Vice-rector for academic work


Vice-rector for academic work -

Anartaeva Maria Ulasbekkyzy

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor


In 1991 she graduated from the Karaganda State Medical Institute (KSMI), in 1993 completed her training in clinical residency in the specialty "Obstetrics and Gynecology" KSMI.

Has more than eighty scientific publications (including two publications in international rating journals of the Web of Science database, Thomson Reuters), 3 copyright certificates for intellectual property, a patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for an invention, 6 methodological recommendations. monograph.

She prepared 2 candidates of medical sciences, 10 masters.

He is a member of the republican educational and methodological association in the direction of "Healthcare", the subcommittee for the development of human capital of the Committee of the pharmaceutical, medical industry and medical services of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken"; national expert on accreditation, internal auditor of the quality management system No. 17.028.02.

In 2012 she was awarded the badge "Kazakhstan Respublikasy Densaulyk Sagtau Isinin Uzdigi" and the medal "Kazakhstan Respublikasyk Tauelsizdigine 25 Zhyl" (2016)

30.09.2020, 09:24