Department of Pediatrics-1



History of the Department

The Department of "Children's Diseases" was established in 1994 for 3rd-year students of the General Medical Faculty on the basis of the regional Children's hospital of South Kazakhstan Region. The department was headed by the current MD, professor, at that time Dean of the MF, PhD, Associate Professor Myrzaliev Bolat Atymtaevich. In 1996 MD, Professor Askambaeva K.A. headed the department
In 1997, the pediatric faculty was opened at the SKSMA, in connection with which the Department of "Propaedeutics of Childhood Diseases" of the pediatric faculty was organized under the leadership of MD, Professor Musaev A.T..
In order to improve the educational process, the rational use of personnel and the organization of a full-fledged educational process, the departments were merged into a single department of "Children's diseases and propaedeutics of children's diseases" headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.T. Musaev. In the 2008-2009 academic year MD Egizbayev M.K. headed it , 2009-2010 - PhD, Associate Professor Mustafina K.A. headed this department.
The Department of "Pediatric Surgery" was organized in 1997, the head of the department was appointed MD, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan Karabekov Agabek Karabekovich. In the 2010-2011 academic year, due to the reorganization, the departments of "Pediatric Surgery" and "Children's Diseases" were merged into a single department called "Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery". The head of the department was elected MD, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan Karabekov Agabek Karabekovich.
From the 2019-2020 academic year, the Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery was divided into the departments of Pediatrics-1 and Pediatrics-2. From January 2016 to January 2022, the PhD department was headed by Maymakov Talgat Anuarbekovich.
From January to September 1, 2022, Ph.D. candidate Narkhodjaev Nurgali Sailauovich was appointed acting head of the department..
From September 1, 2022, the Department of Education PhD Kemelbekov Kanatzhan Saukhanbekovich



Kemelbekov Kanatzhan Saukhanbekovich
PhD, pediatrician of the highest category, pediatric surgeon, pediatric resuscitator-anesthesiologist.
Holder of the badge "Golden doctor" of the National Medical Association of the Republic of Kazakhstan



2015 у he completed a scientific internship at the "Kaplan" Medical Center in Rehovot, Israel. In addition, he has repeatedly improved his medical skills in the Russian Federation, the republics of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan
From February 2017 y until today, he is a full-time employee of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy of JSC. He started his career as an assistant at the Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery of this educational institution.
2020 y, he was awarded the "letter of thanks" of the Minister of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the badge "for contribution to the development of Professional Education.
2021 y, he was awarded the" best dean of the year "badge, the" Letter of thanks "of the Minister of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the second time and the " Best young scientist " badge.
2022 y, he was the winner of the Republican competition of the Society of medical workers of Kazakhstan "Excellence in health care-2022" and was awarded the badge "for contribution to health care".
In addition, more than 100 scientific articles have been published. Of these, 15 articles have been published in journals indexed in the international rating Scopus and Web of Science databases. 7-textbook, 1-textbook and monograph and 5-author of copyrights.


Tasks of the department:
The main activity of the department is based on the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan " about Education" and the main objectives are to train specialists with deep theoretical and practical training, solid professional knowledge, skills and abilities corresponding to the state educational standard of specialties.
• Ensuring the study of theoretical issues and the acquisition of practical skills and abilities necessary in practical activities.
• Planning and conducting scientific research in fundamental and priority areas for practical health care, implementing the results of research work and innovative technologies.
• Development of new learning technologies.


To fulfill the main goals, the department solves the following tasks:
• Creation of the necessary educational, methodological, logistical, personnel and scientific conditions for the development of educational programs on children's diseases and pediatric surgery aimed at training professional personnel.
• Ensuring the study of theoretical issues and the acquisition of practical skills and abilities necessary in practical activities.
• Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel and professional development.
• Personal development based on the achievements of modern science, national and universal values.
The department carries out its activities in accordance with annual plans covering educational, methodological, research, educational and clinical types of work.
To discuss issues of all types of activities of the department, to make appropriate decisions, meetings of the department are held at least once a month, in which the teaching staff takes part.


The subjects are taught in Kazakh, Russian and English
Updatability of the read disciplines:
30% of the read disciplines are updated annually.


