
To be a recognized leader in the field of training competitive personnel!



Effective system of medical and pharmaceutical education, based on the competence approach and the needs of practical public health and pharmaceutical industries, focused on the training of specialists that meet international quality and safety standards.




Basic ethical principles, on which SKMA relies for the realization of its mission:

The principle of high professionalism the teaching staff of SKMA – this is permanent improvement of their knowledge and skills, ensuring the provision of quality educational services for students at all levels of training.

The principle of quality in SKMA – this is the realization of  conception of modernization of Kazakhstan education, the main direction of which is to ensure the modern quality of education based on the preservation of its fundamental and compliance with the actual and prospective needs of the individual, society and state, which is ensured by the use in the educational process, scientific-research activities and consultative and diagnostic work of innovative technologies and new achievements of science and practice. 

The principle of orientation training – this is the implementation of a student-centered learning process on flexible path of educational programs, taking into account the rapidly changing economic conditions and current trends in the labor market, the creation of maximum effective conditions for their professional growth, development of motivation and monitoring of training outcomes, continuous renovation of educational programs, expanding the volume of knowledge and competence, necessary for effective professional activity. 

06.10.2020, 04:20