Students of the 5’th year of the faculty of pharmacy and the 3’rd year of accelerated education from 30.05. to 10.06.2022 passed the production practice "Standardization and quality control of medicines".

The bases of industrial practice this academic year were the testing laboratories of the National center for the examination of medicines and medical products of the committee for medical and pharmaceutical control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the cities of Almaty, Karaganda and Taraz.

A preliminary installation conference was held on the ZOOM platform which teachers introduced students to the internship program, tasks, methodological guidelines for their implementation, diaries, literature necessary for practical training, with recommendations for filling out diaries and conducting a test based on the results of practice.
The virtual pages for each study group via the website were opened where practice managers uploaded daily tasks for the applications "Instructions", "Tasks", "Monitoring-evaluation", "Users", etc. In the "Instructions" section, students received detailed information for performing pharmacopoeial analysis of medicinal substances, tablets, injection solutions, etc.

Students got acquainted on the basis of practice with the work of a pharmacist-analyst on quality control of medicines in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents, with the order of work, equipment in accordance with SOP.
The industrial practice ended with a differentiated offset in the presence of completed diaries and characteristics from the head of the practice base.

A final conference was held with the students in a mixed format at the end of the internship. The heads of the practice bases noted the high level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired by students within the walls of academies.
The head of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry Ordabayeva S.K. expressed gratitude on behalf of the management of the academy, the staff and student trainees to the heads of the bases of industrial practice of testing laboratories of the National Center for the examination of medicines and medical products of the committee of medical and pharmaceutical control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty, Taraz and Karaganda Kabdenova A.T., Zeynalov T.S. and Daurbayeva H.A..

28.06.2022, 18:11