Department of Medical Biophysics and Information Technologies



History of the department

The Department of Physics and Higher Mathematics was founded in 1979 simultaneously with the organization of the Shymkent branch of the AGMI. The first head of the department was Ph.D. Zinaida Vladimirovna Pak (1979 - 1984). Then the chair was headed by Ph.D., associate professor Myrzabekov Torezhan Myrzabekovich (1984-1994) and associate professor BayzakovUsenAkhmetovich (1994). The history of the department is inextricably linked with the name of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor KudabaevKanashZhumagazievich, who headed it in 1994 and remained its permanent director until May 31, 2018. Since June 1, 2018, the head of the department has been appointed. Doctor of Science, acting. Associate Professor Ivanova Marina Borisovna.
The Department of Medical Biophysics and Information Technologies is a structural subdivision of the pharmaceutical faculty of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, which carries out educational, methodical, research and educational work



Ivanova Marina Borisovna - head of the department,acting associate professor,

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences



Ivanova M.B. has been working at SKMA (SKSPhA) at the Department of “Medical Biophysics and Information Technology” since 2014. The general experience of teaching activity is 23 years.

Courses are taught: Biostatistics, Information & Communication Technology.


She is the author of a monograph, as well as the author and co-author of several teaching aids, including electronic ones, and the developer of educational and methodological complexes in the disciplines being read. She takes an active part in the work of educational-methodical and scientific seminars. She is engaged in scientific activity in the field of differential equations and mathematical physics, as well as in the processing and analysis of medical and biological data. Conducts educational work. Constantly improves his skill level.


Tasks of the department:

• modernization and optimization of the teaching and educational process, the search for forms, methods and methodological approaches that will be contributed to the training of highly qualified, competitive medical and pharmaceutical professionals;
• development of the educational and methodological potential of the department by expanding the range of methodological support and introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process;
• orientation of the research activities of the department to develop innovative pedagogical technologies, as well as analysis and interpretation of the results of medical and biological research;
• orientation of educational work on the formation of students of high civil and patriotic feelings, familiarization with cultural, moral and spiritual values, the development of intellectual abilities, as well as the formation of students' desire for a healthy lifestyle.


The following disciplines are taught at the department:

• the course «Biostatistics» within the framework of the integrated discipline «Introduction to scientific research»;
• the course «Project activities» within the framework of the integrated discipline «Fundamentals of project activities and evidence-based medicine»;
• medical biophysics;
• information and communication technologies;
• physics;
• mathematics.

Disciplines are taught in Kazakh, Russian and English languages.


The content of the disciplines being read is updated annually, new methodological materials are being developed, which take into account the wishes of students and teachers, as well as the requirements of employers.
The scientific priorities of the Department of Medical Biophysics and Information Technologies of SKMA are development and introduction of electronic products that allow to modernize, optimize and diversify the educational process. Also, the department conducts a scientific search for content and pedagogical technologies that allow to ensure the ability of SKMA graduates to creative self-realization and professional competence in the fields of health, medicine and pharmacy.



Currently, this teachers are working in department:

1.Ivanova M.B. - Head of the Department, Associate Professor, Ph.D.
2.Kudabaev K.J. - Professor, Ph.D.
3.Ormanov N.K., - Acting Professor, Ph.D.
4.Berdieva M.A., - Acting Associate Professor, PhD
5.Baidildaeva A.S. - Master of Natural- Pedagogical Sciences senior teacher
6.Abdrakhmanova Zh.Zh. - Master of Natural- Pedagogical Sciences, senior teacher
7.Abdrimova Z.M. - Master of Natural- Pedagogical Sciences, senior teacher
8.Maulenova A.A. - Master of Natural- Pedagogical Sciences Senior teacher
9.Imanbayeva M.A. - Master of Pedagogical Sciences, senior teacher
10.Makhambetova M.A. - Master of Physics, senior teacher
11.Salikbaeva L.N. - Head of the laboratory.
12.Zhivoyedova I.A. - art. lab.



Address: Shymkent, pl. Al-Farabi-1, Main building, 5th floor









30.09.2020, 11:57