Basic training courses
The department trains students of the Faculty of Medicine in the State, Russian and English languages. The following disciplines are taught: "Propaedeutics of children's diseases-1", "Propaedeutics of children's diseases-2" and "Pediatric surgery" for the educational program "General Medicine" 3, 4 courses of study. Including residency in the specialty "Pediatric Surgery" for 1 year of study, in the disciplines "Outpatient surgery", "Emergency surgery" and "Thoracic surgery".
Academic disciplines are taught at the department in accordance with the State Educational Standards and standard professional training programs in medical and pharmaceutical specialties № 647 dated 02/21/2020. Video equipment and multimedia lectures are actively used in the educational process. Constant work is being carried out to provide the educational process with complete sets of educational methodological complex of disciplines for teachers and students, which are completely revised and updated annually.
Teaching of clinical disciplines to students is carried out at the leading clinical base of the "Regional Children's Hospital ".
Classes on innovative technologies are conducted mainly in the SKMA Central Medical Center on dummies, as well as in the form of clinical examinations at the bedside in the departments of the Regional Children's Hospital and in the IMCI center.


Educational and methodical work.
The department has compiled modular training programs in the disciplines of "Pediatric surgery" for the 4th year, "Propaedeutics of childhood diseases" for the 3rd year students of the educational program "General Medicine". On the basis of the modular curriculum, an educational and methodological complex has been developed (syllabus, methodological recommendations for practical classes and independent work of students, control and measuring tools) and methodological developments for conducting the OSPe. Including for residency in the specialty "Pediatric Surgery" of 1 year of study, in the disciplines "Outpatient surgery", "Emergency surgery" and "Thoracic surgery".
Teaching staff of the department:
• takes an active part in the development and improvement of educational programs for training specialists, relevant curricula and programs;
• defines the main directions of methodological work;
• develops a unified approach and optimal ways to solve methodological problems of the department;
• draws up a plan of methodical work of the department;
• analyzes the state of the educational process and all types of methodological work at the department, develops recommendations for improving the content, forms and methods of teaching;
• organizes the implementation of methodological recommendations developed by the department, the methodological council of the faculty, the scientific council;
• organizes interaction with methodological groups of other departments to coordinate modular curricula, programs and exchange of experience;
• prepares and conducts methodological seminars of the department;
• prepares proposals for providing the educational process with textbooks and teaching aids, conducts initial review and discussion of methodological developments of teachers of the department;
• monitors the progress of the implementation of the methodological work plan of the department, individual plans of teachers;
• organizes open classes and mutual visits to classes, the work of a methodological seminar, competitions and other methodological events.


Scientific work.
The staff of the department has written more than 500 scientific works, 5 textbooks, obtained 48 innovative patents, copyright certificates, pre-patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 2 Eurasian patent for invention.
In 2019, employees of the Department Mustafina K. A., Maimakov T. A., Kemelbekov K. S., Karsybayeva K. U., Zhumabekov zh.K.published a textbook "propaedeutics of childhood diseases" in the Kazakh language. Many textbooks and manuals have been published several times.


Clinical work of the department:
The clinical bases of the department are "Regional Children's Hospital". The teaching staff of the department has a fairly high professional level of training. All teachers of the department have qualified medical categories and certificates of specialists. Teachers of the department carry out extensive medical and advisory work together with practical healthcare. Scientific and practical conferences, seminars, round tables, clinical rounds and consultations are held with the participation of the department staff.
Plans of educational work for the department are drawn up annually. Teachers report to the meetings of the department on the work performed. Students participate in various cultural and sports events held at the university and beyond.


Currently, the department employs:

1. Kemelbekov K. S.- head of the Department,PhD;
2. Mustafina K.A. - docents; 
3 Baimakhanova B.B. - acting docents;
4.Toleuova A.E - acting docents;
5. Narkhodzhaev N.S - assistant;
6. Khuzhakhmedova R.N. - assistant;
7. Baltabayeva B.S. – assistant;
8. Absadyk A.E - assistant;
9. Akhmetova G.Sh.– assistant;
10. Eskaraeva M.A.– assistant;
11.Shagiraeva S.K.– assistant;
12 .Zaidulla A.M.-assistant;
13. Toksanbai L.S. – senior laboratory assistant; 
14. Kambarbekova A.M. - senior laboratory assistant;


Part – time assistan :

1. Narmanov K.M. - assistant;
2. Nurzhanov S.B. - assistant;
3. Yesaliev K.I. - assistant;
4. Ospanov E.A. - assistant;
5. Baidullaev E.E. - assistant;
6. Turisbekov S.A. - assistant;
7. Toregeldiev M.S. - assistant;
8. Orazbek A.D. - assistant;
9. Nematilla A.E. - assistant;



Address and contact details:
Shymkent, md.Nursat, Argynbekov street №125; Regional Children's Hospital;
Email address:






30.09.2020, 10:50