Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology
History of department
The Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology was organized in 1994, under the original name – «General Hygiene with a course of civil defense».
Initially, the department was created on the basis of the Regional Sanitary and Epidemiological Station of the South Kazakhstan Region under the leadership of the chief physician - PhD Turgautov B.K. In the same year, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Turlybekov Zh.T. was specially invited from Almaty. Later, in connection with the creation of the department «Health Organization», he was transferred to the position of head of this department.
In February 1995, a corresponding member was appointed head of the department. NAS RK, MD, Professor Altynbekov B.E. During the leadership of the department under the leadership of Professor Altynbekov B.E., 2 doctoral dissertations, 9 candidate dissertations were defended, specialists of the highest category were trained for South Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda, Dzhambul regions of sanitary and hygienic profile.
In 2002, due to the reorganization, the Department of «Social Medicine» merged with the Department of «Public Health and Healthcare». Since 2003, by the decision of the state attestation commission, on the basis of the staffing table, the departments were divided, and the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology was organized.
According to the decision of the Academic Council of 21.06.2011 (Protocol № 11), on the basis of the staffing table and the Rector's order № 191 of 14.07.2012, the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology was renamed the Department of Hygiene – 1.
According to the decision of the Academic Council of 21.11.2012 and the order of the rector № 241p, the departments «Hygiene – 1» and «Physical Culture» were merged into the department «Hygiene – 1, Physical culture and Valeology».
On September 1, 2016, due to the addition of the subject «Epidemiology» to the department «Hygiene – 1» and with the decision of the Academic Council, the name of the department was changed to «Hygiene – 1 and Epidemiology».
According to the decision of the Academic Council of 31.08.2017 and the order of the rector № 241p, the departments «Hygiene – 1 and Epidemiology» and «Hygiene-2» were merged into the Department «Hygiene and Epidemiology».
Currently, the department employs 13 teachers, 3 laboratory assistants. Among the teachers: 1 - professors, 3-associate professors, 7- senior teachers, 2 masters.
Tasks of the department:
- to improve the scientific and qualification category of teachers and public health specialists;
- strengthen the material and educational and technical base of the department;
- to develop the development of modern teaching methods of teaching and student science.
Basic training courses:
State sanitary and epidemiological supervision
Ecology and sustainable development
General hygiene
Radiation hygiene and medical ecology
Private epidemiology with the basics of disinfection
Labor protection
Occupational hygiene
Hygiene of children and adolescents
Communal hygiene
Food hygiene
Clinical epidemiology
Health promotion and disease prevention
Disciplines of the department are taught in three languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.
Scientific priorities of the department:
1. Improvement of social and hygienic monitoring and integrated assessment of the effectiveness of prevention programs for environmentally caused diseases of the population in the area of large-scale lead production;
2. Study of physical development and health status of children and adolescents in modern conditions;
3. Studying the influence of environmental factors on the health of the population in modern conditions.
Utepov Parkhat Dyusembayevich
Head of the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Acting Professor
In 1980-1997 - studied at the Karaganda State Medical Institute, at the Sanitary and Hygienic Faculty, specialty «Hygiene, sanitation, epidemiology».
1997-2000 studied at the postgraduate school «Institute of Physiology and Occupational Hygiene» of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and completed scientific work on the topic «Working conditions, morbidity and development of criteria for professional selection of doctors of surgical profile» and in 2001 was awarded the scientific degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences in the specialty epidemiology.
The total work experience in the specialty is 34 years, including 16 years of scientific and pedagogical activity. Since 2020, he has been the head of the Department of «Hygiene and Epidemiology» of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. In scientific and pedagogical activity, he conducts lectures and practical classes on the subject of epidemiology and hygiene sections, among undergraduate and graduate students of the Academy.
Under the guidance of Parkhat Dusembaevich, in 2017, a dissertation on the topic «Evaluation of the use of therapeutic and preventive immunization in the prevention of rabies» was defended in the specialty «Medicine», Shymkent city, SKMA and under the advice of 2015, a dissertation on the topic «Biological assessment of the properties of genetically modified body products» was defended in the specialty «Biology». 2017 in the specialty «Nursing» dissertation on the topic «Issues of complex rehabilitation in the post-stroke hospital period» Shymkent city, SKMA, and also in 2016, a dissertation on the topic «Conducting research and irrigation assessment of the chemical composition of industrial wastewater of the city of Shymkent» Almaty city, кaz journals of far and near abroad.
The post of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 29.11.2016 was awarded the Jubilee Medal «25 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan».
Professorial - teaching staff of the department:
1. Utepov Parkhat Dusembaevich - Head of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Acting professors
2. Orazova Mereke Mamyrovna - Deputy Head of the Department, Master
3. Ergebekova Gulmira Kulymbetovna - Candidate of Medical Sciences, acting associate professor
4. Yeskerova Sarah Ustemirovna - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor
5. Zhaksybaeva Zheniskul Begasylovna - Senior Lecturer, Master
6. Nuralieva Gulmira Nurpapaevna - Senior Lecturer, Master
7. Baikonsova Laura Omarovna - Senior Lecturer, Master
8. Rystigulova Zhanar Botabaevna - Senior Lecturer, Master
9. Bekzhanova Meruert Usenovna - Senior Lecturer
10. Duysenbayeva Meruert Meyrambekovna - Senior Lecturer
11. Zatybekova Moldir Ordabekkyzy - Senior Lecturer
12. Musirova Aiman Ergebekovna-teacher
13. Sultamuratova Asem Zhayakbaevna - teacher
14. Shirinova Marzhan-teacher
15. Aidar Aliya - teacher
16. Khamza Aidana Batyrzhanovna-teacher
Laboratory assistants:
1. Sailauova Bekzat Abaevna
2. Urkimbaeva Baktygul Tamashevna
3. Ibrayeva Fariza Satbaevna
Address: The department is located at the address: Al-Farabi Square, 1, the building of the new building, 3-4 floor.
Telephone number: (87252) 39-57-57 (1084).