Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages


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History of the department

The Department of Language Disciplines was founded in 1979 with the opening of a branch of the Almaty State Medical Institute. The duties of the Head of the department were performed by Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Baizhanov T.B.

During 2000-2006 the Head of the Department of language disciplines was M.D. Musabayeva, candidate of philological sciences.

As a result of the reorganization in September 2004, the Department of the Russian Language was established, headed by Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Amandykova S.Kh.

During 2006-2012 the department of Kazakh and Latin languages was headed by Salim E.K., and during 2012-2014 the heading of this department was entrusted to Candidate of Philology Zhumadillaev G.N..

In 2015, as a result of the merger of the Russian language Department and the Department of Kazakh and Latin languages, the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages was organized. The Department was headed by Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Amandykova S.Kh. And then the course of Kazakh and Latin languages was divided. Headed the course Salim E.K.

Since June 1, 2018, the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages is headed by Ibraeva Lyazzat Bostanovna, candidate of pedagogical sciences



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Ibraeva Lyazzat Bostanovna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Head of the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages. Graduated from the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yasavi in 1995, majoring in "Russian Language and Literature". In 2004, she defended her thesis on the topic "Studying a foreign language in a teacher training university as a factor in the humanistic development of the personality of the future teacher". Cipher: 13.00.08 -theory and methodology of professional education.


The main tasks of the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages
• Formulate the language competence.
• To teach the language of the specialty on the chosen profile.
• To form communicative and speech competencies in reading, listening, writing, speaking.
• To familiarize students with the theoretical foundations of the culture of speech as a scientific discipline.
• Form students' skills in communicating oral and written thoughts in various fields.
• Ensure that students understand the specifics of the functional styles of the modern literary language.
• To form students' skills of drawing up personal and official documents, drawing up business papers.
• To teach students the ethics of speech communication and the assimilation of etiquette formulas of speech.
• Create conditions for the successful teaching of foreign students to Russian and Kazakh languages.
• To teach foreign students the basics of medical terminology in its three subsystems: anatomisto-histological, clinical and pharmaceutical.
• Facilitate the adaptation of foreign students in a new social and cultural environment.


Basic training courses
At the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages the following courses are conducted:
• Kazakh language
• Russian language
• Latin language
Courses of the department are taught in Kazakh, Russian and Latin.


The disciplines of the department are taught in Kazakh, Russian and languages. Updateability of readable disciplines: Educational and methodological complexes in the disciplines “Kazakh language”, “Russian language”, “Latin language” for undergraduate specialties “6B10115 – Medicine”, “6B10104 – Nursing”, “6B10111 – Public Health”, 6B10106 “Pharmacy” ", 6B07201 "Pharmaceutical production technology "6B10116 - Pediatrics", 6B10117 "Dentistry", "6B10118 - Medical and preventive care" is updated annually.

Scientific priorities of the department
The scientific work of the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages is aimed at the formation and development of a multilingual communicative environment in medical education, as well as at increasing the linguistic competence of students through innovative and interactive language teaching.

Currently, the teaching staff of the department is 26 people:
1 head of department, 1 acting professors, 4 associate professors, 14 senior teachers, 2 teachers, 3 senior laboratory assistants, 1 laboratory assistant.

1. Ibraeva L.B. – Head of the Department, Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
2. Salim E.K. – head of the Kazakh and Latin language course, acting associate professor
3. Makhanova G.B. - and about. professor, candidate of philological sciences
4. Temirbekova Zh.K. - and about. Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences
5. Karbozova G.K. - and about. Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences
6. Kasymbekova A.N. - and about. Associate Professor of Latin Language
7. Kemelkhan D.Zh. – senior teacher of the Kazakh language, Master of philological Sciences
8. Kaspanova F.A. – senior teacher of the Russian language, Master of humanitarian Sciences
9. Nurmakhanova G.K. - senior teacher of the Russian language, Master of humanitarian Sciences
10. Shadieva K.B. - senior teacher of the Russian language, Master of humanitarian Sciences
11. Abdullabekova A.T. – senior teacher of the Kazakh language
12. Zhakipova A.S. – senior teacher of the Kazakh language, master of pedagogical Sciences
13. Utegenova G.M. - senior teacher of the Russian language
14. Almakhanova G.T. - senior teacher of the Russian language
15. Sadykova K.B. - senior teacher of the Russian language
16. Orazimbetova G.D. – senior teacher of the Kazakh language, master of pedagogical sciences
17. Saimkulova A.D. – senior teacher of the Kazakh language, Master of Arts
18. Zholdybaeva G.B. - senior teacher of the Latin language , Master of Pedagogical Sciences
19. Safronova Yu.V. – teacher of the Latin language, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
20. Duisenbaeva M.M. - senior teacher of the Latin language, Master of Medical Sciences
21. Kamysbai A.B. – teacher of the Latin language
22. Abdishakhim N.A. – teacher of the Latin language
23. Duisenby Z.B. - senior assistant
24. Erimbetova M.K. - senior assistant
25. Zhakashbaeva U.M. - senior assistant
26. Bizhanova G.K. – laboratory assistant


The department is located at:
Shymkent city, al-Farabi square 1, building No. 3, 2 nd floor.






30.09.2020, 11:19