Scientific clinical and diagnostic laboratory
A clinical diagnostic laboratory has been established at the South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy, based on the UCGFA Order No. 113 on the division of the Clinical Laboratory Training Center (UCCL) into a clinical diagnostic Laboratory (CDL) Training Clinical Simulation Center (UCCC).
On 09/20/2010, the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory (KDZ) was opened. The head of the laboratory was Patsayeva Layla Anafievna. KDZ consists of four educational and clinical laboratories:
- morphological;
- hygienic;
- biochemical;
- physiological;
The total area of the educational and clinical laboratory is 333.2 sq.m., the area is 290.9 sq.m. The laboratories are located on the left wing of the first floor, a five-storey planned building, there are 11 classrooms, two exits (main and spare), equipped with doors. The laboratories comply with the requirements of the State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan No.5.03.014-2006 "Educational and scientific laboratories of universities". Classes on processing skills of biochemical and laboratory diagnostic research methods are held in the laboratory. The equipment of the clinical diagnostic laboratory is used to ensure the educational process for undergraduate students, interns, residents and cadets (advanced training). Each laboratory is fully equipped with modern equipment, laboratory furniture, necessary reagents and medical supplies, and students, interns and trainees are given the opportunity to receive practical classes with an approved academic schedule. In addition, seminars are held on the topic of methods for determining the instrument and using equipment with open lessons. The laboratory has a mixed lighting system: natural – due to window openings, artificial – due to ceiling fluorescent lamps and local lighting with the formation of a luminous flux in the workplace. The laboratory is equipped with a mixed ventilation system: autonomous exhaust fans and safety fume hoods. Water supply is centralized, sewerage is central. Central heating.
In 2013, on December 13, a license for "laboratory activity" was obtained. The following research methods have been put into practice in the biochemical laboratory: clinical biochemistry (total protein, albumin, bilirubin, transamylase, amylase, alkaline phosphatase, urea, iron, cholesterol); determination of hematological parameters on a hematology analyzer (22 determination parameters, with histograms); ELISA assays (hepatitis markers, STIs, etc. e). Since 2015, the clinical diagnostic laboratory has been participating in the annual "Health Festival" in order to provide diagnostic research to the population. In connection with the renaming of the institution, No. 0111250DX was re-licensed on 04/16/2018. On 03/11/2021, it was established by order of the rector of JSC YUKMA No. 18p by combining the research laboratory of genomic research and the clinical diagnostic laboratory "South clinical & Genetic laboratory". The total area of the laboratories is 576.3 sq. m. M., located in the left wing of the first floor of the main building of the UCMA, there are 14 offices, three entrances and exits (main, auxiliary and for patients-from the street side). All available laboratories are designed for scientific and clinical research. The laboratory has a number of special departments: biochemical, hematological, clinical, ELISA and PCR diagnostics, cytogenetics. The laboratory has the necessary infrastructure to carry out a full cycle of research. In 2010-2023, the head of the laboratory was Beisebayeva Lyazzat Mukhtarovna. Determination of the range of services provided - Laboratory diagnostics for the population (conducting general clinical, serological, enzyme immunoassays, polymerase chain reaction), fulfillment of government orders.
At the next stage, in accordance with the peculiarities of development methods and the specifics of practical and scientific tasks, the laboratory organized the main activities of the laboratory: biochemical, cytogenetic and molecular genetic research as one of the priority scientific areas.
Head of the laboratory - Kaldybekova Saltanat Baktiyarovna
laboratory staff:
1.Kaldybekova Saltanat Baktiyarovna - Head of the laboratory
2.Burabaev A. - Leading researcher
3.Kulbaeva B. Zh - Leading researcher
4.Azhibaeva-Kupenova D. T - Researcher
5.Duisenova A.M - Researcher
6.Burabaev A. A - Junior researcher
7.Usenbek D. P - Laboratory specialist
8.Seisenbaeva S. A - Senior laboratory assistant
9.Karabek B.A - Laboratory assistant
10.Zhandarova M.U. - Nurse
Contact information: Shymkent Al-Farabi Square 1. Main building, 1st floor, left wing, office - Assistant room-2"
Mobile phone: 87715100893