Administrative-economic service
The administrative-economic service (AES), is independent structural division of the Southern Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy (SKSPA).
The division is created and liquidated by the order of the rector and submits directly to the vice rector for organizational and economic work of SKSPhA.
In the activity of AES is guided by the current legislation, normative legal acts and methodical materials on economic service, norms and rules of the contents, operation and repair of buildings, the technical equipment, normative documents on observance of a sanitary and hygienic mode, fire safety and safety measures. Activity of AES is carried out on the basis of the routine and advance planning, an one-man management combination in the solution of questions of office activity and collective nature at their discussion, personal responsibility of workers for appropriate execution of the functions assigned to them and personal errands of the chief of AES. The chief of AES, as a rule, is the deputy vice rector for organizational and economic work.
The chief and other workers of AES are appointed to positions and exempted from posts by the order of the rector on representation of the vice rector for organizational and economic work according to RK current legislation.
Functions of administrative-economic service:
1 . Planning, organization and control of administrative-economic ensuring activity of academy.
2 . Performs work on technical supervision of a condition of buildings and constructions and an academy hostel.
3 . Registration of necessary documents for the conclusion of contracts for work and rendering services by the third-party organizations.
4 . Will organize and carries out work on rational use of heat, the electric power, waters, fuels, and other appliances to academies.
5 . Provides normal living conditions, an order and a sanitary and hygienic condition in all educational, service and auxiliary premises of academy.
6 . Directs works on overhaul and reconstruction of educational cases and hostels.
7 . Will organize work of the construction crew which is carrying out maintenance of educational cases and a hostel.
8 . Directs works on improvement of the territories assigned to academy.
9 . Will organize actions for providing academy with materials, devices, furniture, the equipment, stock for educational, scientific, economic and cultural and community needs
10 . Provides economic service of held meetings, conferences, seminars and other actions.
11 . Participation in inventory of buildings, rooms, the equipment for control of their safety of a technical condition.
12 . Directs transport work in higher education institution.
13 . Carries out selection and arrangement of the structural divisions which are a part administratively - economic service, develops for them duty regulations.
14 . Supervises observance of measures of safety measures, production sanitation, a fire prevention the staff of the divisions relating to administratively – economic service.
15 . Organize the actions directed on strengthening of labor discipline by employees of subordinates of divisions, on observance of academy regulations by them.
16 . Receiving and storage of stationery, economic materials, the equipment, stock, providing structural divisions of academy with them, the accounting of their expenditure and drawing up the established reporting.
17 . Control of a rational expenditure of materials and the financial funds allocated for the economic purposes.
18 . Implementation within the competence of other functions according to the purposes and academy tasks.
Structure of administrative-economic service:
1 . Chief of AES-Beysebayev Kanat Kemelbekovich
2 .chief engineer of AES -Ordabekuly Erkebek
3 . Commandant of main building -Yusupova Kalima Malikovna
4 . head of the chemical warehouse -Kadishayeva Zhuzim
5 . The technician of communication – Ablyazova Clara Hasanovna
6 . Head of warehouse – Erzhanova Rabiga
7 . Drivers-5 people
8 . Plumber, carpenter, electricians- 4 people
9 . Workers on service the building and constructions-2 people
10 . Cleaners-16 people
11 . Yard keeper and gardener-2 people.