Departmen Engineering Disciplines




History of the department

Departmen “Engineering Disciplines” was established in 2022 according to the order of the Rector of SKMA No. 53 by the reorganization Department of “Technology of Pharmaceutical Production”. The head of the department was appointed Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor Orymbetova Gulbagi Emitovna.



Orymbetova Gulbagi Emitovna – Head of the Department


Nowadays staff of the department includes 6 candidates of Technical sciences, 1 Candidate of Economic Sciences and 2 PhD doctors.

Goals and objectives of the department
Preparation of in-demand, proactive, adapted to the changing requirements of the labor market bachelors
Qualitative improvement of the educational process, scientific research
Improving pedagogical and professional skills

Practice bases
Theoretical knowledge of students is consolidated by practical work in production. Nowadays, department has concluded contracts with the production bases of the southern region of the Republic of Kazakhstan: LLP Zerde Phyto, LLP Ecopharm International, JSC Chempharm, LLP Phyto Apifarm, etc.

Scientific work of the department

Topic/direction of research work



Expected results


Research of heat and mass transfer characteristics of mass transfer apparatus.


Supervisors: Orymbetov E.M. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Acting Professor

Orymbetova G.E. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent


Research of turbulent fluid motion in elements of mass transfer apparatus

Characteristics of the fluid velocity distribution, determination of the coefficient of fluid resistance and turbulent viscosity

Equation describing the distribution of fluid velocity, equations for determining the coefficient of resistance and turbulent viscosity of the fluid


Obtaining a new extract based on domestic raw materials (E.angustifolia) and determination of biological activity and toxicity


Supervisors: Kasimbekova M.D.- PhD, docent


Obtaining a new extract based on domestic raw materials (E.angustifolia) and determination of biological activity and toxicity

To improve the method of obtaining the extract, determination of the biological activity and toxicity of the resulting extract

Obtaining experimental data of a new extract based on domestic raw materials (E.angustifolia)


Energy supply systems for pharmaceutical production of extraction preparations from medicinal plant raw materials based on alternative

energy and technology



Baizakov O.D. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, acting Associate Professor

Berdalieva A.A. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent

Development of energy supply systems for pharmaceutical production of extraction preparations from medicinal raw materials based on alternative energy and technologies

Research of energy-saving systems of pharmaceutical production of extraction preparations from medicinal plant raw materials based on alternative energy and technologies

Obtaining a conceptual model of energy saving systems based on alternative energy and technologies for pharmaceutical production of extraction preparations from medicinal plant raw materials


Leading professors and lecturers carry out research work of students at the department. The results of research work of teaching staff and students are published annually in scientific publications of the Republic of Kazakhstan, abroad and international conferences.





Teaching staff of the department:

1. Orymbetova Gulbagi Emitovna – Head of the Department, acting docent
2. Arystanbayev Kuttybek Esengeldievich- Acting Prof.
3. Orymbetov Emit Makhatovich- Acting Prof.
4. Baizakov Orisbay Dalbaevich-acting docent
5. Berdalieva Aydin Abdullaevna- acting docent
6. Kudaibergenova Zamira Utepbergenovna- acting docent
7. Yerzhanov Nurlan Amirovich- acting docent
8. Kasimbekova Mereke Dauletbekovna- acting docent
9. Faiz Nursultan Saparovich- acting docent
10. Baizhanov Abilda Zhalgasovich-Senior teacher
11. Gavrikov Vladimir Veniaminovich- Senior teacher
12. Dauletbaeva Duysenkul Abdullaevna- Senior teacher
13. Mirzakulov Musirali Ertayevich- Senior teacher
14. Mombaev Maksat Murzabayevich- Senior teacher
15. Gilmanov Ravkat Abubakirovich- Senior teacher
16. Mombaeva Aigerim Maksatovna- Senior teacher
17. Yesenova Zharkynai Sultanbekovna- Senior teacher
18. Turdaly Kuralai Muratovna-Teacher
19. Musrepova Aizhan Akhmedbekovna- Teacher



Department is located: Shymkent с., Tokayev str. 27, 3rd floor, 321-office






17.10.2022, 08:41