Department of dental disciplines(Colledge)



History of the department


In medical college At JSC “SKMA”, by order No. 530 dated June 29, 2022, the department of “Dental disciplines” was organized. The department included: head Temir I.O., teachers - Seytagzamova G.N., Altybaev N.A., Bainasheva L.A., Baigalykov K.M., Isak S.T., Kurmanbekova G.M., masters of industrial practice - Kaipov S.S., Mekebaev B., senior laboratory assistant - Ermakhan Sh., laboratory assistant Ersultankyzy D.



Temir Indira Omirbekkyzy Head of the Department of Dental Disciplines



Objectives of the Department of “ Dental Disciplines ”: the formation of students’ knowledge and practical skills in the field of general principles of diagnosis, semiotics, diseases of organs and tissues of the oral cavity, dental materials science, the formation of initial professional manual skills of a dentist, a holistic idea of dentistry as a science, development clinical thinking, deontological approach to patients, development of basic manual skills when working on a phantom.


Basic training courses:

I,II, III, IV courses of specialty 09110100 – “Dentistry”, classification - 4S09110102 – “Dentist”
I,II, III years of specialty 09110200 – “Orthopedic Dentistry”, classification – 4S09110201 – “Dental technician”


For specialty 09110100 – “Dentistry”, Classification - 4S09110102 – “Dentist”
1. Anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the dental system
2. Techniques for manufacturing metal-ceramic and non-metal ceramic structures
3. Dental materials science with occupational health and safety course
4. Basics of making fixed dentures
5. Basics of making removable dentures
6. Basics of prosthetic dentistry and orthodontics
7. Fundamentals of therapeutic dentistry
8. Fundamentals of surgical dentistry
9. Basics of making clasp dentures
10. Basics of manufacturing orthodontic structures
11. Clinical endodontics
12. Pediatric dentistry
13. Therapeutic dentistry
14. Surgical dentistry and injuries of the maxillofacial area
15. Physiotherapy for diseases of the teeth and oral cavity
16. X-ray of teeth and jaws
17. Basics of making maxillofacial prostheses
18. Diagnostics and prevention in therapeutic dentistry and pediatric dentistry
19. Diagnostics and prevention in surgical dentistry
20. Prevention of dental diseases
21. Modern methods of manufacturing removable dentures
22. Modern methods of manufacturing fixed dentures


For specialty 09110200 – “Orthopedic Dentistry”, Qualification – 4 S 09110201 – “Dental technician”
1. Fundamentals of dental diseases and infection safety
2. Anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the dental system
3. Dental materials science with occupational health and safety course
4. Techniques for making partial removable dentures
5. Technique for making artificial crowns
6. Teeth modeling
7. Technique for making complete removable dentures
8. Technique for making bridges
9. Technique for making clasp dentures
10. Technique for manufacturing orthodontic structures
11. Techniques for making maxillofacial prostheses
12. Modern methods of manufacturing removable dentures
13. Modern methods of manufacturing fixed dentures
14. Modern methods of manufacturing clasp dentures
15. Clinic-laboratory stages of making inlays ( Inlay, Onlay , Overlay )


Updating of reading disciplines - The department's disciplines are updated annually.

Staff of the Department:


1. Temir Indira Omirbekkyzy - Head of the Department
2. Seytagzamova Gulziya Nigimetovna-teacher
3. Altybayev Nurzhan Ashirbaevich - teacher
4. Baigalykov Kadyrkhan Moldabayevich-teacher
5. Lisova Alexandra Valeryevna-teacher
6. Sholpankulov Yerlan Kambarbekovich-teacher
7. Kaipov Serik Saparalievich -teacher
8. Mekebayev Bukenbai Nurabayevich-teacher
9. Furkhat Rustamkulovich Muramedov-teacher
10. Abdrashev Meirbek Slambekovich-teacher
11. Amangeldy Dinara Nashirovna - teacher
12. Asilkhan Nurkhan Aueskhanovich - teacher
13. Bainazar Kasymkhan Kenzhegalievich - teacher
14. Torehan Bakdaulet Nurlanovich - teacher
15. Zhidebay Nurgisa Bakhtiyaruly - teacher
16. Elfimova Olesya Vladimirovna -teacher
17. Kaikibasov Komekbay Rysbaevich-teacher
18. Azatbek Bekmetov Mirkhalykovich -teacher
19. Orazkul Nurila Kairatovna - teacher
20. Askarov Medeu Medetovich-teacher
21. Oymautov Yerlan Nurlybekovich-teacher
22. Sharipkul Nurislam Baibekovich - part-time teacher
23. Tuimebay Saltanat Myrzakhanovna - teacher
24. Yusupov Zhanabay Zhambylbayevich - -part-time teacher
25. Zhaksylyk Yerlan Ongarbayevich-part-time teacher
26. Orazkhan Perizat Yerzhanovna - part-time teacher
27. Kaykibasova Lyazzat Komekbayevna-part-time teacher
28. Omarov Asset Turekhanovich-part-time teacher
29. Shayakina Zhanara Serikovna-part-time teacher
30. Abdurashidova Shakhnoza Shakirzhanovna-part-time teacher
31. Nurbekova Nargiza Karimbayevna-part-time teacher
32. Koshkar Banu Dosanbekkizi - Senior laboratory assistant
33. Taylak Arailym Yahiyakovna - senior laboratory assistant
34. Koshkar Simbat Dosanbekkizi - laboratory assistant
35. Aralova Saparkul Bakhytovna-laboratory assistant
36. Salieva Odina Amanzhonkizi-laboratory assistant


Address and contact details:
Address: JSC "SKMA" building No. 3 , 2nd floor
Tel: 8 ( 778) - 554-97-81
e-mail :

05.10.2023, 09:56