Department of Pharmacognosy


History of the Department


The Department of Pharmacognosy was opened in 1981, from the specialized Departments of the Shymkent pharmaceutical branch of the ASMI in 1981. The founder of the Department was Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Baimukhambetov Marat Ablakimovich (1981-2004). After graduating from the pharmaceutical faculty of the ASMI (1968), he entered the graduate school of the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute. After graduation in 1978 he defended his candidate thesis on the topic: "Phytochemical study of the Oxytropis komarovii". In 1996 he defended his doctoral thesis on the topic: "Phytochemical study of plants of the genera Immortelle, Yarrow, Tansy, Handelia of the Aster family". The department was equipped with equipment, microscopes, tables, etc. Created herbarium and raw materials fund. Baymukhambetov M.A. is the author of 160 scientific and scientific-methodical works.
In 2004-2005 the Department was headed by the candidate of technical sciences Tashmenov Rakhim Sarsenovich.
In 2005, several Departments were united, and in 2005-2007 the head of the Department of Medical Biology, Genetics, Pharmacognosy was Abilaev Satpai Akhadzhievich, candidate of Biological sciences.
From 2007 to 2018, the head of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry was Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Patsayev Anapiya Kanybekovich. Under his leadership, in 2012 organized a laboratory of medicinal plants at the department and organized numerous expeditions to various regions of the South Kazakhstan region in order to study valuable medicinal plants used in folk medicine. The theme of the scientific work of the Department: "Isolation and research of biologically active substances from medicinal plants of South Kazakhstan and the creation on their basis new phytopreparations of a wide spectrum of action".
The medicinal plants, which collected during the expeditions were subjected to pharmacognostical, phytochemical and pharmacological studies. The research results were published in journals with impact factors, collections of international conferences.
Scientific and technical projects developed for promising types of local flora plant raw materials.
From 2018 to 2021, the head of the Department of Pharmacognosy headed by the Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor Umiruli Murat Adikhanuly.
Since 2021, the Department is headed by the candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, Acting Professor Orynbassarova Kulpan Kenzhebayevna.



Orynbassarova Kulpan Kenzhebayevna

Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy

Candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, Acting Professor



The main goals and objectives of the Department.
One of the main tasks of the Department in the preparation of a modern specialist-pharmacist is the maximum correspondence of training to the content of practical activities.
The Department is specialized, graduating, where students of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th courses of the Faculty of Pharmacy study according to the educational program 6В10106 - "Pharmacy" and 6В07201 - "Technology of pharmaceutical production" in Kazakh, English and Russian languages. The training of undergraduates and PhD students of I, II years of study is carried out on the educational program M142 "Pharmacy" and D140 "Pharmacy" in two directions: scientific-pedagogical and profile.
Students of the faculty of training specialists with technical vocational education are trained in 1st, 2nd, 3rd courses in the Kazakh and Russian languages.


Basic training courses
University components:

1. "Botany" for the educational program 6В10106 - "Pharmacy" for 1st year students;
2. "Pharmacognosy" according to the educational program 6B10106 - "Pharmacy" for students of the 3rd year and the 2nd accelerated course;
3. "Chemistry of natural medicinal compounds" according to the educational program 6B07201 - "Technology of pharmaceutical production" for 3rd year students.


Optional components:
1. "Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy" for the educational program 6B10106 - "Pharmacy" for 2nd year students;
2. "Analysis and standardization of medicinal raw materials" according to the educational program 6В10106 - "Pharmacy" for 4th year students;
3. "Resource science and ecology of medicinal plants" according to the educational program 6В10106 - "Pharmacy" for students of the 5th course and the 3rd course accelerated course.
Since 2010, the Department has been training undergraduates according to the educational program M142 "Pharmacy" in two directions:
• scientific and pedagogical;
• profile.
Since 2021, the Department has been teaching PhD according to the educational program D140 "Pharmacy". Disciplines, which taught within the multilingual programs are:
1. "Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy";
2. "Analysis and standardization of medicinal raw materials";
3. "Resource science and ecology of medicinal plants."
Work programs are developed and regularly updated in accordance with the State Educational Standard, the catalog of elective disciplines at the bachelor's and master's levels is reviewed annually.
Additions and changes are made annually for the disciplines. Literatures of the taught disciplines at the Department is regularly updated.
In 2018, the training and production base for the cultivation, collection and processing of medicinal plants in Kaskasu was renewed for training and industrial practice in Botany and Pharmacognosy. The Department has drawn up joint work programs for foreign students on the passage of educational and industrial practice with Russian Universities like: Tyumen, TyumSMA; Ufa, BSMU; Pyatigorsk PMFI, Tashkent, TashPharMI. The Department carries out a close relationship with Universities of foreign countries - Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan. Within the framework of academic mobility, the Department invited well-known scientists from Russia: Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor of PMFI -Konovalov D.A.; Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor of the Belarusian State Medical University - Pupykina K.A., from Ukraine, Kharkov, NUPh Doctor of Pharmacy Koshevoy O.N.


