History of the department

The history of the department dates back to 1996, when the course of radiation diagnostics and radiation therapy was organized as part of the Department of Oncology (Head of the Department - Professor Kusherbayev S.K.), in 1997, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the ASN and corresponding member of AMS RK, Professor Bekmuratov E.B. organized the Department of Phthisiology, Pulmonology, radiation diagnostics and radiation therapy on the basis of the regional clinical hospital and RTBD. The first assistants were Zharkinbekov A.A., Ph.D. Skrebtsov B.A., Ph.D. Amralina A.A., Ph.D. Dzhaisheva G.A., Zhakenov K.Zh., Zhandarkulov A.A., Pernebaeva G.N., Sergazina A.O., Kasaeva L.T., Nuranova N.T..
In 1999, the department organized advanced training courses for radiologists and phthisiologists, where courses on specialization and improvement of practitioners of South Kazakhstan region, Zhambyl and Kyzyl-Orda regions are held. Over the past period, 612 doctors have undergone cycles of specialization and improvement in the South Kazakhstan Region, 53 doctors in the Kyzyl-Orda region, and 12 doctors in the Zhambyl region.
In 2009, the Department of Therapy-2 was divided into two departments: 1. The Department of "Interns Therapy №2" from 2009 to 2013 was headed by Sarkulova S.M., MD., her doctoral work is devoted to a comprehensive assessment of the impact of production factors on the development of cardiovascular diseases in lead production; 2. The Department of "Interns Therapy №1", which included a course of phthisiopulmonologies and a course of radiation diagnostics and radiation therapy, from 2009 to 2013 was headed by Ph.D. Turtaeva A.E. From 2013 to June 2018, the Department of "Intern Therapy №2" was renamed the Department of "Therapeutic Disciplines", which was headed by Turtaeva A.E., her Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "Clinical and immunogenetic characteristics of early arthritis and its therapeutic correction".
Since June 2018, the Department of "Therapeutic Disciplines" has been headed by Ph.D Asanova G.K.
In August 2020, the Department of "Therapeutic Disciplines" was divided into two departments, "Therapy-1" and "Therapy-2". The Department of Therapy-1 is headed by Ph.D Asanova G.K., and the Department of Therapy-2 is headed by PhD Kasaeva L.T. Since September 2021, the Department of Therapy-2 has been renamed the Department of Phthisiopulmonology and Radiology.
Over the past years, the staff of the department has carried out multifaceted work on science and clinical work, as well as methodological developments with the introduction of the latest methods of phthisiopulmonology and radiation diagnostics – complex intraoperative radiopaque studies and ultrasound studies of parenchymal organs and vessels.



Head of the department, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Kasaeva Lazzat Tatibekovna



Kasaeva Lazzat Tatibekovna in 1999 completed a clinical residency in the specialty "Pulmonology" at the SKSMA. In 2010, she defended her Ph.D thesis on the topic "Improvement of pathogenetic treatment of newly diagnosed tuberculosis based on the use of transfer factor in complex therapy", specialty 14.00.26 - phthisiology at the National Center for Tuberculosis Problems of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific supervisors - Director of NCTP, Doctor of Medical Sciences Shakhmurat Shaimovich Ismailov; Deputy. Director of Scientific and Clinical work of NCTP MD, Professor Arike Hamzovna Alyonova.
From 2010 to 2020, she worked as an acting associate professor of the Department of Therapeutic Disciplines of the SKMA. Since September 2020, she has been the head of the Department of Therapy -2 of the SKMA. During her work, she has published about 80 scientific papers, has had 3 patents, was a scientific supervisor of a doctoral dissertation. She is a pulmonologist and phthisiologist of the highest qualification category and an accredited independent expert in the field of phthisiology and pulmonology.


Implementation acts have been issued:
1. Duplex study: determination of linear blood flow velocity (LBFV) of renal vessels in nephrogenic hypertension.
2. Duplex angiography of the vessels of the abdominal aorta and arteries of the lower extremities.
3. Ultrasound dopplerography of the arteries of the lower extremities.
4. Echocardiography with Doppler examination.
5. The use of licorice root preparation – ruvimin in the treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis.


During the existence of the department, the following candidate dissertations have been defended:
1. Assistant of the course of radiation diagnostics and radiation therapy Zharkinbekov A.Zh. "Optimization of chemoradiotherapy of locally advanced esophageal cancer by improving the irradiation technique", 1997, Almaty
2. Postgraduate student of the department Kultaev A.S. – dissertation topic: "Color Doppler mapping in the differential diagnosis of volumetric formations of the liver".
3. Assistant of the Department of Phthisiology Dzhaisheva G.T. – "The frequency of tuberculosis in persons with nonspecific lung diseases and improving the diagnosis of tuberculosis in pulmonological patients" 1999, Almaty
4. Assistant of pulmonology Sergazina A.O. - dissertation topic: "Immunocorregulating and antioxidant pharmacotherapy with immunomodulin in patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis"
5. Assistant of the course of phthisiology Sakybaeva S.A. "Scientific substantiation of medical and organizational technologies of the territorial tuberculosis prevention program"
The staff of the department regularly travel to the districts of the region according to the plan to provide highly qualified advice on the ground.
The availability of teaching materials and visual aids is quite satisfactory. The classrooms are equipped according to the subject, are in good condition.


