
Strategic directions JSC «South Kazakhstan medical academy» for 2024-2028


To be a recognized leader in the field of training competitive personnel!


Effective system of medical and pharmaceutical education, based on the competence approach and the needs of practical public health and pharmaceutical industry, focused on training specialists that meet international quality standards.


Values and ethical principles:

- The principle of high professionalism of teaching staff of the SKMA
- Principle of quality in SKMA
- Principle of orientation of training





Strategic direction 1. Ensuring the quality of the educational process, improving the quality of scientific research
Task 1. Advanced staffing through strengthening the integration of education, science and practice, integration into the international educational space
Task 2 Improving the efficiency and quality of scientific activity within the framework of the innovative development model

Strategic direction 2. The constant growth of requirements for human resources, causing an increase in investment in training, professional training, systematic professional development and timely retraining
Task 3. Increase the capacity of the teaching staff.

Strategic direction 3. Improving the efficiency of resource management, investment in the development of the educational program
Task 4. Creating a modern medical technological infrastructure of the university to provide the conditions for obtaining knowledge



The development program of JSC SKMA for 2024-2028

Target indicators of the development program of JSC SKMA for 2024-2028

29.09.2020, 09:16