Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenereology




History of the department


The Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology (formerly the Department of Infectious Diseases with courses of epidemiology, children's infectious diseases) was first organized on the basis of the City Infectious Diseases Hospital in 1996, since 2008 the department included the subject of dermatovenerology.
The first head of the department was the chief physician of GIB, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Anarbaev A.D., who headed the department from 1996 to 1997, then the department was headed by:
1998-2001 Dr. M.Sc,
Professor Balgimbekov Sh.A., 2001-2007 d.m.s. Egizbaev M.K., 2007-2009 c.m.s., associate professor, Utepbergenova G.A.
Since September 1, 2009, the department is headed by c.m.s., Professor Abuova G.N., Excellent Health Officer of the Republic of Kazakhstan, independent expert of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, holder of the state grant "The best teacher of the university - 2016", honorary graduate of the State Medical University Semey. Member of the International Association of Highly Dangerous Infections, Euro-Asian Society for Infectious Diseases, Republican Public Association of Infectious Diseases.


Head of Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor Abuova G. N.



Purpose and objectives of the department's activity:

- training of  highly  qualified,  competitive specialists based on the achievements of modern science and practice;
-   implementation of the Quality Policy and Goals of SKMA within the competence    of  the department;
-   ensuring a high level of teaching disciplines with the use of modern innovative technologies aimed at fulfilling the main task of the department in the process of training of bachelor's, internship,  residency,  master's,   doctoral    and FNPR specialists;
-   development and implementation of textbooks, teaching aids, control and measuring


Major courses of study:

-  Bachelor's degree,

- Internship,

- Residency,

- Master's degree,

- Doctoral degree,

- FNPR The

Disciplines of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology are taught in Kazakh, Russian, and for students of the specialty "General Medicine" in English.




Bachelor Course

General Medicine 

Infectious Diseases; Pediatric Infectious Diseases


Infectious Diseases; Pediatric Infectious Diseases


Infectious diseases; Dermatovenerology and phthisiatry

Public health

Infectious diseases


General medical practice 

Infectious Diseases OVP; Pediatric Infectious Diseases in OVP; Pediatric Infectious Diseases


Infectious Diseases, including pediatric infectious diseases

Infectious diseases in hospital

Pediatric infectious diseases in hospital

Infectious diseases in the outpatient clinic

Pediatric infectious diseases in the outpatient clinic


Elective Component:

Particularly dangerous infections

Current zoonotic infections

Fever syndrome in the physician's practice

Human helminth infections

Infectious hepatology

Family medicine 

Infectious diseases

Pediatric infectious diseases

Pediatric dermatovenerology


Pediatric infectious diseases

Pediatric dermatovenerology



Optional component



Optional component


Infectious diseases, including pediatric infectious diseases

 Certification cycle and advanced training cycles for doctors and nurses


Educational and methodical activity of the department In the work of the department an important place is occupied by educational and educational- methodical work. In accordance with the epidemiological situation in the world, the Republic of Kazakhstan actualized topics of disytspilin, elective courses in bachelor's, internship, residency, master's and doctoral studies, created educational programs for specialty "General Medicine" at the levels of bachelor's, internship, residency, as well as educational program on FNPR; updated syllabus, published educational, teaching and methodological manuals and developments. In addition, the faculty of the department prepared video lectures, online training courses on current problems of infectology. Educational and educational-methodical work of the department is carried out according to the normative acts of MES RK, MH RK, Model programs of specialties of students, calendar- thematic plans of lectures, practical and open classes, approved at the beginning of the academic year, the planned teaching load, the plan of methodical work of the department. In order to improve the effectiveness of the educational process at the department is carried out work on the continuous improvement of the level of knowledge of students and improve the quality of teaching. Improvement of students' knowledge is achieved by improving the material-technical and clinical base of the department, the use of modern innovative pedagogical technologies in the teaching process ("portfolio", TBL, PBL, case study, standardized patient, etc. educational videos, electronic textbooks, multimedia projectors, slide presentations, MDO and other pedagogical technologies).
The department has its own departmental website, which contains many organizational, informational, training and knowledge control materials. The teaching staff of the chair continuously improves its professional level by scheduled clinical and pedagogical improvement cycles at the national and international levels. At the department published textbooks in Kazakh language "Collection of lectures on infectious diseases"; "Differential diagnosis of infectious diseases" (author - Abuova G.N.), "Modern technology teaching clinical protocols of diagnosis and treatment in residency and internship";
15 manuals, is preparing to publish teaching aids: "ZTD mamandygyna arnalgan zhukpaly aurular boyynsha clinical clinicalқөn tildi esepter zhyntygyy", "Practical guide to epidemiology".


Scientific activity of the department:

Much attention at the department of infectious diseases is paid to scientific work.
The initiative scientific project "Improvement of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of CCHL in the southern regions of Kazakhstan by assessing the real epidemiological situation and development of specific immunoglobulin" is carried out.
During the project were obtained International patent "Method of predicting the outcome of Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever", 15 author's certificates: "Epidemiologic monitoring-map of investigation of CCHL case in the southern regions of Kazakhstan", "Methodology of epidemiologic surveillance of persons with tick bite according to the incubation period of possible CCHL" and others.
According to the results of NTP published 4 articles in international peer-reviewed scientific editions, indexed in authoritative databases of scientific information (Web of Science, Scopus, Springer), more than 20 articles and abstracts in the collections of international conferences; made 40 reports at international conferences.
At the department under the guidance of Professor Abuova G.N. 3 doctoral students are studying for the degree of PhD. - In 2023 the doctoral student Polukchi T.V. is going to defend her dissertation on the theme: "Cognitive disorders in patients with chronic viral hepatitis".
In 2023, doctoral student Shaimerdenova G.G. is going to defend her dissertation on "The effect of COVID-19 on the course of pregnancy";
Doctoral student of the 3rd year of training Ashirova M.Z. is working on a dissertation on the topic "Features of management and clinic in patients with COVID-19 with concomitant pathology in the conditions of Shymkent city"
Doctoral students of the 2nd year of study Bayakhmetova M.A. and Bukharbaeva E.A. are working on their dissertations.