Textbooks, teaching aids, methodical-teaching aids published by the staff of the Department of Pharmacognosy:
• Patsayev A.K., Zhailau S.Zh., Shynazbekova Sh.S., Makhatov B.K. "Analytical chemistry". Okulyk. In Kaz., Shymkent -2007
• Makhatov B.K., Patsayev A.K., Orynbassarova K.K., Kadishayeva Zh.A. "Pharmacognosy" Okulyk, Shymkent, - 2011.
• Patsayev A.K., Kadishayeva Zh.A., Toksanbayeva Zh.S., Orynbassarova K.K., Omirbayeva A.Y. "Tests from Botany" in Kaz., Rus, Shymkent, -2011.
• Makhatov B.K., Patsayev A.K., Orynbassarova K.K. "Anatomy and Morphology of Plants" Textbook. Shymkent, - 2011
• Makhatov B.K., Patsayev A.K., Kadishayeva Zh.A. "Higher and lower stage Plants" Study guide. In Kaz. Shymkent, - 2011
• Patsayev A.K., Makhatov B.K., Toksanbayeva Zh.S., Orynbassarova K.K., Kadishayeva Zh.A. "Tests from Pharmacognosy" In kaz., Rus, Shymkent, -2013.
• Makhatov B.K., Patsayev A.K., Orynbassarova K.K., Toksanbayeva Zh.S., Kadishayeva Zh.A. "Botanica" in Kaz., Textbook, Shymkent, -2013.
• Makhatov B.K., Patsayev A.K., Kadishayeva Zh.A., Serikbayeva T.S., Orazbekov Y.K. "Textbook for laboratory and practical classes on Pharmacognosy". Tutorial. In Kaz., Shymkent, -2013
• Toksanbayeva Zh.S., Patsayev A.K., Serikbayeva T.S. "Medicinal Resourse Study" Study guide. In Kaz., Shymkent, - 2015.
• Toksanbayeva Zh.S., Patsayev A.K., Seidaliyeva Zh.S. - "Medicinal resource science" Study guide. In Kaz, Rus., Shymkent, - 2015
• Orynbasarova K.K. - "Pharmacognistical study of Medicinal plant materials" Study guide. In Kaz., Shymkent, - 2016
• Patsayev A.K., Makhatov B.K., Kadishayeva Zh.A. "Collections of Medicnal plants" Onu Araly, In Kaz., Shymkent, -2017
• Patsayev A.K., Makhatov B.K., Orynbassarova K.K., Kadishayeva Zh.A. "Pharmacognosy" Book, 2nd ed., In Kaz., Shymkent, -2018.
Educational work at the Department is carried out in the following areas: socio-political and legal, moral, cultural, aesthetic and ethnocultural, environmental, social, physical and promotion of a healthy lifestyle, development of research and creative potential of students, prevention of religious extremism, prevention of offenses, addiction.


Research work of the Department
The Department conducts scientific research of various types of medicinal plant materials, with the aim of their industrial development and expanding the range of domestic herbal remedies.

The purpose of scientific research: search and creation of our own raw material base of medicinal plant materials, development and implementation on their basis of highly effective and environmentally friendly phytopreparations of a wide spectrum of action.

Research direction: Isolation and study of biologically active substances from medicinal plants of South Kazakhstan and the creation on their basis of new phytopreparations of a wide spectrum of action. To implement the goals and objectives of research work, scientific and technical projects were prepared and implemented on the following topics:
• "Phytochemical and pharmacognostic study of medicinal plants of the flora of South Kazakhstan, used in folk medicine" UDC 615.322 (574.5), GRNTI 76.31.31, state registration number 0112RK01295.
• "Study of the Small-flowered Catnip, Zizifora thin, Zopnik willow, Asiatic mint and Clary sage of the family Lamiaceae flora of South Kazakhstan" State reg. number is 0115RK02131.
• "Phytochemical studies of plants of the genera Yarrow and Cornflower of the Aster family" State reg. number is 0115RK02129.
The training of qualified scientific personnel is carried out through the magistracy and doctorate studies. To date, the Department has trained 21 masters of Pharmacy, 3 - at the training stages.
Currently 7 undergraduates are studying in the magistracy on the educational program M142 "Pharmacy" (scientific and pedagogical direction). On the educational program D140 "Pharmacy" 1 doctoral student is studying.

Student scientific circle. The Department has a student scientific circle "Phytochemist", among students of 3rd and 5th courses. Each student assigned a certain section of the complex topic of the Department's research and development and have a scientific supervisor. Students actively participate in annual scientific and practical, international, republican conferences, regional olympiads, forums and symposia of young scientists and students.



Department employs:

1. Orynbasarova Kulpan Kenzhebayevna - k. pharm.n., acting professor head of the department
2. Omirali Murat Adikhanovich - k. pharm.n, acting associate professor
3. Orazbekov Orazebulan Kuandykovich - PhD, Acting Associate Professor
4. Kozykeeva Raushan Aidarbekovna - PhD, Acting Associate Professor
5. Ibragimova Zauregararaevna - senior lecturer
6. Rakhmanova Gulnar Sattarkhanovna - Master, senior lecturer
7. Taskynbaeva Nurzhamila Muratovna - teacher
8. Karzhaubaeva Aishabibi Duisenbekovna – Master, teacher
9. Zhanibek Malika Serikzhanovna - teacher
10. Uvalieva Rakhima Ilyasovna - senior laboratory assistant
11. Mayra Kairatovna Zhetaeva - Senior laboratory assistant
12. Kemelbekov Ulan Satybaldyuly - Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of scientific research of medicinal plants
13. Asan Baktybai Muratuly - Senior laboratory assistant of Laboratory of scientific research of medicinal plants


The Department is located at:
Shymkent, Al-Farabi square 1, building №1, 5th floor






01.10.2020, 10:24