Department of Pediatrics-2


The Department "Pediatrics-2" was organized in September 2019, the head was appointed Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor Bektenova Gulmira Yerseitovna


Bektenova Gulmira Yerseitovna


Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor. A pediatrician of the highest category. Member of the National Medical Association. Member of the Scientific Council at the SKMA. Awarded the badge of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Densaulyk saktau isinin uzdigi" -2017. The winner of the highest award of the Republican Public Association "National Medical Association " - the badge" Altyn Dariger", the Order" Ave Vitae", was repeatedly awarded with diplomas of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Author of more than 120 scientific papers, including 3 scientific articles with an impact factor, published 11 textbooks. He has 1 innovation patent and 4 copyright certificates.


The mission of the educational program in the specialty "Pediatrics» is to prepare a qualified competitive pediatrician with professional competencies, ready to study in residency for the development of competencies in the field of specialized, highly specialized and high-tech pediatric care



•    Planning, organization and implementation of educational, methodological, clinical, educational work, current, intermediate and final control of students ' training in accordance with the curricula and programs of the specialty "Pediatrics".
•    Ensuring the study of theoretical issues and the acquisition of practical skills and abilities necessary in practical activities.
•    Training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel, improving their skills in the residency, master's, and doctoral programs of the specialty "Pediatrics".
•    Planning and conducting scientific research in fundamental and priority areas for practical health care, implementing the results of research work and innovative technologies.
•    Development of new learning technologies.


Basic training courses

1. Bachelor's degree in Pediatrics, 1st year, Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Introduction to the profession"
2. Bachelor's degree in Pediatrics, 2nd year, Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Introduction to the Clinic"
3. Bachelor's degree in Pediatrics, 3rd year, discipline "Propaedeutics of children's diseases", "Clinical practice-2"
4. Bachelor's degree in Pediatrics, 4th year, discipline "Fundamentals of childhood diseases"
5. Bachelor's degree in General Medicine, 4th year, discipline "Fundamentals of childhood diseases"
6. Bachelor's degree in Dentistry, 3rd year, discipline "Propaedeutics of children's diseases"
7. Residency in the specialty "Pediatrics", "Oncology and hematology for children", "Neonatology".


The subjects are taught in Kazakh, Russian and English

Updatability of the read disciplines: 30% of the read disciplines are updated annually.


Educational and methodological work

The Department of academic and methodological work is organized in accordance with the plan of the Department's work at the Department's meetings, issues of success and attendance of students, individual plans for the work of teachers, scientific and educational activities are considered according to the VK plan.
The department has developed a complex of Educational and methodological complex of documentsfor training disciplines. Every academic year, all test issues, methodological recommendations for Ope, CEC are updated and passed by the expert commission. Innovative interactive methods of training in CBL, PBL, TBL, RBL technologies are widely used in the educational process.
Teaching staff of the department published textbooks, manuals:

1. Textbook "Propaedeutics of childhood diseases" - Kemelbekov K. S., Karsybayeva K. R., Zhumabekov zh. K.
2. Educational address "Morbidity of children of early age" - Bektenova G. E.
3. Educational address "Diseases of early childhood" - Bektenova G. E.
4. Educational address "Urgent assistance in pediatric practice" - Bektenova G. E.
5. Educational message "Rational nutrition of young children" - Bektenova G. E., Kemelbekov K. S.
6. Educational lesson "Semiotics in children's nephrology
and syndromology".- Kemelbekov K. S., Bektenova G. E.
7. Textbook- "Diseases of young children" - Bektenova G. E., Kemelbekov K. S.
8. Educational address"developmental defects in premature and mature children".- Kemelbekov K. S., Karsybayeva K. R.
9.Educational address "Nursing in Pediatrics" - Bektenova G. E.


Research work

Employees of the department take an active part with reports in scientific and practical and international conferences.

Over the past five years, the staff of the department has published more than 150 scientific papers, issued 2 textbooks, 7 textbooks and 1 electronic textbook; received 2 patents, 9 copyright certificates. Assistant K. S. Kemelbekov has been a member of the editorial board of the journal CARDIOLOGY and CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH since 2020 and is a 3-time reviewer of the international rating of the journal Scopus database.

12 scientific articles (quartile Q2, Q3 and Q4, percentile 20-56) have been published in international rating databases (Web of Sciences, Scopus, Argis, Medline and Google Scholar), including 1 scientific article with the participation of a resident pediatrician (Zaydulla Akerke).

Actively works at the Department of SSE. In November 2018, at a scientific and clinical conference in Kemerovo, Russia, resident pediatrician Nurila Sadykova was awarded a diploma of the "second degree". In April 2019, 2 resident pediatricians took part in the scientific and practical conference "young scientists and students" at the Bukhara Medical Institute, Bukhara, Republic of Uzbekistan, taking the "second" and "third" places, were awarded letters of thanks. February 16, 2020 in Moscow, Russia, at the VIII International Competition of scientific works of PT Sciens, 3-resident (Amirova K., Abubakirova G. and Ileskhanova G.) together with scientific supervisors presented scientific articles and were awarded the Diploma "I degree".


Clinical work of the department:

The clinical bases of the department are "Regional Children's Clinical Hospital", "City Children's Hospital", "City Hospital No. 2" (maternity department of newborns). The teaching staff of the department has a fairly high professional level of training. All teachers of the department have qualified medical categories and certificates of specialists

Teachers of the department carry out a lot of medical and advisory work together with practical health care. Scientific and practical conferences, seminars, round tables, clinical rounds and consultations are held with the participation of the department staff. The department provides great practical assistance to health care in the preventive direction, actively speaking on television on the diagnosis and prevention of COVID-19 in children.

For their great contribution to the development of domestic healthcare, Associate Professor Zhumabekov Zh. K. and assistant Kemelbekov K. S. were awarded the badge " The Golden Doctor"in 2020.


Currently, the department employs:


Teaching staff:

Zhumabekov Zharylkap Kuanyshbekovich - Associate Professor, Excellent Student of Healthcare
Hatamov Furkat Jamalovich - Associate Professor
Kemelbekov Kanatzhan Saukhanbekovich - assistant, "the best dean of the year"
Karsybayeva Kulbala Romanovna - assistant
Baltabayeva Kaliya Tasbauevna - assistant
Onlasbekova Gulzhanat Maksatbekovna - assistant
Umarova Aizada Nurakhovna - teacher
Alfiya Galiullayevna Musayeva - Assistant
Mukasheva Laura Sabetbekovna - assistant
Adilbekova Ainur Turdalievna - assistant
Tazhieva Aigul Duisebekovna - assistant
Adilbekova Gulzira Spabekovna - assistant
Temirov Asan Temirovich - assistant
Ashikbayeva Bakitkul Malbekovna - assistant
Orynbetova Zamira Makhatovna - assistant
Uanov Askar Muratovich – assistant

Training and support staff:
Nasirova Sandugash Khaldibekovna – senior laboratory assistant
Ikranova Aigerim - senior laboratory assistant
Satyshova Ulzhan Saparbaykyzy -laboratory assistant



Address and contact details:

Shymkent, mkrn.Nursat, Argynbekova str. 125, " Regional Children's Clinical Hospital»








13.08.2021, 02:00