-   Aitmuratova G.A. defended her master's thesis in 2021 on "Assessment of residual phenomena and consequences of COVID-19 in separate groups of population of Shymkent". Articles and theses of faculty members are systematically published in various editions and collections of scientific conferences, student scientific circle functions.


Organization of research work of  students (NIRS):

The department has a student research circle (SRC) "Infectious Disease Specialist". The circle includes students from among master's students, resident infectious disease specialists, interns- therapists, interns-pediatricians, interns-VOP, bachelors. Monthly meetings of the circle are held, according to the plan of NIRS. Under the guidance of teachers, members of the SMC are prepared reports, presentations, clinical cases on infectious pathology, there are publications published in periodicals, prepared by master's students, residents, educational "case histories" of infectious patients are developed. Prize-winning prizes have been received. And also the department has its own website, where students have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with lectures, teaching material, test tasks for various disciplines.


The faculty of the department published:

Head of the department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor Abuova G.N. - 290 scientific articles, 10 of them in international peer-reviewed scientific editions, indexed in authoritative databases of scientific information (Web of Science, Scopus, Springer). The teaching staff of the department actively participates in international scientific conferences, speaking with docalds. Employees of the department published scientific works in various journals VAK CIS and foreign countries, countries of Europe and Asia. In 2022 it is planned to publish the monograph "Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever", "COVID- 19" - in the state language.


Participation in the work of scientific societies. Faculty members of the department are members of the International Association of particularly dangerous infections, Euro-Asian Society for Infectious Diseases, Republican Public Association of Infectious Diseases.
- The faculty of the department monthly participates in the work of the city society of infectious diseases. -
Head of the department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor Abuova G.N. and faculty members of the department read lectures and conduct seminars on coronavirus infection COVID-19 and other relevant infectious diseases with doctors of Shymkent and Turkestan region.

Medical work of the department: Head of the department, Candidate of Medical Sciences Abuova G.N. is a developer of many Clinical Protocols of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a member of the working group for the development of CP "Coronavirus infection COVID-19 in adults" and "Coronavirus infection COVID-19 in pregnant women, women in labor and delivery". The members of the department provide consultative assistance to the Department of Infectious Diseases and other medical institutions of the city, especially on the tactics of management of critically ill patients who are in the wards of the city infectious diseases hospital. Assistants of the department are on duty in GIB according to the schedule approved by the administration of the clinical base and daily supervise patients in various departments of the hospital. In accordance with the plan, lectures on particularly dangerous infections were given at the city and district level by faculty members. Thus, the wide coverage of LPU with lectures and seminars on diagnosis, treatment and prevention of COVID-19 contributed to the improvement of the quality of medical care for patients with coronavirus infection. Head of the department Professor Abuova G.N., associate professors Berdalieva F.A.,


Kamytbekova K.J., assistant Sarypbekova L.L. are independent experts of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, conduct expert examination of lethal cases, appeals of citizens of Shymkent, Turkestan region and other regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Department composition:


1. Abuova Gulzhan Narkenovna - head of the department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor;
infectious disease doctor of the highest category.
2. Berdalieva Farida Abdullaevna - PhD, acting assistant professor; infectious diseases doctor of the
highest category.
3. Kamytbekova Kulyan Zhailiauovna - PhD, acting assistant professor; infectious diseases doctor of the highest category.
4. Sarypbekova Laura Lesbekovna - assistant, head of the department; infectious disease doctor of the highest category
5. Shopaev Amangeldy Shopaevich - assistant, with a long teaching experience; infectious disease doctor of the highest category.
6. Beisetaeva Batpa Erezhepovna - assistant, with a long teaching experience; infectious diseases doctor of the highest category.
7. Polukchi Tatiana Vasilievna - PhD - doctoral student, English language assistant; infectious diseases doctor of the first category.
8. Әuezkhanov Samatkhan Polatkhanovich - assistant; infectious diseases doctor of the first category.
9. Әshtayeva Samal Tөlepbergenkyzy - assistant; infectious disease physician.
10. Sadykova Dana Kairatkyzy - assistant; infectious disease doctor.
11. Zhorakhanova Bagila Abdikharkyzy - assistant; infectious diseases doctor of the first category.
12. Zhuzjassarova Aigerim Aymaganbetovna - associate professor; infectious diseases doctor of the highest category.


Currently, the clinical base of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology YKMA is Shymkent City Infectious Diseases Hospital, designed for 360 beds. The department is located on the 3rd floor of the main building of Shymkent City Infectious Diseases Hospital, is equipped with good, updated material and technical base, classrooms are adapted for lectures and practical classes with the use of modern innovative technologies, practical skills are mastered directly in the departments of the hospital ¹ 1-10 and hepatocenter, as well as educational and clinical center of UKMA.

Address of the department:

State municipal state-owned enterprise "City Infectious Diseases Hospital", Shymkent, Zhibek-Zholy Avenue, 13.
Phone/fax: (8-7525)49-00-77

01.10.2020, 10:48