Department of Emergency Medicine and Nursing

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History of the department

In August 2004, by the decision of the Academic Council, the Department of "Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and the Basics of Nursing" was organized as an independent unit of the SKSMA. The head of the department was appointed Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate Professor Almas Abdeshovich Aldeshev, who made a great contribution to the formation of the department. At the time of foundation, the department was located in the regional clinical hospital. The department consisted of employees: Associate professor, PhD N.A.Bubeev, assistants E.I. Mileshina, E.Z.Baymukhanbetova, teachers N.R.Dzhumankulova, D.D.Yeshimbetova, M.A.Iskakova, M.O.Kanlibekova. The staff of the department provided great practical and advisory assistance in the treatment of patients at the bases of the department, as well as other medical institutions of the region through sanitation. The staff of the department published more than 200 articles, published 1 textbook and 6 teaching aids.
In 2009, in connection with the reorganization of the SKSMA in the SKMA, the department was transformed into the course of "Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and basics of nursing" at the Department of "Surgical Disciplines No. 2". In August 2010, by Order No. 108 of 27.08.2010, the course was again transformed into a department - "Nursing with a course of anesthesiology and resuscitation". In 2017, the department was renamed to "Emergency Medical Care and Nursing".
The tasks of the department are to train specialists with deep theoretical and practical training, solid professional knowledge, skills and abilities that meet the state mandatory standards of educational programs: "General Medicine", "Anesthesiology and intensive care for adults, children", "Nursing" (bachelors and undergraduates), "Public Health", "Pharmacy", students of the Faculty of Continuous Professional Development.
The department trains resident doctors of 1-3 courses, of the educational program "Anesthesiology and intensive care for adults, children". Students of the 5th year of the educational program "General Medicine", 1-4 courses of the educational program "Nursing". Including the accelerated training program (10 months and 2.5 years), 3 courses of the educational programs "Public Health" and "Pharmacy"; undergraduates 1-2 years of study of the educational program "Nursing". The disciplines are taught in Kazakh, Russian, and English.
Teaching staff of the department perform educational, methodological, scientific, clinical, educational work.
The staff of the department are members of the SKMA team of the Erasmus+ program, under the project "Accelerated - Improvement of nursing at the master's and Phd Doctor level in the higher education system of Kazakhstan". Conferences, seminars, and master classes are held within the framework of the project. The SKMA team of the AccelEd project participates in all events makes presentations.


The mission of the educational program "Anesthesiology and intensive care for adults, children"
The mission of the educational program is to meet the needs of a resident doctor in achieving learning outcomes, providing the healthcare system and society with highly qualified anesthesiologists - resuscitators.


The mission of the educational program "Nursing"

The mission of OP 6B10104 "Nursing" is guided by the mission of the SKMA, contains the requirements of the state mandatory standards of education and consists in training highly qualified competitive nursing specialists of a new formation in accordance with the requirements of international and modern society.

The mission of the Master's degree program "Nursing"

OP's mission: Training of highly qualified and competitive Masters of nursing for the southern region and the whole republic, able to quickly adapt to any rapidly changing situation thanks to the constant development of competence and creative initiative based on modern science and practice.



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Head of the Department of "Emergency Medicine and Nursing"


