Local bioethics commission


The local commission on bioethics (LCB) SKMA is a structural unit of the university and has been operating since 2007.

The Local Bioethics Commission (LCB) is a consultative and advisory body of SKMA, created to protect the rights, safety of subjects and researchers, to monitor compliance with the rules for the use of laboratory animals in biomedical experiments, the principles of humane treatment, as well as ethical and moral and legal assessment of materials of preclinical and clinical trials.

The Commission considers all issues related to the observance of the general principles of humanism, morality and biomedical ethics in conducting preclinical and clinical studies at the local level.


The chairman of the LCB is the head of the Department of «Family Medicine»,

Cand.M.Sc., Ass. Professor Kauyzbay Zhumaly


LCB Secretary is a leading specialist of LCB,

Master of Medical Sciences, Issakulova Ainur


The aim of the LCB is to protect the rights and dignity of a person participating in biomedical research.

LCB is guided within its activities by: the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On People’s Health and the Health Care System”, the State Standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Good Laboratory Practice”, “Good Clinical Practice”, the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Organization, the Council of Europe Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine , Recommendations of the World Health Organization by the ethics committee conducting an examination of biomedical research, the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Rights those used for experimental and other scientific purposes, Other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of regulation of clinical trials and international declarations and guidelines in the field of research ethics (WHO, ICH-GCP, UNESCO, CIOMS, CE); Regulation on the local bioethics commission.


The main tasks of the commission are:

• conducting an independent examination of research documents;

• an independent assessment of safety and human rights at the planning and research stages;

• assessment of compliance with international and national ethical standards in conducting biomedical research.


The Commission consists of the Chairman, Secretary and members of the Commission. Members of the commission are appointed for a period of 3 years, with the right to re-election for a subsequent term.


Secretariat contacts

Chairman of the "Local Bioethics Commission", Head of the Department of "Family Medicine" of JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy" Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Kauyzbai Zhumaly Aripbayuly.
Cell 8-701-767-14-49
Email address: zhumaly@mail.ru
Secretary of the "Local Bioethics Commission", leading specialist 
Issakulova Ainur Ergulkyzy
Mobile: 8-707-941-60-81
Email address: bioethics.skma@mail.ru
Address: Shymkent, Al-Farabi Square 3, Building No. 2, entrance from the Institute of Animal Husbandry and Plant Growing, 5th floor, 507 office



- Приказ утверждения членов комиссии ЛКпБ (каз) (pdf файл, 0.5 Mb)

- Position (pdf файл, 1.2 Mb)

- Standard operating procedures (link to the Cloud)

- Regulatory framework (link to the Cloud)

- Work plan (kaz) (pdf файл, 2.4 Mb) 

- График заседания (pdf файл, 0.4 Mb)

- Должностные инструкции (link to the Cloud)

- Contact Secretariat (pdf file, 0.1 Mb)

- Annual report on the work of LCB (link to the Cloud)

- The list of required documents  (pdf файл, 0.3 Mb)

- Information sheet (pdf файл, 0.2 Mb)

- Application form (pdf файл, 0.3 Mb)





29.09.2020, 10:40