Department of Foreign Languages


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History of the department

Languages department, which included Kazakh,Russianand foreign languages, was established in1979as a branch of Almaty Pharmaceutical Institute. The department consisted of Kazakh, Russian and English languages. For severaldecades,it was headed byDoctor of PhilosophyT.B. Bayzhanov, L.T.Fayzievaand B.K. Uyzbayeva. In 2002,as a result ofthe reorganization, the new department of foreign languageswas founded and headed bya seniorteacher A.Kim. The department was headed by senior teachers A.S. Kim, O.A.Samofalova,F.T.Ybyray, A.S.Saifutdinova during 2002- 2018.
The Head of the Foreign Languages Department is G.K.Zhumagulova. She successfully defended her scientific research at the Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages in Almaty, and was awarded the title (of candidate of philological sciences).



Zhumagulova Gulshat Kopzhanovna
Head of the Department , Candidate of Philology , associate professor



Objectives of the department
Based on the achievements of science and practice, as well as continuous changes in the world market, the formation and upbringing of specialists in the field of pharmacy and medicine is the main purpose. The ability to distinguish the diversity of programs, aimed at the formation of speech and language competence. With these objectives the Department works in the directions of:
1) improving of management technologies of student’s independent work
2) using of multimedia technologies
3) using of case technologies


Educational- methodical work of the department
The Department of Foreign Languages trains bachelors, masters and residents.

Basic training courses:
Undergraduate training is provided the following areas: general foreign language
Graduate students study general English and English for professional purposes (medicine and pharmacy).

Course conducts in English language.
In accordance with the concept of modernization of education, the teachers of the department make every effort to improve their knowledge. That’s why teachers of the department use modern technique and innovative technology in teaching and learning of a foreign language. Many teachers are authors of textbooks and teaching materials that are used in practical classes, SIWST and SIW.


Scientific work of the Foreign languages department
Research work of the Department
Direction of the department:

1. Methodological aspects in teaching English in a medical university (working / professional attitude, original content as well as working with information, planned and modular training, portfolio method, differentiated education of students)
2. The usage of intensive technology in teaching foreign languages in a medical college.
1. Proven knowledge in teaching foreign languages.
2.Psychological strategy in teaching foreign languages.
Socio-cultural aspects in teaching English in a multilingual center.
Educational work
Educational work is an essential part of pedagogical process. At the foreign languages department the education work is fulfilled in several directions:
1. Civil and patriotic education of students.
2. Promoting tolerance and mutual respect through foreign languages with regard to the trilingual policy in Kazakhstan.
3. Educating a harmonically developed personality of the student through regional studies of foreign language material in the classroom.

At the present time at the Department work:

G.K. Zhumagulova - candidate of sciences (philology), Head of the Department
D.Zh.Sarzhanova – senior teacher
N.K.Zharkynbekova - docent
U.A.Khasanova - senior teacher
A.O. Kadyrbergenova - senior teacher
Abdulkhakova I.B.- senior teacher
K.S.Taukeeva - senior teacher
G.O.Alipbayeva - senior teacher
A. Baymakhanova . - senior teacher
D.N. Abieva - senior teacher
B.L Medetova. - senior teacher
D.S Baimurzaeva. - senior teacher
A.I Dumchebaeva. - senior teacher
A.A Tastemir. - teacher
D.A. Kurbanova - teacher
A.B. Bekkul - teacher
A.A. Alibekova - teacher

Tungyshbai A.Z. - head laboratory assistant
Zeydulla S.U.- head laboratory assistant

Address of the department:
Shymkent city,Tokaev street 27a, 4th floor.









30.09.2020, 10:39