Department of students accounting




Order number 105p from 08.27.2015 the students’ department was renamed to the student accounting department.

The department for accounting students is a structural unit of the Academy.


The main purpose of the activities of DoSA are

safety and record keeping of students’personal files


The main tasks of the DoSA:

- taking into account the movement of the student contingent (bachelor degree, internship on the basis of the orders of the rector);
- timely preparation and submission to higher authorities and subdivisions of the SKMA annual (form 3-NK,), monthly (information on the contingent of students) statistical reports;
- registration and issuance of diplomas, certificates, academic certificates; - preparation of duplicates of lost documents (diplomas, certificates of completion of internship);
- preparation of excerpts from test scores.


The main functions of the department for students:

- storage of documents of the department;
- compiling monthly statistical reports on the contingent of students of JSC "SKMA" and submitting them to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc.;
- filling in the certificate according to the attached forms regarding the contingent of students;
- execution and issuance of academic certificates to students who have not completed their studies;
- registration and maintenance of logs of documents of strict accounting;
- work with personal files of students (on the basis of orders to write out appropriate extracts and put them in the personal files);
- preparation of strict reporting forms according to the requirements of the application;
- upon receipt of applications, filling in duplicates of lost documents (diploma, certificate of internship completion, extracts from the forms of credit report) of strict accounting documents;
- reception of personal files of students transferred from other universities and enrolled in the 1st course;
- issuance of diplomas, certificates of internship completion to graduates;
- work with the programs "Salem office", "Platonus";
- verification of diplomas;
- issuance of documents to expelled students (who have not completed their education);
- submission of personal files of graduates and expelled students to the archive;
- comply with the work order;
- be guided by internal regulatory documents;
- constantly improve his/her professional level;
- to observe the ethics of relations with employees and students of other divisions of JSC "SKMA", to keep official secrets;
- ensure the safety and impeccability of the equipment and property used;
- comply with safety, fire safety and industrial sanitation rules;
- fulfill the obligations and requirements of the QMS;
- Know the quality policy and objectives of JSC SKMA;
- take all necessary measures to prevent corruption offenses.


The structure of the department includes:

- Head of Department;

- specialist of the department;

- Specialist of the department. 


1321 1

Zhipsibayeva U. - head of Department




1321 2

Bortsova I.М. – the specialist of the department




1321 3

Kalmatayeva G.N. – the specialist of the department



Contact information:

head of Department - Zhipsibayeva Urzhan

Address: Shymkent, Al-Farabi square, 1/1, main building, 1st floor, room 126

Tel.: 8(7252)40-82-22 вн.214






30.09.2020, 05:54