Center for Competence and Additional Professional Education

The Faculty of Continuing Professional Development (FNPR) was established in accordance with Order No. 574 of the Ministry of Health, Education and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 20, 1998. The faculty has been functioning since October 1999 and operates on the basis of departments of therapeutic, surgical, pediatric, pharmaceutical profile, as well as departments of public health. Training sessions are conducted according to the approved calendar and thematic plan at the relevant departments by teachers from among the full-time teaching staff and with the involvement of practical healthcare specialists as part-timers.
On August 28, 2013, on the basis of the order of the Rector of UCMA No. 80p, the Faculty of Advanced Training of Doctors and Pharmacists was renamed the Faculty of Continuous Professional Development.
SKMA employs a highly qualified teaching staff with higher and first categories, as well as academic degrees of candidates and doctors of sciences who have specialized in leading universities of the world.
The training of cadets is carried out in the state and Russian languages.


Тo meet the educational needs of healthcare personnel to maintain, expand, deepen and improve professional knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the development of new (additional) competencies.


FNPR carries out certification courses and advanced training of medical workers, by state order and on a self-financing basis in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 21, 2020 No. KR DSM-303/2020 "On approval of the rules for additional and non-formal education of healthcare professionals, qualification requirements for organizations implementing educational programs of additional and non-formal education in the field of in the field of healthcare, as well as the rules for recognizing learning outcomes, received by specialists in the field of healthcare through additional and non-formal education" and by Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 21, 2020 No. KR DSM-305/2020 "On approval of the nomenclature of specialties and specializations in the field of healthcare, nomenclature and qualification characteristics of positions of healthcare workers", by Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2020 No. KR DSM-218/2020 "On approval of the list of specialties and specializations subject to certification of specialists in the field of healthcare".
1. Professional development is a form of additional education that allows you to maintain, expand, deepen and improve previously acquired professional knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as master new (additional) competencies within the main specialty. The duration of professional development programs ranges from 2 credits (60 hours) to 9 credits (270 hours).
2. The certification course is a form of additional education aimed at expanding, deepening and forming additional professional knowledge, skills and abilities in a narrow specialization within the framework of the main one. The duration of programs for certification courses in the amount of 10 credits (300 hours) or more. One credit is equal to 30 academic hours. The duration of one academic hour is 50 minutes
3. Within the framework of non-formal education programs, scientific and information exchange events, seminars, trainings (master classes), etc. are held.



Kenesova Kulzhamila Zhumanovna

Director of the Center of Competencies and Additional Professional Education



Deputy Director of the Center of Competencies and Additional Professional Education

- Nurmakhanbetova Aisha Erkinbekovna



Head of the Department of Additional and Non-formal Education of Healthcare Professionals –

Bagabat Ardak Tokmyrzakyzy



Methodologist of the Department of Additional and Non-formal Education of Healthcare Professionals –

Ishankulova Laura Isakulkyzy



Head of the Professional Development Department FTS -

 Lesbek Sania Umirzakkyzy



Methodologist of the Professional Development Department FTS -

Baynazarova Aigerim Rysbaevna



Head of the Department of Digital Support for Education and Pedagogical Competencies -

Abdukarimova Malika Aybekovna



Head of the Department of Digital Support for Education and Pedagogical Competencies -

Abilda Dana Bekzhigitovna



Specialist in videography and video editing of the Department of Digital Support for Education and Pedagogical Competencies -

Adilbekov Ruslan Sainovich





Location of the dean's office:
Shymkent, Al-Farabi Square No. 3, 1st floor, office No. 104
8(7252)39-57-57 (ext. 1054)


02.10.2020, 06:25