Department of Strategic Development and International Cooperation



The Department of Strategic Development and International Cooperation (SD&IC) conducts a set of measures to form strategic directions of the JSC South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (SKMA), organize and strengthen international activities and external relations of SKMA, as well as develop an effective quality management system in SKMA that meets international standards in the field of quality and educational project management.


The tasks Department of Strategic Development and International Cooperation are:

• development of Strategic directions of SKMA, Mission and Politics in the field of quality of SKMA;
• organization of institutional and specialized accreditation of educational programs;
• coordination of work on the implementation of international cooperation programs, agreements (agreements) in the field of education, science, visiting professors, 
• coordination of activities for the implementation of academic mobility of teaching staff and students, work of inspection and recertification audits, work on the participation of the university in the ratings. 
• monitoring the implementation of the Strategic Partnership program;
• forecasting the necessary costs to ensure the external relations of SKMA.



Head of the Department of Strategic Development and International Cooperation

Akhmetova Alma Abdukarimovna



The Department of Strategic Development and International Cooperation includes:

•    Department of Strategic Development and International Cooperation;
•    Quality Assurance and Monitoring Department.



Contact details of the department:
Workinghours: from 9:00 to 18:00
Breakfrom 13:00 to 14:00






09.09.2022, 12:27