Department of drug technology


History of the department

The Department of Drug Technology was organized in 1981. The first employees of the department were the head of the department, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, associate professor Chukurova R.M., teachers Rysbekova Z.M., Usenbayeva R.B. Sagindykova B.A. was trained in a targeted postgraduate course at the All-Union Research Institute of Pharmacy.
So, in 1982, the course of factory technology of medicines was opened, in 1983, the course "Biopharmaceutical". In different years, the Department of Drug Technology was envied:
- Chukurova R.M., Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor - 1981-1993
- Mendibaev B.T., Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor - 1993-1997
- Sagindykova B.A., Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor - from 1997 to the present.

Sagindykova Bayan Akhmetovna, Head of Drug Technology Department,

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor


Tasks of the department

The department has its own scientific school. Under the guidance of Professor Sagindykova B.A., 6 candidates defended their PhD theses.
The Department of Drug Technology, being one of the leading departments of the Faculty of Pharmacy, makes a huge contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists. Educational laboratories are equipped with modern equipment, small-scale mechanization tools and visual aids, instruments, etc.

Specialists are trained in the following specialties: 6B10106 - «Pharmacy» (bachelor's degree), 6B07201 - "Pharmaceutical production Technology" (bachelor's degree) 0306000 – «Pharmacy» (secondary vocational education), master's degree in the specialty 7M10142 - «Pharmacy» and doctoral studies in the specialty 8D10140 - «Pharmacy».
Currently, the Department of Drug Technology employs 1 Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, 1 Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Acting Professor, 1 Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, acting Associate Professor, 3 Masters of Medical Sciences (3 on maternity leave). There are 5 undergraduates studying in the master's program, 1 doctoral student is studying in the doctoral program.


The staff of the department has prepared and released more than 10 textbooks and manuals in the state and russian languages (since 2003):
- Textbooks Sagindykova B. A. "Production technology of medicines"– 2008. – 346 р.;
- Sagindykova B. A., Anarbayeva R. M. "Pharmacy technology of medicines"– 2008. – 436 р.;
- Sagindykovoy B. A., Anarbaev R. M. "Bifoarmation and biopharmaceutical studies of medicinal products"– 2021. – 206 р.;
- Sagindykova B. A., Anarbayeva R. M. "Experimental technology of dosage forms"– 2021. – 427 р.;
- Sagindykova B. A., Anarbayeva R. M. "Pharmacy technology of medicines" (revised and updated)– 2021. – 560 р.;
- Educational and methodological support Sagindykova B. A., Anarbayeva R. M., Martynova I. A., Asylova N. A. "Dosing in drug technology" (Rus., Kaz.)
- Educational materials Sagindykova B. A., Torlanova B.O., Kydyralieva B.S. "Elements of biopharmacy and pharmacokinetics"– 2014. – 55 р.;
- Educational address of Anarbayeva R. M. "Textbook for laboratory classes on pharmacy dosage form technology" – 2013.– 329 р.


Since 1981, the staff of the department has published more than 400 scientific papers, 2 registration certificates for medicines, 5 Temporary Pharmacopoeia articles, 14 pre-patents, 4 copyright certificates.
Since 1999, the Department of Drug Technology has been conducting advanced training courses for specialists with higher and secondary education in cycles.
1. Innovative technologies for the production of medicines.
2. Topical issues of pharmaceutical technology.
Since 2011, field training cycles for specialists with higher and secondary education have been organized in the Ural and Zhambyl regions.
The department has a student scientific circle. Since 1991, more than 60 theses and projects have been defended. Students participate in international, republican, and regional Olympiads.


Basic training courses

Academic work at the Department is carried out annually in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 604 dated 31.10.2018 and the approved work plan of the Department.
Developed and approved ЕMСD by disciplines:


Specialty 6B10106 - «Pharmacy» (Bachelor's degree):
1. "Introduction to the specialty";
2. "Technology of dosage forms";
3. "Technology of extraction preparations";
4. "Industrial technology of medicines";
5. "Innovative pharmaceutical technology";
6. "Pharmaceutical hygiene";
7. "Pharmaceutical biotechnology".


Specialty 6B07201 - "Technology of pharmaceutical production" (bachelor's degree):
1. "Fundamentals of pharmaceutical technology";
2. "Technology of dosage forms";
3. "Technology of medical and cosmetic and veterinary products".


Specialty 7M10142 - «Pharmacy» (Master's degree):
1. "Good pharmaceutical practice";
2. "Pharmaceutical and biomedical aspects of drugs";
3. "Nanotechnology and biotechnology in pharmacy";
4. "Technology of parapharmaceutical and nutraceutical preparations";
5. "Methodology of scientific research in pharmacy";
6. "Fundamentals of teaching methodology in pharmacy".


Specialty 8D10140 - «Pharmacy» (doctoral studies):
1. "Registration of medicines, medical devices";
2. "Pharmaceutical development and validation of the process";
3. "Technology of dosage forms with modified release and modified action";
4. "Biopharmaceutical aspects of drug development and research";
5. "Organization of production of medicinal preparations according to GMP".


Disciplines taught in the framework of the multilingual program

Russian Russian pharmaceutical production technology is conducted in Russian groups in the state language, in Kazakh groups in the Russian language. The discipline "Innovative pharmaceutical technology" in the specialty 6B10106 - «Pharmacy» and "Technology of medical, cosmetic and veterinary products" in the specialty 6B07201 - "Pharmaceutical production technology" is conducted in Russian groups in the state language, in Kazakh groups in Russian.


Scientific priorities of the department

The scientific activity of the department is conducted in the direction: "Search, development and biopharmaceutical research of innovative medicines".
The scientific activity of the department is aimed at the development and introduction into pharmaceutical production of medicines based on domestic plant raw materials and new production technologies, as well as at improving the technology of medicines produced by domestic manufacturers. Under the guidance of Professor Sagindykova B.A. the scientific and technical program "Development and introduction of new medicines based on domestic plant raw materials" was carried out (subprogram "Technological and biopharmaceutical aspects of the development and introduction of dosage forms with anti-inflammatory drugs", State registration No. 0342 of the Republic of Kazakhstan). Scientific research under this program was carried out in the direction of the development and introduction of medicines based on original domestic substances: richlocaine, alchidine and local raw materials - licorice root extract, glycyram.


The scientific group led by Professor Sagindykova B.A. has been the holder of scientific grants several times:
1. Science Foundation of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1999
2. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan 009 "Applied research in the field of healthcare", 2003-2005
3. Innovation Fund of South Kazakhstan region, 2004


Currently in the department is working:
1. Sagindykova B.А. - Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, professor, head of the Department;
2. Anarbaeva R.М. - Candidate of Pharmaceutical sciences, acting professor;
3. Kydyraliev B.S. - Candidate of Pharmaceutical sciences, Acting Associate Professor;
4. Tobagabylova G.N. – Senior teacher;
5. Nurbaeva S.Е. - Senior teacher;
6. Asylova N.А. - Master of Medical Sciences, Senior teacher;
7. Imanalieva S.M. - Master of Medical Sciences, Senior teacher;
8. Zharylkasyn A.N. - Master of Medical Sciences, teacher;
9. Ermekova А.B. - teacher;
10. Djandarova K.А. - senior laboratory assistant.
11. Sadyk A.T. - laboratory assistant;



Address: Al-Farabi square 1, SKMA, 1-academic building, 3-floor, 301 office.
Tel: 8 (7252) 39-57-57 (internal 1037)









30.09.2020, 11:27