Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines


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History of the department: The history of the Department of social and humanitarian disciplines began in 1979, since the moment of establishment of the Shymkent branch of the Alma-Ata State Medical Institute, in the structure of which was opened the department of “History of the CPSU”. The department has gone through a difficult path of formation and development. The Department of social and humanitarian disciplines traces its history since 2015. Today, the department is headed by candidate of historical sciences, acting associate professor Shadiyar Aldiyarovich Ashirov. The department provides training for undergraduate and graduate students for all specialties. Teaching is conducted by the three languages: in the Kazakh, Russian and English. Nowadays, the department has got 11 teachers on its staff, including 3 part-time workers and 2 senior laboratory assistants. Among all the teachers of department there are 5 candidates of sciences, 1 candidate for a PhD degree and 3 masters of sciences.



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Head of the Department, candidate of historical sciences, acting associate professor Ashirov Sh.A.



The Department's Objective: Prepare highly qualified competitive specialists in the medical and pharmaceutical fields for the southern region and the country as a whole based on the achievements of modern science and practice, who are ready to adapt to rapidly changing conditions in the medical and pharmaceutical industries through continuous improvement of competence and development of creative initiative. Teach the students to analyze philosophical, political, social, economic and cultural phenomena and processes of modern society, to promote the formation of an ideological, methodological culture and to teach the ability to practically competently use the acquired knowledge in the professional sphere.


Basic training courses:

Bachelor course:

- Philosophy

- Sociology and Political Science

- Legal, economic, environmental and scientific knowledge

Master's Degree Program:

- History and philosophy of science

- Psychology of management


Academic disciplines are taught for undergraduate and graduate students for all specialties in Kazakh and Russian as well as for students of foreign groups in English on the specialty "Medicine".



Methodological work at the department is carried out with the aim of fully providing the taught disciplines with the corresponding EMCD (Educational and methodological complex of the discipline). The teachers of the department are the authors of educational and methodological publications that are available in the library fund of SKMA:
1. S.M. Taskymbayeva "Fundamentals of Economic Theory" guidebook. Shymkent, 2011. 220 c.
2. Taskymbaeva S.M., Karataeva F.M. “Fundamentals of Economic Theory” guidebook. Karaganda. Publishing House: "Aknur" press, 2017. 90 c.
3. K.B. Kemelbekov, Z.Sh. Orazymbetova., A.S. Yerkinbekova, M.T. Duisebayev "Religious Studies" guidebook. - Almaty: "Evero", 2017. 100 c.
4. Sh.A. Ashirov “Philosophy”: guidebook / Karaganda: Medet Group, 2023. – p.284. 1 c.
5. K.B. Kemelbekov, Z.Sh. Orazymbetova “Philosophy”: guidebook. Karaganda: "Medet Group" LLP, 2021 - p.260. 1 c.
6. “Sociology”: guidebook / M.A. Ertaev, S.M. Taskynbayeva, F.M. Karataeva. - Karaganda: LLP "Medet Group", 2020. – p.330. 1 c.
7. Ertaev M.A. “Sociology” [Text]: guidebook / Karaganda: Medet Group, 2021. – p.260. 2 c.
8. Sabitov T.Zh. Sociology: textbook / Karaganda: LLP. "Medet Group", 2020. – p.310. 1 c.
9. M.A. Zhanysbekov “Fundamentals of anti-corruption culture: a set of lectures / Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. SKMA. “History of Kazakhstan and socio-public disciplines”. - Shymkent: [b. i.], 2015. – p.101. 40 c.
10. Zhanysbekov M.A. Fundamentals of anti-corruption culture: teaching aid / Karaganda: AKNUR, 2016. - p.198. 40 c.
11. Ashirov Sh.A. “Philosophy” guidebook - Karaganda: Medet Group, 2023. – p.260. 1 c.
12. Taskimbaeva S.M., Karataeva F.M. “Fundamentals of Economic Theory” guidebook. Karaganda: Medet Group, 2023. – p.240. 1 c.


The Department of social and humanitarian disciplines carries out the work in the scientific direction "Strategic directions of training specialists to improve the competitiveness of Kazakhstan’s society". The teachers of the department annually publish scientific articles at scientific and practical conferences of international and national scale. For the previous 2023-2024 academic year were published 2 guidebooks and more than 20 scientific articles and a lecture course on the discipline "Philosophy" in English is being prepared for publication. The staff of the department actively involves the SKMA students of all specialties in the research activities.


Scientific priorities of the department:

Work on the scientific project within the framework of the program "Ruhani zhazyru".

1. General provisions Holy places of the South

2. Worship of native places

3. Monuments of personality - as the basis of spiritual development

4. Modern globalization of Kazakh culture


Scientific priorities of the department:


1. Sh.A.Ashirov - candidate of historical sciences, acting associate professor, head of department;
2. M.A. Ertayev - candidate of sociological sciences, acting professor;
3. M.A. Zhanysbekov - candidate of historical sciences, acting associate professor;
4. U.T. Kurmanbayev - candidate of historical sciences, acting associate professor;
5. O.A. Turebayev - candidate of philosophical sciences, acting associate professor (ptw);
6. S.S. Korganova - candidate of philosophical sciences, acting associate professor (ptw);
7. G.Sh. Dzhumagulova - candidate of psychological sciences, acting associate professor (ptw);
8. F.M. Karataeva - master of economics, senior lecturer;
9. T.Zh. Sabitov - master of history, PhD candidate, senior lecturer;
10. S.T. Abdrasilova - master of political science, senior lecturer;
11. M.A. Burkhan - master of sociology, senior lecturer;
12. A.B. Turmatova - senior lab assistant;
13. B.M. Serikbay - senior lab assistant.



Address and contact information:

Turkestan st., 10

Phone (ATS): +77252536782






30.09.2020, 12:12