Department of Morphophysiology

History of the department


After opening of the general medical faculty on the basis of the Shymkent Pharmaceutical Institute in 1992, the Department of Normal Anatomy, Histology and History of Medicine was organized. Since october of the same year the department started its activity.
Under the guidance of the rector of the institute K.U.Ushbaev and the pro-rector for academic work of Professor K.A.Adilbekov invited from the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.Zh.Asfendiyarov Candidate of Med. Sci., Associate Professor Sakhypbaev Asylkhan Sakhypbaevich and approved as the head of the Department of Anatomy and Histology (1992).
From the first days of his career, associate professor Sakhypbaev A.S. made a huge contribution to the creation of a material and technical base, the organization of educational and methodological work, the provision of teaching staff of the department.
The first teacher of anatomy was assistant Yusupov Amangeldy Mamaevich, and histology Rakymberdiev Tolesh Abdrazakovich.
Associate Professor Sakhypbaev A.S. for the first time at the department carried out the organization of work on the creation of an anatomical museum and an "anatomical complex" for the preparation of anatomical preparations. In the first years of the department's work, experienced specialists from the Kazakh National Medical University were invited to the exchange of experience and mastering the teaching skills for beginner teachers: prof. Tolybekov A.S., prof. Musagalieva G.M., associate professor Sisabekov K.E.. They helped the department in creating histological and anatomical materials, preparations, in conducting practical exercises and lecturing. The solution of the above-mentioned tasks was carried out by great work of the skilful leader, the first head of the department, Sakhypbaev A.S.
Associate Professor Sakhypbaev A.S. from the first days of his work he paid special attention to pedagogical skills, the training of young cadres, to improve their skills, created the best conditions for obtaining knowledge by students.
Due to these efforts, a young generation of educators has grown up in the department and the educational process has been successfully realized. Among them: Zhaksybergenov Abai Maratovich, Tanabayev Baymakhan Dilbarkhanovich, Ormanov Marat Zhaparovich, Kalymbetov Kairat Zhambylbaevich, Dosybaev Bakytzhan Kyrykbaevich, who worked and improved their knowledge.
In the fall of 1997, the Department of Histology separated from the Department of Anatomy.
As the deterioration of health A.Sakhypbaev from March 1998 to September 1999, the department was headed by associate professor Ustinov V.V. In 1999, the Department of Anatomy and Histology was merged under the name of the Department of Morphology. Associate prof. Sisabekov K.E. was approved as the head of department. At the new department, along with teaching and methodical work, scientific research was carried out. Associate Professor Sisabekov K.E. and Associate Professor Zhumashov S.N. actively worked on their doctoral dissertations.
During these years, in the department candidate dissertations were defended and obtained titles as associate professors Zhaksybergenov A.M. and Tanabaev B.D..
In 2001, the department of histology was separated from the department of morphology, which together with the course of microbiology formed a new department. The department of anatomy, combined with the course of topographic anatomy and operative surgery, was reorganized into another department. At the department in this period there was a rise in research work. Defended doctoral dissertations: head of the department, associate professor Sisabekov K.Е. and associate professor Beketov G.I. Employees of the department: Shapambaev N.Z., Ospanov K.E., Kulayev K.T., as well as applicants: Almabaev G.Y., Kamyspaev M.U. successfully defended candidate's theses. Due to the teamwork of the department's staff and the Academy's leadership, the III scientific and practical conference of the morphologists of Kazakhstan was held in 2005 and in 2006 the republican conference of morphologists of Kazakhstan was organized, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the first head of the department of anatomy of the SKMA, Associate Professor A.S. Sakhypbaev. Proceedings of the conference were published in the scientific journal "Vestnik SKMA".
In 2008-2009 By the decision of the Head of the State of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the South Kazakhstan State Medical Academy was reorganized into the South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy. At the academy, cardinal changes were made, small departments were cut, combined into large. Histology and pathological anatomy were attached to the department of anatomy, as a result, the Department of Morphological Disciplines was organized. D.m.s., prof. Sisabekov K.E. was approved as the head of department.
According to the order №105p (item 2) on the basis of the decision of the SKSMA Academic Council dated August 27, 2015, No. 1, "Department of Morphological Disciplines" and "Department of Normal and Pathological Physiology" were combined with the transfer to their structure of the discipline "Physical Culture with Valeology" from the department "Hygiene-1", and the newly formed department was named "Department of morphological and physical disciplines, physical training with valeology" headed by candidate of medical sciences, Zholymbekova L.D.
According to the order No. 71p (item 2) on the basis of the decision of the Academic Council of the SKSMA of 31.08.2017 of the project No. 1 changes were made in the structure and staffing of the Academy for the 2017-2018 academic year, the department of "Morphological and physiological disciplines, physical education with valeology" is divided for two departments:
-Department of «Physiological disciplines and physical culture»,
-Department of «Morphological disciplines». Head of the Department of "Morphological Disciplines" was appointed c.m.s., acting prof. Tanabaev B.D.
21.02.2018 JSC «SKSFA» was reorganized to JSC «SKMA».
Due to reorganization, according to the order No. 58p, on the basis of the decision of the Board of Directors of JSC SKMA dated April 13, 2018, No. 3 (item 6), the Department of Morphological Disciplines is divided to:
- department of «Normal anatomy»
- department of «Pathological anatomy and histology»
Now department headed by c.m.s., acting prof. Tanabaev B.D.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Acting Professor B.D. Tanabaev was appointed head of the Department of Normal Anatomy.
According to order No. 770, based on the decision of the Academic Council of SKMA dated August 22, 2023, pr. No. 1, changes were made to the structure and staffing of the academy for the 2023-2024 academic year, histology and normal physiology were added to the department of normal anatomy, as a result, the department of morphophysiology was organized.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Acting Professor B.D. Tanabaev was appointed head of the Department of Morphophysiogy.



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Head of department, c.m.s., acting professor

Tanabaev Baimahan Dilbarhanovich



Objectives of the department:
- implementation of the Policy and Goals of SKMA in the field of quality within the competence of the department;
- compliance with the requirements of the quality management system (QMS)
- continuous training of teachers of the department;
- regular educational work of students during the educational process and while on duty in the hostel;
The Department of Morphophysiology carries out educational work in accordance with the working curriculum.


The department teaches:
- 1st year undergraduate students in the EP “Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Medical and Preventive Care”, “Public Health”;
- 2nd year undergraduate students in the EP “Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Dentistry”.


Teaching staff of the department:


1 Tanabayev B.D. - Head of department, acting professor
2 Zhakipbekova G.S. - d.m.s., acting professor
3 Turekulova A.K. - master, Senior lecturer
4 Dzhubanishbayeva G.N. - master, Senior lecturer
5 Izbasarova M.S. - master, Senior lecturer
6 Satybaldieva N.M. - master, Senior lecturer
7 Sabit А.Е. - master, Senior lecturer
8 Musirova А.Е. - master, Senior lecturer
9 Abduraimova U.A. - teacher
10 Baktiyar G.M.-  teacher
11 Yusinbek D.B. - teacher
12 Adilkhanova R.A. - teacher
13 Aitzhanova Z.S.. - Senior assistant
14 Imankulova G.K.-  Senior assistant
15 Meirbekova M.S. - Senior assistant
16 Аuezova M.K.-  laboratory assistant


Address and contact information:
Address: Al-Farabi, square, main building basement floor, room №16
Telephone (internal): 263 Address:
Al-Farabi 3, Building 2, 5th Floor, 504- 508 Cabinet





30.09.2020, 12:50