Department of Normal and Pathological Physiology


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The Department of Normal Physiology was organized in 1979 on the basis of the Shymkent branch of the Alma-Ata State Medical Institute.

From 1980 to 1994, the department included courses of microbiology, pathology, hygiene. In 2003, the departments of normal and pathological Physiology were combined, and the department of normal and pathological Physiology was formed.

A major contribution to the development and prosperity of the department was made by Professor N.Sh. Zabirov, Associate Professor G.S. Morenko, Associate Professor Sh.Zh. Zhanadilov, Professor Sh.B. Sadykov, Professor A.A. Utepbergenov, Professor N.Zh. Ormanov, Associate Professor Mamin, Professor D.A. Adilbekova, Associate Professor S.E. Aitbayeva, senior lecturers N.M. Murina, D.S. Bekbergenov.

Later on in different years the department was headed by the doctor of medical sciences, professor N.Sh. Zabirov (1980-1981), Candidate of Biological Sciences, Assistant Professor G.S. Morenko (1981-1992), Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Ormanov N.Zh. (1992-1993), Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Sh.Zh. Zhanadilov (1994-1995), Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Adilbekova DA (1995-1997), Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor A.A. Utepbergenov (1997-2003), as well as the Department of Pathological Physiology, was led by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sh.B. Sadykov (1997-2003). From 2003 to 2011, the Department of Normal and Pathological Physiology was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Adilbekova Dariga Aidanovna. From 2011 to 2018, led by Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor Zholymbekova L.D. From 2018 to 2021, led by Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor Bisimbayeva S.B.


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The head of the department is Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

Zhakipbekova Galiya Saparovna.



Tasks of the department

Preparation of new initiative specialists with extensive fundamental knowledge, quickly adapting to changing living conditions; improvement of teaching methods and technologies; raising the level of the pedagogical process; development of key areas of science.

Basic training courses

In the following disciplines, the department has standard and study programs in Russian, Kazakh and English:

051103 – «Physiology with basics of anatomy» for the specialty "Pharmacy";

051102 – "Physiology" for the specialty "Public Health";

051101 – "Physiology" for the specialty "Nursing";

5В130100 – "Physiology" »for the specialty -" General Medicine "

051103 – "Pathological physiology" for the specialty "Pharmacy";

051102 – "Pathological physiology" for the specialty "Public Health";

051101 – "Pathological physiology" for the specialty "Nursing";

5В130100 – "Pathological physiology" for the specialty - "General Medicine"


Elective subject:

051101 – "Clinical Pathophysiology" for the specialty "Nursing".


Faculty of training specialists with technical professional education:

03106000 – «Physiology with the fundamentals of anatomy "for the specialty" Pharmacy ";

0302000 – "Physiology" for the specialty "Nursing";

0306000 – "Pathological physiology" for the specialty "Pharmacy";

0302000 – "Pathological physiology" for the specialty "Nursing";

5В130100 – "Pathological physiology" for the specialty - "General Medicine"


The renewability of disciplines

OP-3204 – "General Pathology" (pathological physiology) for the specialty - "General Medicine"

OP-3204 – "Pathology of organs and systems" (pathological physiology) for the specialty - "General Medicine"


Scientific priorities of the department

1. Утепбергенов А.А. Адам физиологиясы. Учебник, 2000 г.

2. Мурина Н.М. Методические указания для студентов к лабораторным занятиям по курсу нормальной физиологии: Физиоогия дыхания.

3. Жакипбекова Г.С. Физиология высшей нервной деятельности. Условный рефлекс, его нейрофизиологические механизмы: учебное пособие. – А., 2006 г.

4. Айтбаева С.Е. Жалпы нозология, учебно-методическое пособие, 2006 г.

5. Кулбалиева Ж.Ж. Патофизиологические аспекты аллергии, учебно-методическое пособие, 2013 г.

6. Жакипбекова Г.С. Ас қорыту мүшелерінің құрылысы мен қызметтері, учебное пособие, 2013 г.

7. Адильбекова Д.А. Өндірістік және дәрілік ксенобиотиктерге организмнің даралық сезімталдығы, 2011 г.

8. Адильбекова Д.А., Орманов Н.Ж. Окислительный гемостаз и фосфорная патология,, 2011 г.

9. Бисимбаева С.Б., Орманова Л.Н. Өкпе туберкулезін оңтайлы емдеуді негіздеу, 2011 г.

10. Жолымбекова Л.Д., Адильбекова Д.А. Сары фосфорға организмнің даралық сезімталдығына байланысты бауыр қызметінің жағдайы, 2011 г.

11. Жолымбекова Л.Д. Қан және бауыр қызметінің фосфорға даралық сезімталдығы, 2014 г.

12. Бисимбаева С.Б. Өкпе туберкулезіндегі оңтайлы фармакотерапиясын негіздеу, 2014 г.

13. Бисимбаева С.Б Жүрек қан-тамыр ауруларының  медициналық-әлеуметтік мәселелері,2018.

14. Бисимбаева С.Б Симтомы и диагностика  рака пищевода

According to the results of the scientific work,  members of the department participates with reports in scientific conferences, publishes its scientific articles in journals. Employees of the department are authors of more than  200 scientific articles, among which there are scientific articles published in the international information database Tomson Reuters.   Important in the training of young professionals is the involvement of students in research work. At the department there is a student scientific club. The work of the club is held according to the annual plan. The results of SIRS are discussed at seminars. Students participating in the club participate in international and republican conferences and Olympiads and take prizes. The participants of the club prepared more than 20 articles and reports.



Employees of the department

Zhakipbekova G. S. – c. b. s., associate professor head of the department;
Bisimbaeva S. B. – c. m. s., associate professor;
Kulbalieva Zh. Zh. – c. m. s., associate professor;
Murina N. M. – senior lecturer;
Satybaldieva N. M. – senior lecturer;
Medetbekova D. U. – senior lecturer;
Azimbaeva S. N. – senior lecturer;
Izbasarova M. S. – senior lecturer;
Berdalieva G. B. – senior lecturer;
Dzhamasheva G. Sh. – teacher; 
Sabit A. E. – teacher; 
Kerimbekova M. O. – teacher; 
Seidakpar A. U. – teacher; 
Adilhanova R. A. – teacher; 
Zhunisova A. B. – teacher; 
Kozhabekova A. S. – teacher;
Zhanaev B. I. – teacher; 
Tursynbek D. A. – teacher; 
Mamysheva D. T. – teacher; 
Burkitbaeva B. B. – teacher; 
Eralhan A. K. – teacher; 
Myrzakerim N. B. – teacher; 
Turebaeva G. A. – teacher; 
Abdiev K. K. – teacher; 
Buharbaev E. B. – senior lecturer; 
Ryskulbekov E. B. – teacher; 
Abubakirov B. A. – teacher; 
Musirova A. E. – teacher; 
Zhumagul K. K. – teacher;
Beknazarova Ainur Askarovna. – Teacher;
Kadirsizova K. S. – senior assistant;
Nuraly A. B. – senior assistant;
Izbasar A. S. – assistant; 
Kurmanai A. N. – assistant;


Address and contact information:

Address: Al-Farabi 3, Building 2, 5th Floor, 504- 508 Cabinet






30.09.2020, 10:28