Training classrooms of the Centre of Practical Skills



The auditorium is equipped with a mobile dental simulator and dental simulators SD-U.02, allowing to master such skills as grafting a tooth to a metal-ceramic crown, grafting a tooth to a veneer, removal of a two-layer mold from the jaw, anesthesia of the mandible, anesthesia of the lower jaw, performing periostotomy surgery, performing tooth extraction surgery, performing thorusal anesthesia, performing retraction of the grafted tooth, making temporary (provisor) crowns, fixation of the crown on the grafted tooth.



Therapy #1

The auditorium is equipped with simulators for learning skills such as cardiac auscultation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, abdominal palpation, lymph node palpation, and blood pressure measurement.



Therapy #2

The audiences includes simulators for skills such as cardiac auscultation, pulmonary auscultation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, abdominal palpation, ECG placement and capture, and physical examination of the patient.



Classroom for normal, topographical, pathological anatomy and radiology

The equipment of the audiences allows you to master normal, topographical, pathological and radiation anatomy of a human being. Equipped with an interactive anatomical table Pirogov



General Practitioner #1

In the audiences there is a robot simulator ISTAN6 capable of simulating emergency conditions in more than 30 clinical cases. For example, anaphylactic shock, acute myocardial infarction, pneumonia or bleeding of varying severity. Allows patients to be correctly diagnosed and any stage of prescription and treatment of appropriate therapy: surgical treatment, drug therapy.



General Practitioner #2

The auditorium is equipped with simulators for pulmonary and cardiac auscultation in children, cardiopulmonary resuscitation in adults and children, and trauma patient care.



Debriefing room

The debriefing room is used to discuss demonstrative lessons with the method of teaching with the use of simulation technologies, there is an interactive panel.



Emergency medical aid

The emergency medical aid auditorium is equipped with simulators and medical equipment for mastering the skills of advanced CPR, basic CPR, conicotomy in children and adults, tracheostomy, gastric lavage, bladder catheterization, patient care, application of Heimlich technique, blood pressure measurement, tracheal intubation, spinal shield, stretcher for patient transportation.



Surgery №1

The auditorium is equipped with simulators necessary for abdominal surgery, otorhinolaryngology and ophthalmology.



Surgery № 2

The auditorium is equipped with simulators necessary for abdominal surgery and traumatology.



Surgery #3

The auditorium is equipped with simulators necessary for laparoscopic surgery, from light training to complex operations.




The pediatrics audiences has an American robot simulator Baby Sim with various clinical scenarios, as well as simulators for anthropometry, care of premature babies, auscultation of the lungs and heart in children, CPR in children, bladder catheterization, artificial feeding, gastric lavage in children, ECG, splinting, rectal examination, enema, nebulizer therapy, glucosometry, piklowmetry, blood group analysis.




The audiences is equipped with simulators for teaching skills in normal and pathological labor and physiological observation of the newborn, observation of twin pregnancies, observation of pathological conditions of the cervix, and models of the stages of fetal and pelvic development.




The audiences is equipped with simulators to simulate normal and pathologic labor. Simulators for teaching the skills of observation of twin pregnancy, observation of pathological conditions of the cervix in the gynecological chair, palpation of mammary glands, insertion of the intrauterine device, swabbing of the canal, cervix, cervical canal, episiotomy and perineotomy, induced abortion, posterior dome puncture, suturing, carrying out the method of Leapolda. Models of developmental stages, mechanism of labor are covered.



Introduction to the clinic

Audiences simulators are available for skills in bladder catheterization, gastric lavage, enema, intramuscular and intravenous injections, blood pressure measurement, adult patient assessment, basic CPR, and ulcer care.



Auditorium for the study of infectious diseases and dermatovenerology

The auditorium for the study of infectious diseases and dermatovenerology is equipped with simulators for the skills of lumbar puncture, gastric lavage, intradermal injection, nasal and pharyngeal swabbing.



Auditorium for studying phthisiopulmonology and radiology

The auditorium is equipped with simulators for learning the skills of pleural puncture, lumbar puncture, negatoscopes.


03.10.2020, 05:26