Seidakhmetova Aizat Ashimkhanovna - Head of the Department of " Emergency Medicine and Nursing" since 2015, Candidate of Medical Sciences, therapist of the highest category.
He has more than 200 scientific papers, including - with an impact factor, a pre-patent for an invention, 4 intellectual property certificates, 7 textbooks, an electronic textbook, co-author of 2 standard programs and clinical cases.
National expert of Independent Kazakhstan Agencies for quality assurance in education - NAAR, NAOKO. He is a member of the working committee of the National Commission for the development of the system of training nursing specialists, a working group and a trainer for the implementation of the project. "Development and implementation of the program for the development of medical ethics and communication skills of medical workers", the project group for the implementation of Roadmaps: "Modernization of medical education", "Comprehensive Plan for the development of nursing in the Republic of Kazakhstan".
National expert of Independent Kazakhstan Agencies for quality assurance in education - NAAR, NAOKO. He is a member of the working committee of the National Commission for the development of the system of training nursing specialists. Working group and a trainer for the implementation of the project "Development and implementation of the program for the development of medical ethics and communication skills of medical workers", the project group for the implementation of Roadmaps: "Modernization of medical education", "Comprehensive Plan for the development of nursing in the Republic of Kazakhstan".
Academic coordinator and developer in the project of the international program Erasmus+ ModeHEd, AccelEd. Senior researcher of the grant NTP.
Participates in work, makes presentations at congresses, congresses, International conferences, round tables with employers. Conducts seminars for teaching staff of the Academy in the modules: "Communication skills", "Effective teacher", mentors training. He is a research supervisor and consultant for undergraduates of the educational program "Nursing".
He has received awards: Gratitude in honor of the Day of medical workers, a Diploma for the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan for his contribution to improving public health, gratitude from the Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a letter of thanks from JAMK University of Applied Sciences (Finland).


Educational and methodical work of the department
The department provides an educational process for students of the Faculty of Continuous Development, undergraduates, residents, undergraduate students of the UKMA on educational programs.
The educational and methodical work of the department carried out in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Standard programs of students' specialties, calendar and thematic plans of lectures, practical classes, SRSP, SRS, approved at the beginning of the academic year, planned pedagogical load, the plan of methodical work of the department.
In order to improve the quality of the educational process, the department is constantly working to improve the level of knowledge of students and the level of education. Increasing the level of students' knowledge is achieved by improving the material, technical and clinical base of the department, using the teaching staff of the department of modern innovative technologies during training.
In order to improve the level of training, the teaching staff of the department undergoes clinical and pedagogical advanced training at the national and international levels.


Research work of the department

The scientific priorities of the staff of the department are the issues of improvement and modernization of nursing, anesthesiology and resuscitation, internal medicine, emergency medical care.
The department conducts research work of teaching staff, undergraduates 1-2 years of study of the educational program "Nursing", residents of the educational program "Anesthesiology and intensive care for adults, children".
A textbook in the state language, 7 textbooks in Russian and the state languages, 2 electronic textbooks have been published, articles and abstracts of teaching staff are published systematically in various publications and collections of scientific conferences, a student scientific circle functions.
The teaching staff of the department are members of the research group in the Scientific Program of problem-oriented financing "National program for the introduction of personalized and preventive medicine in the Republic of Kazakhstan". NTP for 2021-2023. As a leading researcher and research staff, they perform work on subtask 1.1. "Epidemiological study of the impact of socio-economic, psychosocial and behavioral factors on the health of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including the main chronic non-communicable diseases and COVID-19, followed by the development of management solutions" on the topic: "Prevalence of risk factors for non-communicable diseases in the Republic of Kazakhstan: a cross-sectional study".


Teaching staff of the department:

Seidakhmetova Aizat Ashimkhanovna - Head of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Docent
Aldeshev Almaz Aldeshevich - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Acting Docent
Zhumabaev Tolebai Zhumabaevich - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor
Sultanova Zhanat Sarsenovna - Assistant
Khojakulova Umida Abdyvalievna Assistant
Ablatayeva Rashida Bahadurovna - Assistant
Yerimbet Bekzat Mynbaevich - Assistant
Yusupova Shakhnaza Davranbekovna Assistant
Ospanbek Aigul Kenesovna – Assistant
Zhakansha Lazzat Zhamurkyzy Assistant
Yunusmetov Eldor Shavkatovich- Assistant
Auyezkhankyzy Dana- Assistant
Saitmuratov Khurshid Abdimanapovich- Assistant
Zhumanova Akmarzhan Timurovna- Assistant
Kulan Ansagan Mukhtarovna-Senior Laboratory Assistant
Amangeldy Gulshat Artykovna-Senior Laboratory Assistant

as well as leading specialists of medical institutions in the city of Shymkent, who are clinical mentors of residents and interns.



The department is located at:

City Clinical Hospital № 2, № 4 substation of Shymkent City Ambulance Station, Nursing Care Hospital (Vodopyanova str. 1).
E-mail address:








30.09.2020, 11:45