Centre of Practical Skills (CPS)

The main goals and objectives of the Centre of Practical Skills

Staff of the Centre of Practical Skills

Training classrooms of the Centre of Practical Skills

Equipment of the Centre of Practical Skills

Weekdays of the Centre of Practical Skills

Video instructions CPS


The Training Clinical Centre was opened in 2007. In December 2018, renamed the Centre of Practical Skills (CPS). The Centre of Practical Skills is the structural unit providing a safe, reliable educational environment for teaching clinical skills, providing students with the opportunity to develop, maintain and improve their clinical competence using simulation equipment.


Contact information:

Head of the Center of Practical Skills: Kalmenov Nurlan Dzhumanovich
Address: Shymkent, Al-Farabi square, 3, building № 2, 3st floor.
Tel.: extension number.416
E-mail: Nureke_1967@mail.ru





29.09.2020, 12:13