Department of History of Kazakhstan and social and public disciplines




History of the department


The Department of History of Kazakhstan and Socio-Public Disciplines traces its history back to 1979, since the establishment of the Shymkent branch of the Alma-Ata State Medical Institute, in the structure of which the Department of "History of the CPSU" was opened. Since its foundation, the teaching staff of the department has been working to improve the quality of teaching social sciences and humanities. Heads of departments at different stages: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor E.A. Abdikulov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor M.A. Zhanysbekov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, acting Associate Professor L.S. Mailybaeva.
Since September 1, 2018, the Department of "History of Kazakhstan and Socio-Public Disciplines" is headed by PhD - Nurzhanbayeva Zh.O.
Currently, the department employs 5 candidates of sciences and associate professors, 7 senior teachers, 1 teacher, 1 senior laboratory assistant.



Head of the Department, PhD
Nurzhanbayeva Zhanat Oralbayevna



Tasks of the department:

- implementation of the Policy and Objectives of the UCMA in the field of quality within the competence of the department;
- meeting the requirements of the quality management system (QMS)
- continuous professional development of teachers of the department;
- regular educational work of students during the educational process and while on duty in the dormitory;


Main training courses:


- Нistory of Kazakhstan
- Psychology and cultural studies
- Fundamentals of Law and Economics
- Legal, economic, environmental and scientific knowledge


- Pedagogy of higher education


- Educational technologies in universities

Disciplines are conducted for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students for all specialties in Kazakh, Russian, as well as for students of the specialty "General Medicine" in English.


The updatability of the disciplines being read:
The main place in the work of the department is occupied by educational and methodical work. In accordance with the state standard, the number of hours allocated to general and special courses in all disciplines has been determined, the topics of elective courses in bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies have been updated, standard training work programs have been updated, teaching aids and developments have been published.

Teachers of the department, authors of teaching aids:

1. Nurzhanbayeva Zh.O., Aidarbekova G.S., Erkinbekova A.S. Psychology of zhane madeniyettanu. Oku-adistemelik kural. Shymkent, 2019.
2. Nurzhanbayeva Zh.O., Aidarbekova G.S., Abdurakhmanov N.A., Nigmatullina Sh. SH. "MODERN HISTORY OF KAZAKHSTAN" Oku-adistemelik kural. Shymkent, 2020 y.
3. Nurzhanbayeva Zh.O. Madeniyettanu. Oku-adistemelik kural. Shymkent. "Nurly beine" baspasy.2020j. 280 b.
4. Nurzhanbayeva Zh.O.,Aidarbekova G.S., Bekkulova A.A.,Ibraimova A.Zh. "Kazakstannyn kazirgi zaman tarikhy" pani boyynsha electrondy oku kuraly. Shymkent, 2021 zh.
5.Zhanysbekov M.A., Abdurakhmanov N.A., Erkinbekova A.S. Fundamentals of anti-corruption culture. Educational and methodical manual. Karaganda, 2016.
6. Turadilov M. U., Utegenov B. D.,Ibraimova A. zh. educational and methodological manual for the practice lesson "on the discipline" history of Kazakhstan". Shymkent, 2023.
7. Nurzhanbaeva J.O., Yerkinbekova A.S., Malikov M.M., Makhatova L.T. Educational and methodological tool on the subject "Fundamentals of anti-corruption culture". Shymkent, 2024.

Scientific priorities of the department:

The department conducts research work in three areas:
1. Problems of spiritual renewal in the modern history of Kazakhstan.
2. Aspects of psychological and cultural education in the system of medical universities.
3. Issues of formation of civil principles and values within the framework of the state programs "Mangilik El" and "Rukhani Zhangyru".
The teaching staff of the department actively participates in international, republican, regional scientific conferences, symposiums, publishes articles in scientific journals based on SCOPUS, represented by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Obtained a certificate of copyright for intellectual property with an Hirsch index. To date, the department has developed educational materials, electronic textbooks and published 9 textbooks with a circulation of 1800 copies.
Proceedings of the doctor PhD, head. department Nurzhanbayeva Zhanat Oralbaevna, published in the Scopus database
1. Nurzhanbaeva J./Develoment of students Technological Competence in the Spesialty «Garment Industry and Fashion Desingn /International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 15(2015) Р.35673-356767
2. Zhanat Nurzhanbayeva /The Level Indicators of the Professional Readiness of Future Teachers to Dual Training./Man In India/97,2019(21): 705-714 © Serials Publications.
3.Zhanat Nurzhanbayeva/Semantic Guidelines and Conceptual Basis of a Social Education Teacher Professional Mobility in the Pedagogical Science/ Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment, 2020, 8, 560-566.
4. Dual education conditions for pedagogical bases of specialists
inclusive training // Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences Volume 17, Issue 3, (2022) 765-771


