


• The Rectorate of SKMA is the executive body of the university, which includes Administrative and Managerial Personnel.

• The Rectorate of SKMA carries out its work under the direct supervision of the Rector of the Academy.

• The composition of the Rectorate is approved by the Rector of the university and reports directly to the Rector.

• The Rectorate's staff includes: Pro-rectors, the first Heads of structural subdivisions, Heads of departments.

• The plan of work of the administration is compiled for the academic year.

• The quality management of the Academy's work is carried out in accordance with the QMS documents.

• Changing the structure and formation of the SKMA Rectorate is carried out on the basis of the order of the Rector.

• Office work in the administration is conducted by the secretary of the administration.

• In the absence of a Rector, his duties are performed by the Pro-rector.


The administration supervises and coordinates work on the organization of the educational process, work is carried out to improve the pedagogical process, to introduce new educational innovative technologies, organizational issues;

- clinical interaction with health facilities, (contracts with bases);

- queries from the admissions committee about career guidance;

- Material and technical base,  Computer-Based Exam (CBE) centres, BIC, FNPR,etc.


The main tasks of the Rectorate

• The main goal of the Rectorate 's activity is the implementation of high-quality medical and pharmaceutical education for students of the Academy;

To achieve this goal, the SKMA Rectorate needs to solve the following tasks;

• Representation and protection of social and cultural interests of SKMA students;

• Development and implementation of programs aimed at solving social and cultural problems of youth;

• Propagation of ideas of national unity of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan among students;

• Explanatory work among young people on reforms in the republic;

• Promotion of healthy lifestyles among young people, cooperation with national and international youth organizations;

• Organization of leisure of youth;

• Development of creative, scientific potential of students;

• Organization of inspections of quality plans of faculties, departments, curators, teachers of the university in the section of educational work and their actual implementation;

• Ensuring the participation of students in various events held in the academy citywide events;

• Control the living conditions of students in hostels and take measures to eliminate violations;

• Monitor the quality of students' food in canteens and buffets, take measures to eliminate violations;

• Quality control of educational and methodological documentation developed by the Academy and its compliance with the normative and methodological documents of the Ministry of Education and Science, RUMO of medical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

• Control over the implementation of the educational process and the implementation of curricula, the recording and analysis of student achievement;

• Maintenance of innovative educational technologies and perspective forms of education in the educational process;

• Organization of interaction between the Academy's units in the interests of improving the quality of training specialists, modernizing the educational process in accordance with modern requirements, implementing the strategy for developing the educational activities of the Academy;

• Organization of conferences, workshops and seminars on improving and improving the quality of teaching and teaching, and educational work in the academy.




29.09.2020, 11:43