Department of youth policy
Head of the Youth Policy Department:
Taszhanov Berik Rakhmanaliuly (87252) 39-57-57 (ext. number: 1036)
The Youth Policy Department (hereinafter referred to as the Youth Policy Department) is guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulatory organizational and administrative documents of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the Company, internal regulatory documents, as well as the present regulations of the department.
DYP is a separate structural division of SKMA JSC. The head of the educational institution, specialists of the department are appointed by order of rector from among the most qualified teachers and employees who have at least 5 years of experience in scientific, pedagogical or practical work or higher education and have at least 5 years of experience in scientific, pedagogical or practical work or higher education. Experience in teaching and student youth movements for at least two years.
The main goal of the Youth Association is to create conditions for the fruitful development and increase in the activity of student youth in the implementation of the state youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the mission of SKMA JSC.
Chief Social Work Specialist of the Youth Policy Department:
Baimbetova Bayan Seitzhapbarovna
• Protecting the interests of socially vulnerable students;
• Organizing the collection of statistical documents from students from low-income families twice a school year;
• Taking into account the insignificant social status of students, he gives a recommendation for a rector's scholarship to students who study well;
• Monitoring the social status of students together with registered departments;
• If possible, submit a list to management to provide financial assistance to orphans and disabled children twice a school year;
• Organizing the distribution of gifts to students' families on the eve of the New Year holiday;
• Coordinates social protection of orphan students;
• Organization of charity events among students.
Leading specialist: Kerimbekova Zina Kapanovna
• Organization of work on the implementation of youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan at SKMA;
• Determines the functions and levels of responsibility of student councils of Faculties, heads of student organizations;
• Promotes the development of youth self-government and effective organization of free time;
• Provides current and long-term planning of the work of SKMA student council;
• Keeps records of active students;
• Hires students and public activists and conducts educational work with them to promote a healthy lifestyle;
• Participates in the development of the report, long-term and annual DYP plan;
• Organize the work assigned to DYP;
• Obliged to provide methodological and practical assistance to specialists of the department, student clubs, Boards of Trustees, student governments
Musical director: Tungyshbaev Beybarys Nurlanuly
• Show the image, content, emotional depth of the work through musical instruments;
• Perform works on musical instruments using various playing techniques;
• Be able to manage your activities, understand the idea of musical creativity in the opinion of other performers;
• Perform as a solo artist;
• Work in a musical group;
• Conduct, manage the entire musical group or other performers;
• To accompany an individual performer or group;
• Develop youth self-government, effectively organize free time;
• organize and conduct events dedicated to gala evenings of SKMA and public holidays, as well as participate in cultural events in the city of Shymkent;
• Participate in the organization and holding of competitions, artistic and creative festivals, sports games;
• organize the work assigned to the DYP;
Student service center operator: Zhumatov Nursultan Bagdatuly
• Student Service Center:
• Bears responsibility for the implementation of the tasks assigned to Center and the implementation of its powers;
• Complies with all the interests of center related to its activities;
• Within the scope of his powers, signs documents and issues visas;
• Provide a certificate confirming that he is studying at the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy and Medical College at "SKMA" JSC;
• Responsible for electronic document flow related to the dormitory (applications for accommodation in the dormitory, execution of orders for enrollment and expulsion).
Specialist in aesthetic and social work:
Zhienbek Daurenbek Zhanibekuly
• Conducts social research in order to develop and implement activities aimed at creating a good socio-psychological state of students at the Academy;
• Controls the living conditions of students in dormitories of SKMA, takes measures to eliminate negative situations;
• Coordinates the work of the student council of the hostel, monitors the implementation of their work plan;
• Monitors the food conditions of students in canteens and buffets, takes measures to eliminate violations;
• Organizes work with veterans of National Military Academy of Labor and Army;
• Promotes the creative achievements of students through the media;
• Through competitions, students are encouraged to develop their creative abilities and capabilities, and the quality of their learning is improved;
• By organizing gatherings, meetings and trips, instills in students a sense of respect for the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, historical monuments;
• Special work with the media;
• Through questionnaires and surveys, collects information about students who may be affected by religious extremism among students of SKMA;
• Organizes and conducts actions, round tables and meetings against religious extremism and terrorism;
Social work specialist of the youth policy department:
Chapai Nurshat Kazybekuly
• Protecting the interests of socially vulnerable teachers;
• Providing management with a list of low-income workers and those in need of financial assistance;
• Monitoring the social status of teachers together with registered departments;
• Development of programs and strategies to combat religious extremism and terrorism;
• Participation in the organization and conduct of socio-political, cultural, educational and sports events;
• Organization and holding of meetings, conferences, round tables on educational issues in the spirit of respect for the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, social and public life;
• Instilling a sense of respect for state symbols and historical monuments of the Republic of Kazakhstan by organizing meetings and trips;
Press Secretary: Aripzhanova Karina Kazymovna
• Providing information about events held at "SKMA" JSC;
• Organization of press conferences, briefings, interviews and meetings with representatives of domestic and foreign media;
• image support of information support for events held at "SKMA JSC";
• Development and editing of news stories, information materials on the official website of "SKMA JSC";
• Providing professional translation at meetings and conferences with the participation of guests from abroad;
• Assistance in organizing events held within the framework of "SKMA JSC".