In order to achieve the objectives of the Quality Management System, the department systematically carries out work aimed at improving the quality of teaching disciplines. In order to improve the quality of the educational process and consideration of actual problems in the introduction of modular technology training in the educational process on November 24, 2022, a methodological seminar was held on the topic "methods of criterion-based assessment of learning outcomes". On March 15, 2023, an organizational training seminar was held on the topic "methods of using digital resources in teaching humanitarian disciplines at universities".
Teachers of the department pay special attention to professional development and scientific work. Every year, according to the plan, they improve their qualifications at courses- offline and online.
Considering that youth is an important subject of social changes in sovereign Kazakhstan, the teaching staff of the department conducts educational work among students within the framework of the programs "Mangilik El" and "Rukhani Zhangyru" aimed at the formation of national consciousness, patriotism and citizenship among future specialists. At the department there are circles "Law" and "Parasat" with the participation of students and teachers.
The staff of the Department of "History of Kazakhstan and socio-social disciplines" conducts a wide range of pedagogical, educational and social work.
Students of the 1st year of the STKAB-01-22 SKMA group in the specialty "Dentistry" took part in the XXVI Republican student scientific conference on natural, technical, social, humanitarian and economic sciences, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, held on 30 -March 31. Bekaidar Dinara, Zharylkasyn Akylzhan received the 1st degree Diploma for their meaningful scientific work. As well as 1st year students Yesengeldy Zhuldyz and Akkul Zhansaya for active participation in the conference were awarded letters of thanks from the Faculty of History and Pedagogy of M. Auezov SKU.
The department provides mentoring to students of the educational program "Medicine" 1-2 courses of the Faculty of Medicine. Conducts educational work in the dormitories of the SKMA.
Head of the Department of "History of Kazakhstan and socio-pablic disciplines", сandidate of Historical Sciences Aidarbekova Galiya Sarybaevna was awarded a medal and diplomas of the first degree for participation in the competition " IV International Book Edition", "Best Teacher - 2023" among scientific and educational institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States, organized by the Association of Legal Entities in the form of the association "National Movement"Bobek."
For active participation in the republican competition of professional skills, the head of the department " History of Kazakhstan and social and public disciplines", doctor Phd Nurzhanbayeva Zhanat Oralbaykyzy was awarded the diploma of the 1 st degree "The best teachers of Kazakhstan-2023".
In honor of the celebration of the "Day of Medical Workers", senior teachers of the department according to the results of KPIs Malikov M.M. were awarded the diploma "Best mentor-2023" and the prize of 100,000 thousand tenge, Ibraimova A.Zh. was awarded the diploma "Best mentor-2023" and the maximum prize of 300,000 thousand tenge.


Currently, the department is working:

1. Nurzhanbayeva Zhanat Oralbaevna - Head of the Department, PhD
2. Sakhov Saparbek Musakhanovich - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
3. Turebaev Omarkul Akimbayevich - Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor
4. Aidarbekova Galiya Sarybaevna - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor
5. Turadilov Meyrbek Unerbekovich - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor
6. Bekkulova Akmaral Atygaevna - senior lecturer
7. Malikov Mukhtar Maratovich - senior lecturer
8. Ibraimova Akmaral Zhamalbekovna - senior lecturer
9. Makhatova Leila Talgatovna - senior lecturer
10. Myrzaziya Akbayan Alishevna - senior lecturer
11. Mukhametali Asel Nurgalikyzy. - senior laboratory assistant


Address and contact details:
Educational building Tokaev 27, 3rd floor, department "History of Kazakhstan and social and social disciplines"
Mob. phone: 87782496079; 87471343480





30.09.2020, 12:24