The tasks of the department are:
- ensuring a high level of teaching disciplines with the use of modern innovative technologies aimed at fulfilling the main task of the department in the process of training college, bachelor's degree, residency and FCPD specialists;
- development and implementation of educational and visual aids, development of control and measuring tools to ensure the control of students' knowledge;
- systematic professional development of teachers;
- implementation of educational work in the scope of curatorial activities, in the process of lecturing and conducting practical classes and during shifts in the dormitory.


Basic training courses:
- Bachelor's degree
- Internship
- Residency
The teaching staff of the department conducts active educational and methodological work.
All methodological material for students and teachers is available in printed and floppy versions, in two languages. Syllabuses, test questions and lecture complexes are updated annually.
The disciplines of the department are taught in Kazakh, Russian and English.


During the existence of the department, 2 monographs have been published:
1. X-ray diagnostics, 1995 - Bekmuratov
2. Liposomes in X-ray diagnostics, 1992.
7 methodological manuals, 2 methodological recommendations and 9 brochures have been published.
1. "Radiation therapy of non-tumor diseases" educational and methodological manual, Zharkinbekov A.Zh.
2. "Separate methods of pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis", educational and methodical manual for phthisiologists, pulmonologists and general practitioners, Skrebtsov B.A., Sakybaeva S.A.
3. "Standards of treatment and diagnosis of tuberculosis. Methodological recommendations on the analysis and use of indicators to assess the state of public health protection, the activities of healthcare institutions, specialists of tuberculosis institutions" educational and methodological manual for phthisiologists, pulmonologists and general practitioners, Sakybaeva S.A., etc.
4. "Rational antibiotic therapy of pneumonia", Astana, 2001. Ph.D. Rosenson R.I., ass.Sergazina A.O.
5. "Differential diagnostics of tuberculosis of respiratory organs in tables" G.Shymkent 2001, Skrebtsov B.A., Sakybayeva S.A.
6. "Modern diagnosis of tuberculosis in pulmonological patients", Almaty, 1999, Doctor of Medical Sciences Khauadamova G.T., Doctor of Medical Sciences Bekmuratov E.B., Candidate of Medical Sciences Dzhaisheva K.T.
7. "Tuberculosis and pregnancy" Almaty, 1999., MD Dzhangereev and Ph.D Kaldybaev S.K.


The following research works are carried out at the department:
Scientific interests of assistants of the Department of Phthisiology, Pulmonology, Radiation Diagnostics and Radiation Therapy
1. The role of effector mechanisms of immunity during pulmonary tuberculosis - Kasaeva L.T.
2. Epidemiological assessment of respiratory tuberculosis in children and adolescents according to the DOTS program. Nuranova N.T.
3. Epidemiological danger of bacterial excretion in newly diagnosed patients with tuberculosis of the respiratory system. Serkhodzhaeva T.X
4. Ways of forming dispensary contingents of tuberculosis patients in an unfavorable epidemiological situation Usivalieva S.Zh.
5. Tuberculosis in children and adolescents: features of the disease, new technologies of diagnosis and specific prevention.. Yerzhanov O.S.
6. Modern aspects of radiation diagnosis of echinococcosis of the lungs. Seitova A.A.
7. Complex radiation diagnostics of posttraumatic osteomyelitis of long bones. Tleulieva Zh.A.
8. Complex radiation diagnostics of mechanical jaundice. Amralina A.A.
Since the opening of the faculty department, 102 scientific articles have been published, including 15 international articles. Together with the Regional Health Ministry and the RTBD, 4 scientific and practical conferences, 7 seminar meetings were held. More than 12,000 patients with oncological, tuberculosis, pulmonological and other diseases have been consulted.
The department has a student circle that takes an active part in the life of the Academy's SSA. Students publish theses, make presentations at scientific and practical conferences under the guidance of their scientific supervisors.
All assistants of the department conduct curatorial work at 4-5 courses of the Faculty of Medicine, days of the department are held in the dormitory, career guidance in schools of South Kazakhstan region, monthly according to the schedule, the staff of the department is on duty in the dormitory.
During the year, according to the plan, educational work is carried out with students who have passed the block.


Currently, working in the department are:
1. Kasaeva L.T. - Head of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate Professor.
2. Bekmuratov E.B. - MD, Professor.
3. Sergazina A.O. - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
4. Yerzhanov O.S. - master m.s., senior lecturer.
5. Serkhodzhaeva T.H. - senior lecturer
6. Nuranova N.T. - assistant
7. Umirzakova G.A. - senior lecturer
8. Seitova A.A. - senior lecturer
9. Umiraliev A.A. - assistant
10. Tulegenova A.A. – master m.s.
11. Sauirbayeva G.B. - assistant
12. Abduvahabova G.B. - assistant
13. Abduali D.T. - senior laboratory assistant
14. Shermakhanbetova G.K. - senior laboratory assistant
15. Daurenbekova G.O. - senior assistant

Address and contact details:
"Regional center of phthisiopulmonology" st. T. Orynbaeva. 1st floor, course of phthisiopulmonology.

Phone number: 8 778 505 80 10.

RCH. Ophthalmological department - st. Kurmanbekova. 2nd floor, cours of radiology.

Phone number: 8 776 388 73 55.

29.04.2022, 09:01