. Bekenov Nurlan Nurgalievich - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor GP , Pediatrician, Endocrinologist
6. Musabekova Laura Esenova - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Therapist, cardiologist
7. Ospanova Aiman Xozhanova - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor GP , Therapist
8. Emesheva Meruert Ataevna - assistant GP , Therapist 
9. Abdraimova Saule Ermekovna - assistant GP , Therapist
10. Kulbaeva Lira Azimkhanovna - master of health care, assistant GP , Therapist
11. Bayzhan Bayzhan Yerikkyzy - assistant GP , Therapist 
12. Nurmakhanova Gulmira Nurmakhanovna - master of health care, assistant GP , Pediatrician 
13. Kamysbayeva Aigerim Kenesovna - master of health care, assistant GP , Pediatrician 
14. Kaldygozova Klara Esirkepovna - assistant GP , Pediatrician 
15. Maksut Maya Bagdatkyzy - assistant GP ,family doctor
16. Suleimenkyzy Perizat - assistant GP , Neurologist
17. Tursynbaeva Aigul Zhanabaevna - assistant GP ,family doctor
18. Ospanbekova Meruert Abdigalievna - assistant GP , Pediatrician 
19. Sydykova Gulchekhra Aralbaevna - assistant GP , Pediatrician

On a part-time basis:

1. Serikbaeva Saltanat Zhaksylykovna - Doctoral Student At SKMA. GP , Neurologist
2. Nazarova Dinara Shaimerdenova - Doctoral Student At SKMA. Pediatrician, Rehabilitation specialist
3. Dolanova Gulzira Otarovna -Doctoral Student At SKMA. GP
4. Saulenbayeva Elmira Umirzakovna - Chief Medical Officer МЦ «Ай-Нұры» GP
5. Kylyshbayeva Aigul Orynbasarovna - Chief Medical Officer № 6 ГП GP 
6. Artykbaeva Indira Zhaparbekovna - Chief Medical Officer МЦ «Атамекен» GP , Therapist 
7. Kalen Sulugaisha Kambarova - assistant GP 
8. Batyrbek Nazym Chingisova - assistant GP 
9. Amankulova Maira Nysanbekova - assistant GP , dermatologist 
10. Isakhanova Salamat Baimuratova - assistant GP 

Training and support staff:

1. Kulieva Akmaral Usenovna-  senior laboratory assistant
2. Sharipova Aidana Umirbekovna - senior laboratory assistant
3. Begaly Aruzhan Tulegenova - laboratory assistant
4. Kasymbekova Balausa Temiralieva - laboratory assistant


Addresses and contact details of the department:

Medical Center «Ay-Nury», Balapan Ata 21/2
Md. Samal-3, CP №6,
st. Kaytpas-2, «Сымбат-Нұр» clinic,
Md. Nurtas, st. Kulager 194, «Атамекен» mc.,
Medical Center "Aesculapius Vita" , Bekzat Sattarkhanov 37/2








01.10.2020, 10:31