Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines


History of the department



The Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines of the Medical College at JSC "SKMA" was organized by order of the rector of JSC "SKMA" №53ө dated June 29, 2022, based on protocol № 13 dated June 29, 2022 of the Academic Council of JSC "SKMA" and is one of the specialized departments of the medical college.
The head of the department of pharmaceutical disciplines from 2022 to the present is Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Botabayeva Rauan Yerkebayevna.


Botabayeva Rauan Yerkebayevna – Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).


Tasks of the department
The Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines, being one of the leading departments of the Medical College at JSC SKMA, makes a huge contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists. Training laboratories are equipped with modern equipment, small-scale mechanization and visual aids, instruments, etc.

Training of specialists is carried out in the following specialties:

09160100 – “Pharmacy”;
09130100 – “Nursing”;
09120100 - “Medicine”;
09130200 – “Obstetrics”;
09110100 – “Dentistry”;
09130100 – “Nursing”.

Currently, the department of pharmaceutical disciplines employs experienced teachers, Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) – 2, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor – 1, Master of Medical Sciences. – 1, masters of pedagogical sciences. – 3, masters of chemical sciences. – 2.

The staff of the department prepared and published the following textbooks and teaching aids in the state and Russian languages:
– Scientific substantiation of the strategy for diversification of domestically produced drugs // Botabaeva R.Y., Dathaev U.M., Shertaeva K.D., Shopabaeva A.R., Khimenko S.V. – Methodological recommendations / KazNMU named after.
S.D. Asfendiyarov. – Almaty, 2016 – 28 p.
– Scientific substantiation of the strategy for diversification of domestically produced medicines // Botabaeva R.Y., Dataev Yu.M., Shertaeva K.D., Shopabaeva A.R., Khimenko S.V. – Methodological recommendations / KazNMU named after.
S.D. Asfendiarov. – Almaty, 2016 – 28 p.
– Registration of receipt and sale of goods in pharmacy organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Shopabaeva A.R., Khimenko S.V., Zhakipbekov K.S., Botabaeva
R.Y. – Textbook / KazNMU named after. S.D. Asfendiarov. - Almaty: IP “AKNUR” 2016, - 75 p.
– Screening of indicators of physical development of children and clinical examination of identified non-epidemic diseases // Buleshov M.A., Tazhibaeva K.N., Buleshova A.M., Buleshov D.M., Botabaeva R.Y., Buleshova R.M. – Textbook / MKTU im. HA. Yasawi. - Shymkent: Alaman Barek LLP 2017, - P. 125.
– Early detection and prevention of diseases leading to certain types of cancer // Tazhibaeva K.N., Buleshov M.A., Buleshova A.M., Buleshov D.M., Botabaeva
R.Y. – Textbook / MKTU im. HA. Yasawi. - Shymkent: Alaman Barek LLP 2017,
- P. 160.
– Pharmacognosy // B.K. Makhatov., A.K. Patsaev, K.K. Orynbasarova, Zh.A. Kadishaeva/ Almaty: New book. 2021. 500 b.

Botabaeva R.Y. Since 2005, more than 100 scientific papers, 5 copyright certificates, 5 textbooks have been published.
Since 2022, the department’s staff has published 10 scientific articles, 8 of them at international conferences.
There is a student scientific circle at the department. Students participate in international conferences and regional Olympiads.

Basic training courses
Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 09, 2023 № 4. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on January 11, 2023 №31672.
Developed and approved ЕMCD in the following disciplines:

In specialty 09160100 – “Pharmacy”:
1. History of pharmacy;
2. Inorganic chemistry;
3. Organic chemistry;
4. Botany;
5. Analytical chemistry;
6. Safety and quality in pharmacy;
7. Fundamentals of psychology and communication skills in pharmacy;
8. Pharmacognosy;
9. Technology of dosage forms;
10. Pharmaceutical chemistry;
11. Pharmacology;
12. Pharmaceutical and medical merchandising;
13. Organization and economics of pharmacy with the basics of management and marketing;
14. Information technologies in pharmacy;

15. Special technology;
In specialty 09130100 – “Nursing”, 
09120100 – “General Medicine”, 
09130200 – “Midwifery”, 
09110100 – “Dentistry”, 
09130100 – “Nursing”:

16. Chemistry;
In specialty 09130100 – “Nursing”, 
09120100 – “General Medicine”, 
09130200 – “Obstetrics”, 
09110100 – “Dentistry”:

17. Pharmacology, pharmacotherapy.
In specialty 09130100 – “Nursing”, applied bachelor’s degree:

18. Pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and medical calculation. Disciplines taught within the framework of the multilingualism program
The discipline “Special Technology” is conducted in Russian groups in the state language for 3rd year students in specialty 09160100 – “Pharmacy”.

Disciplines taught in the framework of the multilingual program
The discipline “Special Technology” is conducted in Russian groups in the state language for 3rd year students in specialty 09160100 – “Pharmacy”.

Scientific priorities of the department
The scientific activity of the department is carried out in the direction: “Studying the possibilities of creating new medicinal products based on medicinal plant raw materials of Southern Kazakhstan.”
It is aimed at studying and introducing into pharmaceutical production medicines based on domestic plant raw materials and new production technologies, as well as improving the technology of medicines produced by domestic manufacturers.

Currently in the department is working:

1. Botabayeva R.Y. – PhD, head of department;
2. Umirali M.A. – Ph.D., associate professor, teacher;
3. Kydyralieva A.D. – PhD, teacher;
4. Kadishaeva Zh.A. – master’s degree, teacher;
5. Tobagabylova G.N. – teacher;
6. Toishieva B.T. – Master of Medical Sciences, teacher;
7. Kabylbekova T.Zh. – teacher;
8. Tauasarova D.E. – Master of Chemical Sciences, teacher;
9. Koshkinbaeva K.M. – Master of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher;
10. Ramatullah A.M. – Master of Chemical Sciences, teacher;
11. Algabek S.U. – Master of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher;
12. Tursubekova B.I. – teacher;
13. Imankulova S.M. – teacher;
14. Koshanova N.M. – teacher;
15. Fazylova D.K. – teacher;
16. Akhmetova A.T. – teacher;
17. Kuandyk A.T. – teacher;
18. Bektemir D.B. – teacher;
19. Katchanova A.B. – teacher;
20. Ongarbek K.E. – teacher;
21. Uzakhbaev Zh.N. – senior Assistant;
22. Yerkebay G.N. – senior Assistant;
23. Ermekova A.B. – laboratory assistant;
24. Zulpikhanova A.A. – laboratory assistant;
25. Manap G.D. – laboratory assistant.


Address: Al-Farabi Square 1B, SKMA, 3rd academic building, 1st and 2nd floors, room 220.





08.01.2024, 17:44