International faculty



The International faculty of the South Kazakhstan medical academy started its activity from August 29, 2019 by the order of the rector № 730. Faculty prepares the specialists in the following undergraduate specialties:

– «General Medicine»;

– «Dentistry»;

– «Pharmacy»;

– «Pediatrics».


Currently, more than 2,000 students are studying at the faculty from far and near abroad (India, Pakistan, , Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey).

The faculty in its work is engaged in educational, methodical, research and educational work, prepares students for one or several related specialties, organizes a strategic plan for the development of the faculty.


The faculty achieves its goals by completing the following tasks:

- Implementation of the policy and goals of JSC "SKMA" in the field of quality;

- A decision on the definition and implementation of the strategy of the faculty;

- Improving the quality of education;

- Development of innovative education;

- Improving education and information technology.


The dean’s office of the international faculty for the implementation of youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the faculty of the academy, through the staff of teachers, develops feedback from teachers to students. At one time, he pays attention to his personal competence, prepares and implements specialists who will be able to accept new scientific ideas and become leaders in new technologies, increasing the ability and professionalism of a competitive specialist.


The dean's office consists of:

1. Dean of the International Faculty, MSc – Sarsenbekova Altynaу Alibekovna

2. Vice Dean – Karakulova Gulmira Imomiddinkyzy

3. Vice Dean – MSc, Rysbek Altynay Saparbaykyzy

4. Senior methodist - Komekbayeva Aida Myrzagalievna

5. Methodist - MSc, Alipbayeva Gulmira Omirbekkyzy

6. Methodist - MSc Bekkul Aigerim Boranbaikyzy



Babur Khan Torayevich

Dean of the International Faculty, MSc - Sarsenbekova Altynaу Alibekovna



Togzhan Asanaliyevna

Vice Dean – Karakulova Gulmira Imomiddinkyzy



Gulmira Imomiddinovna

Vice Dean- MSc, Rysbek Altynay Saparbaykyzy



Gulmira Imomiddinovna

Senior methodist - Komekbayeva Aida Myrzagalievna



Methodist - MSc, Alipbayeva Gulmira Omirbekkyzy



Methodist - MSc , Bekkul Aigerim Boranbaikyzy







Contact details:

Main building SKMА, room 324, 01, Al-Farabi square, Shymkent,


tel: 8-(7252) 39-57-57 (1026)


30.09.2020, 08:15