Department of Nursing-1



History of the department


On August 2020, by decision of the Academic Council by Order No. 65 dated on august 27, 2020, the Department of «Nursing» was organized as an independent unit of JSC «SKMA». The head of the department was appointed Master of Medical Sciences in the specialty «Nursing», Serikova Bagdat Dzhuldibaevna.





From August 22, 2023, by decision of the Academic Council by order No. 77, the department was renamed to the department «Nursing-1». The department is located on the basis of the medical college.

The mission of the educational program (EP) 09130100 «Nursing» of the applied bachelor's degree at the medical college of JSC «SKMA» complements the mission of the college and focuses on training qualified nursing specialists, oriented to practical activities, corresponding to international and modern standards in healthcare.


• Planning, organization and implementation of educational, methodical, educational work, current, intermediate and final control of students' education in accordance with the curricula and programs of the specialty «Nursing».
• Ensuring the study of theoretical issues and the acquisition of practical skills and abilities necessary in practical activities.
• Training of qualified nursing specialists.
• Planning and conducting scientific research in fundamental and priority areas for practical healthcare, implementing the results of research and innovative technologies.

Students of 1-4 courses of the applied bachelor's degree in the specialty «Nursing» study at the department. The disciplines are taught in Kazakh and Russian. The scientific priorities of the staff of the department are to develop scientific research in nursing.

Basic training courses:

  • «Nursing profession in the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan»;
  • «Infection control in nursing»;
  • «Clinical assessment of the patient's condition»;
  • «Gerontological nursing»;
  • «Socially significant diseases»;
  • «Palliative care and care for cancer patients»;
  • «Nursing care at home»;
  • «Health promotion»;
  • «Patient Education Emergency Care»;
  • «Basics of Nursing»;
  • «Principles of planning and conducting research in nursing»;
  • «Improved functionality»;
  • «Specialized nursing care»;
  • «Completing course work»;
  • «Nursing process»;
  • «Management in nursing»;
  • «Evidence-based nursing practice»;
  • «Communication skills».

Educational and methodical work
The Department of academic and methodological work is organized in accordance with the plan of the Department's work at the Department's meetings, issues of success and attendance of students, individual plans for the work of teachers, scientific and educational activities are considered according to the VK plan.
The department has developed a complex of Educational and methodological complex of documentsfor training disciplines. Every academic year, all test issues, methodological recommendations for Ope, CEC are updated and passed by the expert commission. Innovative interactive teaching methods are widely used in the educational process.

Currently, the department works:

Professor- teaching staff:

Sholanbayeva Nazerke Zhorabekkyzy – M.M.S. in the specialty «Nursing»
Haidarkulova Gulnoza Akhmadzhanovna - M.M.S. in the specialty «Nursing»
Kadyrova Zhanar Nurzhaukyzy - M.M.S. in the specialty «Nursing»
Aman Balnur Zhaksymuratkyzy - M.M.S. in the specialty «Nursing»
Saparova Gulsym Dauletovna - M.M.S. in the specialty «Manadgement»
Zhulbarisova Gulzada Urazkyzy - teacher
Abdigani Altynai Nurbekkyzy - teacher
Tokbay Arailym Abdikerimkyzy - teacher
Kuanysh Akbota Bakytzhankyzy – teacher
Baktiyar Aigul Onegenovna – teacher
Seilkhan Aidana Seilkhankyzy – teacher
Khulzhanova Zhansulu Erkinbekkyzy – teacher

Training and support staff:
Yesnazarova Zhanna Kadirovna - Senior laboratory assistant
Abdramanova Saltanat Alimkulovna - Senior laboratory assistant
Tulaganova Zakira Zulpikarovna- laboratory assistant
Amirtai Symbat Timurkyzy- laboratory assistant



Address and contact information:
Shymkent, Al-Farabi square 3, building -2, 0-floor, 13 office





13.08.2021, 02:16